
There are three maintenance tips for hanging orchid. After learning it, the new branches will grow wildly on the second day.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chlorophytum potted plant, is a very common home foliage plants, many flower friends raise one or two pots in the living room, mainly for two reasons, one can purify the indoor air, after all, chlorophytum purification air ability is obvious, the second is...

Chlorophytum potted plants, is a very common home foliage plants, many flower friends raise one or two pots in the living room, mainly for two reasons, one is to purify the indoor air, after all, chlorophytum purification ability is obvious to all, and the second is that its leaves are green as oil all year round, relatively speaking, it is easier to maintain and take care of. Speaking of raising spider orchid, although it is easy to raise, there are still some doorways in it, some flower friends, maintenance does not go away, often lead to yellow, dry tip, black tip of spider orchid leaves. In fact, raising a good spider orchid, we only need to remember a few tips to ensure that it is evergreen all the year round.

These three "hanging orchid tips", after learning, the second day began to grow crazy, small hanging orchid channeling non-stop

Before we talk about the maintenance tips of spider plants, we must first understand some of its growth characteristics. For example, spider plants like to live in sunny, well-ventilated locations, of course, the sun is best scattered light. In addition, in terms of soil, it is suitable for growing in loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil containing humus. If the nutrient soil is dry, no nutrients or hardened, it is not conducive to the health of the spider plant. In watering, hanging orchid is more like wet environment, so it should be watered frequently, so dry and thoroughly watered.

Tip 1: Turn the pot.

The flower friends who maintain the spider plant for a long time must know the importance of this detail to the spider plant. Some time ago, some flower friends left a message to me saying, why do half of their spider orchid leaves grow very fierce, new branches constantly spring out, while the other half leaves are short, there is no luster. In fact, this is because your flowerpot does not "turn the pot" for a long time. Generally, we will put the spider plant not far from the balcony, in order to receive light, carry out photosynthesis, and then synthesize chlorophyll, making the leaves green. Sunlight can only reach one side of the spider plant in a day. If the pot is rotated once a week, the light will be evenly received, which will make the spider plant symmetrical around and the ornamental value will be much higher.

The second part of the book: Change the pot.

Flowering all know that watering and lighting are important, but don't ignore the importance of changing pots. As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses, and flowers are well raised, some factors will be affected by flowerpots. Why do you say that? When the nutrient soil in the flowerpot is not replaced for a long time, or the fertilizer is usually used for flower cultivation, it will lead to hardening of the pot soil over time, blocking the leakage hole at the bottom of the flowerpot. Every time a watering, it is easy to lead to ponding, the root system of the spider plant will soon rot. This is not the main, the key long-term do not change the pot, airtight do not say, the root system of the spider orchid is developed, a long time root growth space will be hindered, but also not conducive to robust. Therefore, it is very important to raise hanging orchids and change pots. Can be replaced now, can also be replaced in the spring of next year, pay attention to change pots when checking whether the roots rot.

The third part: Fertilization.

Every kind of potted flower needs fertilization. Some flower friends may say,"Don't use rich bamboo raised in water?" If you think so, you are wrong. Hydroponic flowers also need fertilization, but they can be replaced with liquid fertilizer. Chlorophytum, because the branches and leaves are luxuriant, so fertilizer must be supplied adequately. Especially in autumn, under the premise of sufficient fertilization, it can grow vigorously and then winter safely. When it comes to fertilizing spider plants, I suggest two types of fertilizer that must be used. One is to use cooked and fermented soybeans as organic nitrogen fertilizer and apply them once a month to spider plants. The second is to prepare some potassium dihydrogen phosphate powder, dissolved in water after spraying the leaves of spider orchid, once a month. With such fertilization, it can be clearly seen that the more the spider plant grows, the more vigorous it becomes in about two months.

The knowledge shared above is the tips and details of how to conserve spider plants. These tips not only apply to hanging orchids, but also to flowers such as green radish and clivia that are often raised in the home. Finally, remind flower friends, late autumn season, the weather turns cool, the appropriate temperature of flowers is generally lower than 10℃ growth is hindered, so always pay attention to the temperature, low on the move to indoor maintenance.

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