
The big secret in the medical world: these 18 diseases are pure nonsense, you lose money if you don't see them ~

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many times because we do not have enough medical knowledge, can not cure themselves, there is a little problem to go to the hospital. But in the doctor's opinion, many diseases sound scary, in fact, do not need to be treated, are spending money! Secret 01 Bone spurs are the ego of the human body...

Very often, because we don't have enough medical knowledge, we can't treat ourselves, so we have to go to the hospital for something wrong. But from the doctor's point of view, many diseases sound scary, but in fact, they don't need to be treated, they are spending money wastefully!



Bone spur

It's the human body's self-protection.

As soon as most people hear that there is a "bone spur", they immediately think of pulling the thorn and want to get rid of the thorn and then quickly. It is even often associated with "bone fracture", worrying about whether it is the small "bone spur" caused by "bone fracture". People are completely deceived by the name "bone spur", which is actually a kind of self-protection of the human body.

Zhang Wencai, chief physician of the third Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Orthopaedic Hospital of Guangzhou University of traditional Chinese Medicine


Bone spur, that is, hyperosteogeny, is a self-protective response of the human body.

It is not the main cause of pain, and most bone spurs do not need treatment. If you want to treat them, you can only treat the primary disease that causes bone spur-osteoarthritis, such as losing weight, choosing the right way of exercise, and medication to relieve pain.



Chronic superficial gastritis

It's indigestion, and most people have it.

According to the survey, the detection rate of chronic superficial gastritis is 80% to 90%. In the hospital, as long as you undergo gastroscopy, almost without exception, you will get the lightest diagnosis: chronic superficial gastritis. It is difficult for clinicians to see a normal gastroscopic report that there is no abnormality in the stomach and duodenum. Therefore, almost most people have chronic superficial gastritis.

Bai Yang, Deputy Chief physician of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University

Introduction, in fact

Many chronic superficial gastritis reported by gastroscopy are only functional dyspepsia or non-ulcerative dyspepsia, not really chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa and do not need treatment at all.

If there is fullness and indigestion after a meal, it can be alleviated by eating multi-enzyme tablets and a variety of probiotics, and there is no need to worry.



Thyroid nodule

95% are benign.

Another "high frequency" disease in physical examination is thyroid nodules. Many people are very nervous as soon as they are found to have "thyroid nodules" in their physical examination, thinking that they need immediate treatment and are very worried about turning into "thyroid cancer"!

Teng Weiping, former chairman of Endocrinology Branch of Chinese Medical Association

According to the introduction, the reason why many people have thyroid nodules is mainly due to the progress of B-ultrasound technology, even 3mm nodules can be seen.

In fact,

There is no need to worry about "thyroid nodules" less than 1 cm and no further examination is required. The vast majority are benign, let alone become "thyroid cancer".

Most thyroid cancers are "inert tumors", that is, "it is lazy, does not like metastasis and does not like progression." If the nodule size is 1cm to 4cm, be sure to check regularly.



Premature beats of heart

No symptoms, no treatment.

When the heart beats normally, if some beats occur ahead of time, it is like playing a dance music that is out of rhythm. This condition is called "premature heartbeat".

Many people believe that the detection of "premature heart beats" is often associated with heart disease and requires immediate treatment. In fact, it cost a lot of money to cure a disease that didn't need treatment. Note: extrasystole itself is not a disease, but a concomitant symptom of other heart problems.

Pan Hongtao, Deputy Director of Cardiology Department of the fourth Hospital of Jilin University


If the premature beat is physical examination, the patient does not feel anything, and does not affect daily life, this situation does not need to be treated.

Even if there is a need for treatment, the best treatment is not the use of medicine, but should actively resolve and allay the anxiety of patients. It is recommended that these people drink less strong tea, coffee and other drinks, work and rest normally and stay up late. If the symptoms of extrasystole are obvious and affect daily life, antiarrhythmic drugs can be used under the guidance of the doctor.




