
Causes and control measures of cracked wax gourd

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and control measures of cracked wax gourd

Submit wax gourd, we think of the role of wax gourd soup beauty, wax gourd is a common food on our table, wax gourd is rich in nutrition, rich in carotene, a variety of vitamins and a variety of trace elements, has an excellent role in beauty and fat reduction. Wax gourd is adaptable to the environment, so it is easier to grow, but it is easy to crack melon when planting, which makes melon farmers have a headache, so what is the cause of wax gourd crack? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look.

First, the cause of cracked melon

1. Partial application of nitrogen fertilizer: improper fertilization and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer to melon farmers, while ignoring the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, resulting in excessive plant growth, consumption of a large amount of nutrients, lack of nutrients in wax gourd, lack of potassium fertilizer, and hindrance of nutrient transport, resulting in cracked melons.

2. The amount of water needs a large amount of water during the expansion period of wax gourd. If the water is not properly watered, the moisture will suddenly increase and decrease, or the soil of young melons will become dry in the early growth stage, and the heavy rain will fall suddenly in the later stage. These factors will lead to drastic changes in moisture, resulting in cracking melons.

3. Temperature instability: like moisture, the sharp change of temperature is also one of the reasons for wax gourd cracking.

4. Lack of trace elements: in the later stage of wax gourd growth, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertility, trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and boron are needed. If the soil and plants are seriously deficient in these elements, it will also cause cracking.

Hormone stimulation: many melon farmers in planting because of the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests or spraying precocious hormone, they will produce a kind of stimulation to wax gourd, easy to cause cracking.

II. Prevention and control measures

1. Pay attention to the balance of water, increase sufficient moisture during the expansion period of young melons, timely watering in times of drought, maintain soil wetness, on the contrary, do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention measures in overcast and rainy weather, and strengthen ventilation if planting in the greenhouse. Reduce air humidity to avoid sudden sunny caused by cracking melons.

2. Increase the application of organic fertilizer, improve soil structure, increase its water permeability and water retention, promote root growth and development, combined with pruning can reduce fruit cracking. Wax gourd needs a lot of nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage of growth, but less demand for nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage. If nitrogen fertilizer is applied too much, it will cause rapid growth of plant branches and leaves and poor growth of wax gourd, so phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is mainly applied at this time to improve yield and quality.

3. Spraying 0.1% copper sulfate or zinc sulfate solution during fruit expansion can improve the heat resistance and crack resistance of wax gourd.

4. The selection of crack-resistant varieties during planting can reduce the probability of cracking melon.

5. Spraying gibberellin solution after flower fade, once a week, 2-3 times in a row, is also very effective in preventing cracking melons.

6. Timely harvest can also reduce cracked melons.

The above are the causes of wax gourd crack and prevention and control measures, I hope to help you. If you want to know more about wax gourd cultivation, please follow us.