
Don't make the seven big mistakes of eating soup like this.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, I often hear old people say that drinking soup before a meal is better than a good prescription, while others say that drinking soup before a meal is slim and healthy. But the method of eating soup is wrong, not only will you get fatter and fatter, but there will be three high risks. Come and see if you drank it right. Drink.

I often hear old people say:

It is better to drink soup before a meal than a good prescription.

Others say that drinking soup before meals is slim and healthy.

But it's not the right way to eat soup.

Not only will you get fatter and fatter, but there will be three high risks.

Come and see if you have the right drink.

Misunderstanding of drinking soup

Myth 1: the whiter the soup is, the more nourishing it is.

Many friends have the habit of drinking thick soup, thinking that the thicker the soup is, the more nourishing it is, and the nutritional value of the soup must exceed the ingredients itself, but it is not.

The whiter the pig's foot soup and bone soup is, the higher the fat content is. For the three high people, this kind of soup should be drank less, and it is best not to drink it.

Misunderstanding 2: only eat soup but not dregs

"dregs" are the pieces of meat in the soup. Meat cooked for too long may taste a little firewood, but it is rich in amino acids, which is very good for the human body.

Experiments have proved that the main ingredients of most soups are salt and oil, and 85% of the protein is still in the meat. It is a pity that you can only drink soup without dregs.

Myth 3: drinking bone soup can supplement calcium

Drinking bone soup does not supplement calcium, and you will gain weight if you drink too much.

The calcium in the bone is difficult to dissolve into the soup, and even if you gnaw on the bone, you can't make up for it. Like most soups.

Bone soup is mainly composed of salt, fat and purine. for the three high people and obese people, drinking bone soup will lead to excessive salt.

If you want to supplement calcium, you must eat more bean products, fruits, green vegetables, dairy products, they are the best choice to supplement calcium.

Myth 4: meat soup is more nutritious than vegetarian soup

You can't just drink soup without vegetables or meat. in fact, the nutrition of the two soups is not much different, such as salt, oil, water and so on. Remember: eat the vegetables and meat in the soup in order to absorb more nutrients.

Myth 5: like to drink soup with unique flavor

Soup with only meat or vegetables is called "unique" soup. Soup cooked with a single ingredient may taste purer, but the nutrition is very simple. The best combination of meat and vegetables, such as lotus root sparerib soup, ribs nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, lotus root spleen appetizer, superimposed efficacy, it will be more delicious to drink.

Misunderstanding 6: stewed rice in soup

Eating too much rice in soup will hurt your stomach.

When the human body digests food, it will chew for a long time, and the secretion of saliva will increase, making it convenient for us to swallow food.

If you mix rice with soup, the rice will be brought into the stomach without chewing. Soup will dilute stomach acid, rice can not be digested and absorbed in time, it is easy to stimulate the intestines and stomach, a long time will lead to lack of gastric power, leading to stomach disease.

Myth 7: the longer you cook soup, the more nutritious you will be.

In theory, the longer the soup is cooked, the more fully heated it will be, and the more nutrients it will contain, but in fact it is not.

The protein and amino acids in meat can only be dissolved by water. No matter how long the soup is cooked, it is not as cost-effective as eating meat directly.

You can lose weight by drinking soup like this before meals.

If you want to lose weight by drinking soup before meals, "what soup to drink" and "when to drink" are more fastidious.

1, do not drink thick soup, broth and other high-calorie soup, the first choice is low-calorie rice soup, porridge, this kind of soup contains less fat.

2. It is best to drink soup 20-30 minutes before a meal, which can have the effect of suppressing appetite and reducing the amount of food for dinner, so as to lose weight better.

Delicious recipes recommended

Drinking the right soup can not only make you look good, but also absorb more nutrients and contribute to your health. Here are some common delicious soups.

West Lake beef soup

Starch is indispensable in making soup food, but the usual starch blood sugar reaction is very high, which can be replaced with konjac powder. This dish is rich in dietary fiber and no starch, so it is very suitable for people with diabetes.

100 grams of beef, 50 grams of tofu, 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 1 egg, 5 grams of konjac powder, the right amount of salt.

Cut beef, tofu and shiitake mushrooms into small pieces and prepare egg whites

2. Pour diced beef into boiling water, blanch and remove blood.

3. Pour water into the pot and bring it to a boil. Add tofu, shiitake mushrooms and beef. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Pour water into the konjac flour to dilute and mix well, then pour into the pan to thicken, finally pour in the beaten egg whites, stir quickly, 1-2 minutes to the pan.

Corn Tomato Beef Soup

Sweet corn contains the least sugar, eat 50 grams of 100 grams a day, with tomatoes, beef soup, can help us reduce blood lipids, but also can supplement iron, lose weight, a lot of efficacy.

200 grams of beef, 100 grams of sweet corn, 1 tomato, half carrots, onions, ginger and garlic, edible oil and salt.

1. Sliced beef is blanched with boiling water to remove excess oil and remove.

2. Cut corn, tomato and carrots, chopped onion, ginger and garlic

3. Heat the wok and pour the oil, saute the spring onions until fragrant, then pour in the beef and stir-fry until white.

4. Pour in the tomatoes, stir-fry until the tomatoes come out of the water, add diced carrots and corn quickly, pour in the right amount of hot water without passing the ingredients, drop a few drops of vinegar, cover and simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes, sprinkle with the right amount of salt.

In short, if you can't drink the soup well, you might as well not drink it at all!

How's about? Have you all learned the skills of drinking and making soup?

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