Fumigation and sitting bath

As the saying goes, "ten people and nine hemorrhoids". It's hard to get hemorrhoids.

Using the method of fumigation and sitting bath can have a good therapeutic effect.

Bai Keyun, Director of anorectal Department, Shandong Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine


Take Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Fangfeng, Sophora flavescens and other medicinal herbs to boil water, and then pour it into a large basin that can hold about 5000 to 6000 milliliters of water to fumigate and wash the affected area.

Fumigation and washing can effectively reduce and eliminate the symptoms of patients, especially inflammatory thrombotic external hemorrhoids. Usually once or twice a day, each time fumigation about 15 minutes on the line.




Wash your nose with salt water every day

Nasal washing with light saline is the best way to relieve allergic rhinitis.

Cai Changyi, director of facial features department of Shanghai Ruijin Hospital

Introduce, when washing your nose with salt water, plunge your face into a basin of warm light salt water, wash it with water inhalation from your nose, or use a nasal washer.

When washing the nose with saline, the best concentration of saline is the concentration of normal saline (that is, 0.9%), because the concentration is too high, it will damage the nasal cavity, and if it is too low, it will not work. The salt water temperature had better be about the same as the body temperature, that is, 36 ℃ to 39 ℃.



Cold pain in joint

Blow with an electric hair dryer

The body blows violently to the air conditioner and electric fan. For a long time, the joints are prone to pain when they are cold. Since it is the fault of the cold wind, you might as well blow it away with hot air, and the hair dryer will come in handy.

Tian Qingle, Deputy Chief physician of Department of traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and moxibustion in Jiangsu Provincial people's Hospital


The reason why hair dryers can treat some diseases is probably similar to the role of "moxibustion" in traditional Chinese medicine, that is, to treat and alleviate diseases through thermal stimulation.

Especially the cervical vertebrae, if the joint is suddenly cold caused by pain, you can use a hair dryer for hot air therapy, force the cold out, blow through the clothes, it is not recommended to blow directly into the skin, pay attention to skin burns.



Chronic pharyngitis

Drink with honeysuckle.

Chronic pharyngitis is very uncomfortable, take a variety of medicine is not good, at this time with honeysuckle, houttuynia, wild chrysanthemum, fat sea soak together, drink a large pot, can play a good therapeutic effect.

Liu Hong, Director of traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin Public Security Hospital


Honeysuckle, Houttuynia cordata, wild chrysanthemum and fat sea are all drugs for heat-clearing and detoxification. Fat sea can clear the lungs and pharynx and resolve phlegm.

, use 4 tablets. Honeysuckle heat-clearing and detoxification, has a broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, chronic pharyngitis is often caused by bacterial infection, honeysuckle can treat chronic pharyngitis, often dosage 15 grams.



Simple hepatic cyst

Less than 5 cm need not be treated.

Many human bodies have detected "liver cysts", just like getting liver cancer, feeling that life is hopeless and that they are jealous of talents. Most of the liver cysts are congenital, that is, "fetal belt", and the growth is very slow, and most people have no obvious symptoms. If it hadn't been found by accident during the physical examination, some people would not have found it even for the rest of their lives.

Shi Futian, Director of surgery, Zhejiang Jinhua Wenrong Hospital


The most common clinical hepatic cyst is simple hepatic cyst, which is mainly caused by congenital abnormal development of intrahepatic bile duct or lymphatic vessels and is a benign lesion of the liver.

Due to the slow growth of cysts, most people do not have any obvious symptoms. Generally less than 5 cm of liver cyst, do not need to do any treatment, but it is necessary to regularly (every 6 months or 12 months) to the hospital for B-ultrasound reexamination. If it is more than 5 cm, you should go to the hospital for treatment.



Uterine leiomyoma

Most of them are in peace.

