
Causes and control of root rot of Clivia sinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and control of root rot of Clivia sinensis

Many growers often encounter all kinds of problems when planting magnolia, especially when a good gentleman seedling suddenly has a problem, but we do not find any problem when we check the plant itself. At this time, we have to check the roots, because of the large number of plants, there will always be some omissions. The following editor will introduce to you several common root rot causes and prevention.

1. Rooting with fertilizer

In the early stage of seedling cultivation, many growers will place base fertilizer in order to make the orchid grow better, but there are not many soil layers covered by the base fertilizer when placing the base fertilizer. This leads to the slight growth of the root system in the later stage, which will make the tender roots in the early stage come into direct contact with the base fertilizer, causing serious root burning. Another is the late habitual regular topdressing, resulting in excessive accumulation of fertilizer, and topdressing in the water, resulting in rapid decomposition of fertilizer, and then wrapped around the root system, there will also be the phenomenon of root burning. So the soil covered by the initial base fertilizer should be 5-8 cm, or even more, and the late topdressing depends on the situation, malnutrition is topdressing.

2. Stagnant water

Stagnant water is a common cause of rotting roots, and it is also a common mistake made by many growers. In order to facilitate the application of water, many friends will choose the spray irrigation method, which will cause many magnolia to receive uneven water, and it is not easy to find, which will cause the water at the bottom to soak the root of the magnolia, and finally cause rot. You can insert a stick into the soil layer at the edge of the magnolia plate, and then put a dry stick to see how wet it is to tell if there is stagnant water. If it is installed in the basin, you can make a hole at the bottom to prevent stagnant water and take pictures of excess water.

3. Germs

The incidence of Cymbidium is relatively low in plants, but it is extremely easy to infect other seedlings as soon as it appears. The most common disease is root rot. This attack will have obvious symptoms, first of all, the magnolia will look very depressed, lifeless, and then the roots will be extremely moist, and there will be a strange smell. After the disease, it is best to replace the cultivated soil, and to remove the rotten roots, and then irrigate the roots with 1200 times of dimethazone in the later stage, which has achieved the effect of prevention and control.

4. The soil is not suitable

Magnolia is a kind of plant that prefers acidity, so if the soil is alkaline, it will cause serious problems in its roots. If the soil is relatively thick, it is easy to consolidate and rot the root, because such soil seriously hinders the normal growth of the root system. In this case, the soil should be changed immediately, the soil PH value should be controlled at about 6-6.5, the soil should be fine, and the soil with low viscosity after watering is the first choice, and some sand can be mixed in the middle for better ventilation.

The above are several reasons for the rotten roots of Cymbidium, and the prevention and control methods are also introduced here, which can be used for reference by the majority of growers. If you need more information, please follow our website.