
In the flower market at the end of September, these flowers bloom beautifully and can buy a large pot for less than 30 yuan.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The National Day is coming soon. Do you feel very excited? Do you have a plan for the National Day trip? As a person who is crazy about flowers, there is only one thing to do in the following National Day holiday: planting flowers, planting flowers.

The National Day is coming soon. Do you feel very excited? Do you have a plan for the National Day trip? As a person who is crazy about flowers, there is only one thing to do in the following National Day holiday: planting flowers, planting flowers! Before the traffic jam came, Qiu Ma took everyone to the flower market for a stroll, choosing some favorite flowers and plants to take home for the National Day!

Warmly remind all flower friends that before choosing flowers, in addition to purchasing according to your own preferences, another very important point is that you must choose according to your own actual conservation environment. For example, the lighting at home is not good, but the selected flowers are all glowing. Finally, don't ask why your own flower cultivation is not good.

Needless to say, directly on the flowers, are some more seasonal prices and affordable, to share with flower friends!

This pot of ginger lotus, the color is beautiful, the pattern is also very elegant, the only disadvantage is that the flowering period is not long enough, about a month of flowering, put in the indoor bright light can be maintained, the price of these two days is about 35 yuan, of course, the original plastic pot, buy a pot home, change into the pot on the OK.

Autumn and winter is the peak season for all kinds of orchids. Flower friends who like orchids should not miss it. The smell of fragrance is very beautiful at home, but the price is on the high side. In the large flower market, the retail price is basically around 80 per pot. The price of orchids is determined according to the number of flowers and arrows.

Ma Yingdan, likes the light, has the purple series and the color series, the flowering period is very long, my own pot basically blossoms from the spring to the present has not broken, but, must remember, it likes the light, likes the light very much, when the light is insufficient, it is easy to cause the flowering to be weak or even not to bloom.

Look at such a big chrysanthemum really want to hold a basin home, is really bigger than the washbasin, trimmed into a very beautiful ball, the price of about 35-40 a plant, the color is really very festive, as a perennial herb, buy one this year, after the flowers fade in the fields, next year you will find that you can get a piece of chrysanthemum, of course, for chrysanthemums, light is really very important, and it is not afraid of cold, the north has not tried But in winter in the south, we are free to spend it outdoors.

As the main flower during the Spring Festival, cyclamen is also popular, but most cyclamen in this season are produced in non-local greenhouses. During the period of local adaptation to the environment, it is easy to have yellow leaves, so when buying restrictions, it is recommended to choose local varieties. According to the plant size and price of about 30 pots, cyclamen can bear drought and cannot be watered too much, otherwise it will rot the root and show you every minute.

Flower lovers who usually like lilies should not miss this kind of potted lilies. The price of potted plants is not far from the price of buying a handful of fresh flowers, but its vitality is definitely longer than that of cut lilies.

Autumn is also the planting period for all kinds of balls. For example, on this National Day, we can plant some hyacinths by ourselves. There are all kinds of colors, and the price is also very beautiful. The average price of a ball is about 5 yuan. The important thing is that it is not difficult to plant it. Beginners can easily do it. Now it can blossom around the Spring Festival.

Blue snowflakes that are not afraid of the sun have always been my favorite, and it is very easy for you to grow a sense of bursting pots. Blue snow in this season is much cheaper than in summer, and smaller plants can be bought home at about 20.

The above pictures were taken from a large flower market in Chengdu at the end of September. The price is for reference only. If you buy it in a local florist, the price will certainly be higher. After all, the wholesale market price is definitely better than the retail discount. Flower friends, the National Day is coming. Let's plant flowers happily together!