
Home "turtle back bamboo" grow "big white beard", asked others to know, the original work.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the advent of autumn, the growth of all kinds of plants is slowly becoming faster. Sometimes it is a good thing for plants to grow faster, but sometimes it is superfluous. Recently, many friends told Huahua that their turtle-backed bamboo grew out of something else, and the more they saw it, the more uncomfortable it became, but they didn't know what it was. When Huahua took a closer look, it turned out that the tortoise-backed bamboo had taken root.

This aerial root is not completely useless, but if this aerial root grows bigger and more prominent, it will greatly hinder the ornamental nature of the plant, but everything has its opposite side. When we give the plant cuttings, if there are aerial roots on the cuttings, the cutting rate and rooting rate will be faster.

In other words, if the aerial roots of the turtle bamboo grow too much, if they affect the appearance and shape of the plant, they can be cut off and will not affect the growth of the plant. Then why do plants take root? In fact, ah, all because the turtle back bamboo to absorb nutrients, nutrients absorbed more, naturally grow air roots.

Aerial roots are harmless, but they can also allow plants to absorb more nutrients, but some aerial roots grow larger, affecting our perception to a certain extent, so there is nothing to lose.

Because the turtleback bamboo itself grows bigger, it is normal for the aerial roots to grow bigger. If the roots grow into the ground, you don't have to cut them. Aerial roots growing into the soil have certain benefits. Aerial roots inserted into the soil can serve as support points for plants and help them absorb nutrients.

Friends who have grown aerial roots at home should not worry about aerial roots. On the contrary, this aerial root is still the result of the vigorous growth of plants at home! Speaking of which, Huahua will give you remedial lessons. What should you pay attention to when raising turtles at home?

Turtle bamboo likes weak alkaline soil, if the turtle bamboo at home does not grow well, and the leaves droop, think about whether the soil prepared for the turtle bamboo is alkaline, or whether it is acidic, if it is acidic, then quickly change the soil for the turtle bamboo, and then later the turtle bamboo may die!

The resistance of turtleback negative everyone is well known, in the home breeding time it is best not to let turtleback leaves be direct sunlight to. If the sun is too strong, it will easily make the leaves of the turtle receive burns, which is not conducive to the growth of plants.

Watering should also ensure that the soil of Tortoise is dry rather than wet, and the soil of Tortoise can be kept moist, because Tortoise lives in a cool place all the year round, so it must not be watered too much. Too much watering water can not evaporate in time will rot the roots!