
In a variety of ways, the magnificent wind is turned over like a divine dragon.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Bonsai originated in China, has a history of more than a thousand years, known as "three-dimensional painting, silent poetry" reputation, has a strong cultural connotation and artistic form, reflecting the Chinese people's "unity of man and nature" artistic conception. Bonsai is a traditional art of the Han nationality.

Bonsai originated in China, has a history of more than a thousand years, known as "three-dimensional painting, silent poetry" reputation, has a strong cultural connotation and artistic form, reflecting the Chinese people's "unity of man and nature" artistic conception. Bonsai art is a traditional art of the Han nationality and a treasure of garden art. The five major schools of bonsai in China are divided into the South and the North, the South School represented by Guangzhou, and the North School including the Sichuan School, Yang School, Su School and Shanghai School in the Yangtze River Basin. Under the influence of Lingnan School, the bonsai of Lingnan School created a unique composition based on "cutting dry and storing branches", forming the characteristics of "luxuriant and natural, elegant and unrestrained". According to the painting theory of "thousands of miles away" and "seeing the big in the small", the natural features and landscapes of Lingnan are reproduced. It uses plants, rocks, soil, water and other materials to shape the beautiful scenery of nature, at the same time to express feelings with the scenery, the performance of far-reaching artistic conception, like a three-dimensional landscape scenic spot. Bonsai is a kind of living work of art, which is an organic combination of natural beauty and artistic beauty. It is a healthy ecological culture and can cultivate interest.

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