
Easy to raise and easy to blossom. Any kind raised on the balcony is as beautiful as a picture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower lovers must know that not all plants are easy to grow. Some prefer green plants that are evergreen all the year round, others like potted plants or shrubs that blossom easily, while some plants such as buttercup and big rock tree are not suitable for beginners.

Friends who love flowers must know that not all plants are easy to grow. Some love green plants that are evergreen all the year round, others like potted plants or shrubs that bloom easily, and some plants such as buttercup and paulownia are not suitable for beginners. But the following indoor flower potted plants are not only easy to raise but also easy to blossom. Any one raised on the balcony can be picturesque. Let's take a look at these indoor flower potted plants.

1. Xiao Li Hua

Xiaoli flowers look low, easy to maintain, suitable for pot maintenance, raised in the sunny balcony or windowsill is more suitable. It likes a mild environment, plenty of sunshine is necessary, and the temperature can grow between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius. It is afraid of extreme heat or cold, the other is to pay attention to the basin soil not to accumulate water, to prevent excessive drought, pay attention to the basin soil loose (the use of loose sandy soil), then it is easy to feed.

2. Primrose

Primroses that bloom in early spring are very popular in winter and spring, despite its wrinkled leaves and flowers. But it is amazing, the variety of horticulture is numerous, and the pillow dazzles you. It is suitable for north and south conservation, suitable for growing warm temperate zone, can also be seen in the wild, but the flowers are more monotonous. It likes the warm and cool environment, the humus soil with good drainage and the slightly moist environment, and does not need too much sunlight and moisture. It is suitable for indoor potted plants, winter maintenance should not be frozen, properly reduce watering, it can grow very well.

3. Begonia

Indoor flower potted begonia has a very amazing design and color, the more popular Rieger begonia, small plant size, large and gorgeous flowers, flowers comparable to roses, how to teach people not to like it. Begonia likes a warm and moist environment, maintenance needs well-drained basin soil, and the overwintering temperature can be kept above 5 degrees. Properly reduce watering in winter, avoid stagnant water in the basin, give appropriate scattered light, and it is most appropriate to keep it on the indoor windowsill.

4. Hibiscus

Shrub flowers such as Fusang and hibiscus need large flowerpots for pot conservation, and they are tropical flowers, which are not suitable for conservation in the north. But the small hibiscus is different, its small plant type, rich flowers, slightly cold-resistant, it likes well-drained basin soil, like plenty of light, it is most suitable to be raised on the windowsill and balcony.

5. Yueju

Moon chrysanthemum can always give people amazing flowers, they include several varieties of chrysanthemums, rich colors, including the common pink, purple, yellow and white, and easy to maintain, monthly flowering, extremely charming. Indoor flower potted moon chrysanthemum maintenance should pay attention to watering, before winter is dry thoroughly, not only half a cut of water, pay attention to give sufficient sunshine and maintain the ventilation of the environment. It is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently during the growing period, usually every 20 days, when planting, the soil can be given sufficient base fertilizer, and then it can be properly topdressing and humidifying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering.

6. African violets

African violets are potted flowers that are rarely preserved indoors. They like a warm and moist environment and can grow well with proper scattered light. There are many varieties of African violets with rich flowers and colors and small plant types, which are suitable for pot conservation. Maintenance attention to give loose nutrient soil, general succulent nutrition soil is also suitable for planting, basin soil dry and thoroughly irrigated, to avoid basin soil stagnant water. Pay attention to cold protection, give appropriate scattered light, you can maintain growth.

7. Impatiens

Impatiens like a warm and moist environment, can also grow in the dark, do not need too much sunshine, if there is a shady balcony or windowsill, then you can choose to plant impatiens. Impatiens like loose, fertile, well-drained humus soil, watering pay attention to basin soil dry watering, avoid basin soil stagnant water, give appropriate scattered light, can blossom colorful.

8. Carnation

Carnation is a relatively easy to maintain floret, its plant is relatively low, there are varieties suitable for pot maintenance, its maintenance is not difficult. Can choose a slightly larger basin, give enough organic fertilizer as the base fertilizer, do not use phosphorus and potassium fertilizer as the base fertilizer. Maintenance needs sufficient light to avoid excessive exposure, basin soil to choose loose, well-drained humus soil, to avoid basin soil stagnant water. General indoor flower pot can be properly trimmed to control plant type, plant length of 15 cm can be properly pinched top, can promote branching, flowering luxuriantly.

9. Fu Lu Kao

Fu Lukao is a very amazing flower, it has a very large number of flowers, the plant is relatively small, can be cultivated or potted, and can be planted at the beginning of spring next year. It likes a mild environment, strong branches can survive the winter in North China, and attention should be paid to giving well-drained, loose and fertile humus to avoid soil being too dry or moist. Spring and autumn sowing is suitable, it has a large number of flowers, long florescence, or very thin welcome. If you don't like Fu Lukao, you can also choose the lower creeping floret "clump Fu Lu Kao", which can grow a sea of small flowers. So, has the maintenance get of these indoor flowers and plants arrived yet? Let's take care of it and make your balcony picturesque!