
All your favorite lazy plants are here. These potted plants can survive without watering for months.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Often forget to water plants, or do not want to often manage plants, but like to put some potted plants at home, then these flowers are good choices, they are particularly drought-resistant and do not need to be managed often, even one.

Often forget to water plants, or do not want to manage plants often, but like to put some potted plants at home very much, then these flowers are good choices. They are particularly drought-resistant and do not need to be managed frequently. Even if you forget to water them for a month or two, you can survive.

1. Dracaena fragrans

Xianglong blood tree is a large green plant, which likes sunny and warm and dry environment all the year round. It is also suitable for raising in a brightly lit room, placed directly in a ventilated and transparent position, and can grow well without light every day, but pay attention to avoid frequent watering, the water is easy to rot the roots, and you can wait until the soil is completely dry before watering. In winter, you still have to control the water to survive.

two。 Aloe

Aloe vera is raised in a sunny place, it needs to replenish water regularly to avoid long-term soil drought, otherwise the leaves will be easy to take up, dry tip, or even dry up, but if the light is bright indoors, it is necessary to control watering, otherwise it will cause rotten roots, do not water the leaves or the center of the leaves when watering, otherwise it is easy to cause the leaves to rot.

3. Undead bird

The undead bird is also called rooting on the ground. it is a particularly tolerant plant and can grow in particularly barren soil, but it should be cultivated in sandy soil with good drainage to avoid stagnant water in the soil. It has strong heat and drought resistance. It can grow well even for a few months, and it still has a chance to breed flowers for a few more years.

4. Tequila

Tequila is an ornamental plant with very sharp, thick and hard leaves. It usually takes more than 30 years to blossom.

Do not think that all the serpent orchid plants will be very tall, there are some very small tequila, they are suitable for growing in a flowerpot, can be raised in a place with plenty of light or bright light, it is necessary to properly control the water indoors.

5. Measuring ruler

Measuring ruler is a very common cactus plant, it is actually dragon fruit, it is suitable to be raised in a large pottery basin, the cultivation needs loose, permeable and well-drained sandy soil, and the planting environment should be kept ventilated and transparent. It likes more adequate light and can grow well in places with bright light.

The maintenance ruler should maintain a warm and dry environment all the year round, avoid frostbite, and keep the minimum maintenance temperature above five degrees.

6. Wine bottle orchid

Wine bottle orchid is a tropical plant originally grown in Africa. It likes to grow in places with plenty of light and a dry environment. It can also grow in places where there is no water all the year round. It is very suitable for indoor potted plants. It can also grow well in semi-shady or brightly lit places without frequent watering.

The bottle orchid needs very little water because it stores so much water in its roots that it can survive without watering for three months.

However, the bottle orchid is afraid of the cold, the minimum maintenance temperature should be kept above 7 degrees, and the winter is to move indoors to avoid frostbite.