
Causes of poor coloring of apples and their solutions

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes of poor coloring of apples and their solutions

Apple is the most widely planted fruit in the world. China is also an apple producing and exporting country. It is planted in all regions. There will be a coloring period in the ripening period of apple fruit. The quality of coloring is related to the quality of apples, poor coloring leads to the decline of quality, which will affect the economic benefits of fruit growers, so what is the reason for poor coloring of apples? How to solve the problem? Let's get to know it.

1. Bad varieties

After years of cultivation, there are many varieties of apples, and the varieties introduced in the early days began to age, resulting in poor coloring, such as Changfu II. For this situation, it is necessary to select late breeding varieties, such as Yanfu series, red generals and other varieties with better coloring.

2. Lack of light and moisture

Light moisture and moisture are important factors before apple coloring. If the orchard is closed and ventilated, the fruit will not get enough sunlight and will not be colored. In addition, during the apple coloring period, if there is no rain and drought, it will also lead to poor apple coloring.

For the case of insufficient light and moisture, it is necessary to strengthen inter-garden management, prune plants in time, improve ventilation and light transmittance between plants, make fruits have enough sunlight, and water in time to keep the soil moist during drought. at the same time, increase the humidity between gardens and promote fruit coloring.

3. Unbalanced nutrition

Nutrition imbalance is also an important reason for poor coloring of apples. Apples in the environment of nitrogen and potassium deficiency will lead to poor coloring, while the lack of magnesium will make them lose green. The main reason for this phenomenon is that fruit farmers apply fertilizer blindly, do not achieve uniform matching of nutrients, long-term application of inorganic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer, application of organic fertilizer watering, heavy nitrogen fertilizer light phosphorus potassium fertilizer or no application of potassium fertilizer. This leads to the imbalance of elements in the soil, which can not supply the seed elements needed for plant growth, thus affecting the yield and quality.

For this situation, we should change the way of fertilization, pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer, mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by inorganic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer, apply chemical fertilizer as little as possible, and pay attention to the collocation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. especially in the coloring period, we should pay attention to the use of potash and magnesium fertilizer to meet the needs of normal fruit coloring.

4. Improper pruning

Apples are generally pruned in summer and autumn, mainly to prune upright long branches, long branches, overdense branches, crossed branches and overlapping branches, so as to improve ventilation and light transmittance between gardens, promote photosynthesis, accumulate more nutrients, and reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption at the same time. So that the plant can grow better. However, if the pruning time is too late or overpruned, it will be counterproductive and affect the normal coloring of the apple.

Pruning should be based on the growth status of the plant and the conditions between the gardens, and the pruning time should be controlled well, and it should be carried out before taking off the bag at the latest.

5. the quality of bagging is poor.

Poor bagging quality will also affect the coloring of apples, the choice of poor quality bagging, its shading is poor, but also not resistant to Rain Water scouring, easily damaged and broken, can not play the role of bagging. Bagging is to inhibit the formation of chlorophyll and promote the synthesis of anthocyanins, and bagging and unbagging time will also lead to poor coloring.

When choosing bagging, you should choose regular manufacturers to buy, choose high-quality double-layer paper bags with good shading and resistance to Rain Water erosion, while bagging time should be controlled after 30 days of age of young fruit, and bagging time should be 1-2 weeks before harvest, carefully observed before harvest. Varieties with good coloring should be bagged early, while varieties with poor coloring should be bagged late.

The above are the causes and solutions of poor apple coloring. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about apple planting, please follow us.