
High-yield breeding techniques of pheasant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yield breeding techniques of pheasant

Pheasant farming is a more technical thing, many farmers will find it difficult for pheasants to fattened and grow slowly. In fact, from some details of breeding, it can effectively improve its fattening effect. Xiaobian here introduces some techniques for high yield of pheasants, which you can refer to.

1. Selection of seedlings

The general direction of seedling selection determines its later growth space, so how to select pheasant seedlings? First of all, we can choose from its hair color texture, organized, and relatively obvious color distinction is better quality, and more pure varieties. Second, you can look at the tail feathers, if the hair color is bright and longer is the better developed, if the longer is the medium variety, if the feathers are messy and dim is the poor variety.

2. Feed treatment

Feed is the key to fattening pheasants, so the choice of feed is very important. The digestive ability of pheasants in the early stage is poor. At this time, it is necessary to choose some foods that are easy to absorb. Corn flour mixed with wheat flour and some fish meal or bone meal supplement trace elements are a good feed product. The ratio is about 5:4:1, which can be adjusted appropriately. In order to improve the fattening effect in the later stage, some vegetable leaves and grass leaves need to be added to the feeding items, accounting for about 30%. At the same time, it also needs to feed some insects such as insects, which have supplemented other elements it needs.

3. Daily management

There are many reasons for pheasant production reduction, and the physical aspect is mainly caused by their fighting with each other. It is common for pheasants to peck each other's feathers or even peck their own feathers, so it is recommended that everyone cut off their beaks early to reduce the chance of harm. The second is that it is frightened, and then it will fly around, it is easy to knock down the hard material in the cage, causing injury, affecting development, so pheasant cage to choose a quiet place. According to the data analysis, the breeding sites with serious pecking feathers and noisy breeding sites will decrease by about 10%-20% compared with the normal places of the same kind all the year round. This data is terrible.

4. Sanitary treatment

The last is health. The biggest threat to farmers every year is disease. Pheasants should pay special attention to this aspect, because many pheasants carry many pathogens themselves. The first step should be to inject pheasants with the necessary vaccines, followed by disinfection of the cages. The first disinfection should be thorough and repeated about three times. In the later period, disinfection should be carried out once a week, and some items that increase pheasant immunity should be mixed from time to time in the food fed, so as to give consideration to both inside and outside. To ensure the health of pheasants, so as to achieve the purpose of high yield.

The above is to improve the breeding technology of pheasant high yield, breeding this thing to start from the details in order to better improve the yield. These small aspects are often the main causes of production losses. Farmers should pay more attention to these aspects.