The word "uterine leiomyoma" is so reminiscent of cancer! In fact, this "tumor" is not the other "tumor", most of the uterine fibroids are benign. Uterine leiomyoma is also a "regular customer" of gynecological physical examination, which is encountered by almost 1/3 of mothers. Some small fibroids not only do not have any symptoms, and even gynecological examination is difficult to detect, occasionally do B-ultrasound to find.

Hong Li, Chief physician of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University


If the myoma is relatively small, the patient has no obvious symptoms, and the leiomyoma has no signs of malignant transformation, as long as regular follow-up observation. However, if the diameter of a single uterine leiomyoma exceeds 5cm, it is a more serious case, and it is best to be surgically removed in time.



cervical erosion

It's just a scary name.

The word "erosion" is so powerful that when I hear the word "cervical erosion" for the first time, I have made up the terrible picture that "the cervix begins to fester and stink slowly, and then spread to the whole uterus". In fact, this is just a big mistake in the history of medical terms.

Internationally, the name "cervical erosion" has been abolished, and so has the gynecology textbook in China. Its real body is "ectopic columnar epithelium of the cervix", which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Tan Xianjie, chief physician of obstetrics and gynecology department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital


Cervical erosion is a normal physiological change in women, which can not be called a disease. Most women with cervical erosion are only affected by hormone levels, and the so-called "erosion" will be improved after hormone levels are stable.

Many women are tricked by small advertisements on the street to deal with cervical erosion and cervicitis through the so-called "physiotherapy". If they do not do well, they will cause unnecessary infection, and their wallets will hurt their bodies at the same time. It is simply a big prank!



Mammary gland hyperplasia

Normal physiological phenomena

After a physical examination, 8 of the 10 girls had the problem of "breast hyperplasia". At this time, many women often go to the hospital and ask the doctor, "will breast hyperplasia turn into breast cancer?" "what kind of medicine can you take to 'eliminate' the proliferation?" In fact, most patients with breast hyperplasia do not need treatment at all.

In medicine, some breast hyperplasia is a normal physiological phenomenon. The most typical is breast hyperplasia caused by menstruation, women's pre-menstrual breasts will be very uncomfortable, feel bloated, but also a little pain, but after the physiological period, the pain will gradually disappear. In addition, in order to highlight their "good figure", some women often wear underwear too tight; or when unhappy things have happened recently, they are more depressed and have greater mental stress, which can also cause short-term breast hyperplasia.

Jia Guocong, chief physician of the Breast Department of the third affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University


Breast hyperplasia is actually a benign disease, normal physiological phenomenon, no special treatment, very few will develop into breast cancer, pay attention to regular reexamination. In addition, as long as maintain a good state of mind every day, eat less high hormone food, adhere to the right amount of exercise can effectively alleviate breast hyperplasia.



Pelvic effusion

No need to treat less than 3 centimeters

"pelvic effusion" sounds very terrible, in fact, the human body's pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity is not a dry "land", the peritoneum, greater omentum, intestines, and so on will secrete some fluid, these fluids usually play the role of lubricating and protecting pelvic and abdominal organs and tissues.

"pelvic effusion" is only a manifestation, not a disease, rather than a description of pelvic fluid in imaging.

Zhang Yi, Director of Gynecology, the first affiliated Hospital of China Medical University


Almost every woman will have varying degrees of pelvic effusion, generally women are less than 3 centimeters. Less than 3 centimeters can be regarded as a normal range, if there are no other uncomfortable symptoms, there is no need for treatment.

"what if it's a little more than 3cm?" If it is ovulation, menstruation, or just after menstruation, the effusion may increase slightly, but if there are no other abnormalities, even if it is slightly more than 3cm, it is not surprising.




Just a bottle of moisturizer.

Eczema is itchy and painful, and many people are extremely worried. Tossing and turning treatment, scattered thousands of money, it is not good. However, if your doctor tells you to deal with most eczema, moisturizer will do! You believe that?

In fact, eczema is a kind of "skin allergic" reaction caused by a variety of internal and external factors. if you want to protect the skin, you must protect the two layers of the skin, one is the stratum corneum and the other is a lipid membrane covered by the stratum corneum.

