
Celebrate the 69th anniversary of the motherland's birthday and record my story with succulent plants.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Preface follow Encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [elegant Music Dance] for the original contribution, sharing and editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Maanshan, Anhui.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thanks to the author [elegant Music Dance] for his original contribution and sharing.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Maanshan, Anhui

Light chaser

The Summer Solstice did not arrive at the original soundtrack of the TV series.

Cen Ninger


Ushering in the golden autumn October, the whole country celebrates together, wish our great motherland more and more prosperous, our majority of meat friends are more and more beautiful, more and more. Because of the great motherland, we have a happy life today. In order to celebrate the 69th anniversary of the motherland's birthday, I specially give my flesh and blood today to record this unforgettable moment.

Today is a good day, the breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, it is very suitable to take pictures of the meat. There is a road in my heart and a dream under my feet. On the first day of National Day, travelers watch car scenery and human scenery at high speed. I, who love meat, watch it at home, and fantasize that one day I will be reduced to the owner of the greenhouse. Well, I think too much.

When I was not good at writing, I never thought I would be realistic for them, because ever since I was a child, I thought that such a troublesome composition could be written by others. However, it is true that. Haha, dear, it's off the subject! Come back soon.

Before April, my interest in succulent plants was just so-so. There were only a few succulent plants at home. Hem, yes, an inadvertent opportunity to insert willow, went to the succulent shed, since then out of control, rapidly developed to more than a hundred pots. In order to popularize succulent knowledge, one day I had a whim. Does Wechat have a succulent official account? After a random search and attention, from then on, among the many official accounts, the encyclopedia of succulent plants has become a must-see before I go to sleep. There are all kinds of experiences in raising meat along the way, and succulent rookies will also become immortals. The mystery of my novice summer meat with little damage should be in it!

It's rare to have time to toss about today. Although I still got a few company calls in the morning, it didn't affect my mood at all. I was busy taking pictures of the meat in the morning. I was busy from about 9 o'clock in the morning to nearly 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't cook the meal either. My heart meat was also busy with his "meat", and I didn't want to eat at home.

At this time, my husband went out to the movies with big meat, leaving me to continue to write succulent stories. Please listen to me for a cup of afternoon tea.

No more nonsense, the food is served, and it's ready to go. The meat raised 18 years ago is a completely succulent rookie. Mm-hmm, the word Xiaobai is very annoying, which immediately reminds me of little Jack. A lot of meat is destroyed by it. There have been many immortals because of it, but these are the only ones left:

Red chili lotus, who didn't know anything about sunshine, ventilation, water control and de, just grew into long legs:

Deer horn begonia, booger seedlings grow into small old stakes

Antler Begonia, very easy to raise

Yulu has been raised in the garden soil, the novice is the most suitable for training objects.

I heard that Yulu needs a backlight shot in order to show her transparent beauty.

Raised lazily, the purple moon opened and hung up.

Dongmei, the company's uncle beheaded him on a 9-year-old stake.

The leaves on the pile of Dongmei are cultivated, and the leaves are magical. Many trees are cultivated, and there are also gifts.

Ye Jiandong beauty is double-headed, and there are still three, not one by one.

Marcus, it looks like a monkey fishing for the moon.

My head was accidentally knocked off in summer.

Marcus, who shines brightly with the sun, also lost several heads.

After entering the pit, I have the idea of raising meat with meat, and I don't want to fall into the pit completely. Well, thanks to the people who bought my meat in the first place. Maybe your meat is gone, it doesn't matter, it's normal to become a god in how many pots of immortal death, otherwise you can't sum up the experience of raising meat. If not, don't spray ^.

When I first entered the pit, I made a batch of platters. Like being possessed, I could go home from work every day until I fell asleep at one o'clock at night. Once they have married for others now.

Last time, my classic platter was spelled at the request of the girl. She is a novice on the road. It is not easy to see her beautiful and raise it. I heard that she has already taken a whole shit.

A batch of platters are made by staying up late every day.


The flesh of the immortal, the beautiful shadow of the past

Debbie: the fairy was gnawed by little Jack before dawn (after autumn, the root was gnawed by little Jack. After meeting the water, the root began to rot. Fortunately, she left the cub and looked forward to growing up. )

Jelly girl heart, Jack swordsman

And so on, the barbecue day in the package area this summer, coupled with the destruction of Jack and the butterfly, is very difficult for succulent plants. Put on the anti-theft window in the south, I didn't even pull a sunshade net, and the survivors were very good and strong.

Tree ice, the ugliest two trees left before the beginning of summer, were placed on the north balcony all summer.

Ji Meiyue, can not escape the palm of Jack, not afraid, I have a flower god

Mother-born rain swallow, beautiful, looking forward to a more beautiful moment

Burst millet star, real leather and solid

I wonder if it's beauty or cheese?

Who's this? Green vegetables

Let's get a new look, beautiful.

Master, I don't know if I'm ashamed.

Snow White seems to have bituminous disease.

Others are not pictured one by one, and I want to upload them all at once. Then have some suspense.

A new batch of meat was introduced at the beginning of September.

Colored crayon


B girl's heart


Green Bear, make him fat tonight.

Queen Sasha.


This jade dew must have been abused.

Opal, spread the pie.

Blue Bird

Dongyun, just planted, feels like the leaves are going to rot.

Baifeng, I feel so immortal.

The big meat in our family is messing with his little meat, and won't stop until the whole "shit" is done.

Well, as a balcony and windowsill party, I thought when I had more meat, there is a big terrace on the top floor opposite. Can I borrow it? If I had known I would raise so much meat, I would have bought the top floor even if I bought a house and borrowed money. Sunshine, terrace... Haha, thinking too much.

Conclusion: if you treat it attentively, you will be reaped a colorful one.

National Day short holiday, I wish you all a happy festival!

Praise the author

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