
The money tree saplings given by my friend last year have cultivated a tree this year. Look how I raised it.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yesterday, a flower friend left a message asking how to raise the money tree. In fact, it is very simple to raise the money tree well. Last year, my friend gave me a small seedling of the money tree, and this year I developed a small tree. Today I will tell you how to raise it! ...

Yesterday, a flower friend left a message asking how to raise the money tree. In fact, it is very simple to raise the money tree well. Last year, my friend gave me a small seedling of the money tree, and this year I developed a small tree. Today I will tell you how to raise it!

First of all, the money trees we buy are generally planted in pure pastoral soil, and the water and air permeability of the pastoral soil is very poor, so it is not suitable for our family to grow flowers in potted plants, so after we buy it home, when the pot soil is dry, we need to replace it with loose and breathable soil!

It is not necessary to give it how expensive soil, if we do not want to buy soil, then we can use pastoral soil plus river sand, pastoral soil to 40%, river sand to 60%, mix them evenly, and then directly on the basin on the line!

Secondly, after we plant the money tree well, it involves a question of daily maintenance. Whether the money tree can be raised well, a very important factor is daily watering. The money tree likes water and is afraid of water. Because its root has a potato with the same tuber, if we water it more, it will rot, and if we water less, it can not provide enough water to the leaves!

Therefore, if we do not have the experience of raising money trees, the best way of watering is not dry, not watering, watering must be thoroughly! This will not make it lack of water, but also avoid watering too much and rotting roots!

In addition, many people say that money trees do not like light, can not be direct sunlight, this statement is actually wrong!

It is not that the tree does not like light, it is just afraid of strong light exposure, for example, at noon in summer, the light is very strong, if we put the tree in the sun, it is easy to sunburn the leaves! At other times, if you don't bask in the sun, its leaves will be dim and dull and don't look bright.

And the money tree as an ornamental plant, its beauty is on the leaves, so we can not expose it in summer, other seasons must put it in a place with plenty of light!

It is really not difficult to raise the money tree well, the soil is loose and ventilated, usually dry thoroughly, give it more sun exposure, if you want to let it grow faster, give it some three-element compound fertilizer, it is as simple as that!

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