Seemingly ordinary moisturizers can not only better protect the skin screen, but also slow down the stimulus response.

Liu Xiaoyan, chief physician of Children's Hospital affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics

Introduction, moisturizing cream should follow three principles: sufficient measurement, multiple times, massage.

Measure enough:

In terms of dosage, for children with dry skin and specific dermatitis, use more than the usual amount of moisturizing, apply a thick layer, because a large amount can play a role, generally use up 250 grams a week.

Many times:

In addition to measuring enough, but also have to repeat many times a day, tirelessly daub, strengthen the moisturizing strength. Generally speaking, it is normal to apply it four to six times a day. You don't have to wipe it after taking a shower. You have to wipe it even if you don't take a bath.


In addition to using the right amount, you have to learn how to apply it, otherwise pushing it evenly will hurt the skin. The correct application technique is that palms and fingers form a fan-shaped surface, gently push the ointment away, gently knead and massage, so that the moisturizer is absorbed more evenly and rubbed more comfortably for the child. At the same time, rubbing can also relieve itching and massage the skin.



I can't sleep with tinnitus.

Soak feet with white vinegar

Lu Junping, Deputy Chief physician of Otorhinolaryngology, traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Tai'an City, Shandong Province

Introduction, regular tinnitus can be irritating and difficult to sleep.

The simplest and most effective way to treat tinnitus is:

Adding a little white vinegar when washing your feet at night can help you relieve tinnitus and sleep sweetly.

Bathe your feet with hot water and white vinegar before going to bed, once a day for 30 minutes each time. The water temperature is about 38 ℃ ~ 42 ℃. Put your feet into the basin, scrub them back and forth, massage the Yongquan acupoints on the soles of your feet constantly, until you feel the acupoints swell, and then wipe dry.



Migraine headache

Eat more foods containing magnesium

"A headache is not a disease, the pain is really fatal." people with migraines often rely on painkillers for relief, and there is no radical cure. To treat migraine, eating more foods containing magnesium can relieve the pain.

Gu Zhongyi, a dietitian at Beijing Friendship Hospital

In recent years, the medical profession has noticed

Magnesium ions may play an important role in the mechanism of migraine attacks, especially in patients with migraine.

Patients with frequent migraines are recommended to eat vegetables, millet, buckwheat noodles, beans, bananas, nuts and seafood to reduce migraine attacks. Dried Laver is especially recommended because Laver contains a lot of magnesium, which is called the treasure house of magnesium. Magnesium has a preventive effect on migraine.



Heartburn in stomach

Chewing peanuts to regulate stomach juice

Many people often have heartburn symptoms after eating. If you encounter heartburn and pantothenic acid problems, you can chew a few peanuts to relieve them.

Take 3-5 raw peanuts, chew carefully, swallow slowly, three times a day, can regulate gastric juice. Peanuts have the effect of benefiting the stomach. after full chewing and grinding, raw peanuts will produce a kind of serous fluid, which can inhibit stomach acid and reduce stomach pressure.



Gray fingernail

Soak in garlic and vinegar

"get two infections of gray nails", gray nails sound terrible, in fact, soaking with "garlic + vinegar" can have a therapeutic effect.

Yao Chunhai, Director of Dermatology, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese Medicine


Onychomycosis, the scientific name of gray fingernail, is caused by skin fungal infection. Both aged vinegar and garlic have antifungal effects, so they can be used for the treatment of gray fingernails.

Take 250 grams of aged vinegar, 250 grams of garlic, mash the garlic into the bottle, the bottle to reach into the hand is appropriate, pour into the vinegar, soak for a day. Soak the hands with gray fingernails in garlic vinegar once a night for 15 to 20 minutes. During the soaking process, the garlic vinegar must spread over the diseased nails. Each soaking time can not be too long, adhere to about 3 months can be cured.

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