
Matters needing attention in mustard planting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention in mustard planting

Mustard is a unique vegetable in our country. It can be used both for roots and leaves. People in many places call it turnip. It can be used for cooking directly or for pickling. It can be planted everywhere in our country. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, mustard has become one of the favorite vegetables. The market demand is large and the planting area is gradually increasing. So let's take a look at what we need to pay attention to when planting mustard.

1. Time

Mustard sowing time is mainly related to the planting area. Generally speaking, it can be planted in spring and autumn, but it is mainly autumn sowing. In China's Changhuai and other places, it is basically sown in July every year. The latest sowing time cannot be later than October. Of course, the best sowing time is August. The yield and quality of mustard planted in August are the best. Therefore, we need to choose the right time to plant according to the specific situation.

2. Temperature

Mustard is a kind of cool vegetable, suitable for growing in the temperature of 15 to 25 degrees, so when choosing planting time, we also need to consider the temperature problem. Generally, the average temperature of the whole year can reach about 15 degrees is the most suitable place for planting mustard. At the same time, we should pay attention to that the planting temperature is higher than 30 degrees, otherwise it will affect the quality of mustard, and in serious cases, it will lead to plant death.

3. Germination

Before sowing, we need to carry out seed treatment and germination of mustard seeds. Generally, mustard seeds are in a dormant state, so we need to sun the seeds, and then put the seeds in an environment with a temperature of three or four degrees for germination. Generally, two to three days can be sown.

4. Sowing

Mustard is generally used in the way of sowing, but in the sowing time to pay attention to is that the seeds should be evenly spread, followed by good seeds after the seeds should be pressed into the soil, so as not to be carried away by wind or rain, but also conducive to seed moisture absorption, promote the speed of germination. Finally, if you are not afraid of trouble, you can still use drilling, which can feed the later field management to reduce a certain amount of labor.

5. Density

Because sowing is generally used, the density is not controlled and needs to be adjusted later. Then we carry out thinning and supplementary seedlings when mustard seedlings grow to a certain extent. At the same time, surplus mustard seedlings can be transplanted. Usually, we must ensure that at least 40,000 plants are planted per mu. Generally, planting is carried out according to the distance between rows of 50 to 55 cm and between plants of 40 to 50 cm. In this way, the normal growth of mustard can not be affected, and reasonable density adjustment can be carried out according to the fertility of the soil.

6. Water and fertilizer

Mustard it is a kind of relatively wet vegetables, if there is no rain after sowing, it is necessary to carry out a watering twice, so as to ensure the emergence rate of mustard, followed by timely watering after emergence, then watering after planting, and finally according to the dry soil in the field to carry out scientific watering, to ensure that the humidity of the field is at least 70%. When preparing the soil, we should apply the base fertilizer according to the amount of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer required per mu, and then carry out the first topdressing after planting, mainly with nitrogen fertilizer for irrigation, because the growth of mustard needs a lot of nutrients, so it needs to be applied at least four times and five times in its whole growth period. The specific fertilization situation needs to be scientifically applied according to the growth of mustard.