
Throw the taro into the water and grow into a large potted plant in 3 months, comparable to the dripping view.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Do you really envy seeing everyone basking on their potted plants in moments every day? Ha, ha,

I believe that friends who have raised flowers must know how Huahua feels! Many novices or rookies who like plants actually want to enter the big pit of growing flowers, but they have no experience and do not know how to choose plants, so they become timid.

It doesn't matter, Huahua has been through it in the same way! At the beginning, I was afraid of giving up halfway, and I was afraid that I didn't have enough knowledge and could not raise plants well, so I practiced my hands with some ingredients from the kitchen at home, and this entered the door of growing flowers! Today, Huahua recommends several kinds of potted plants that can be made with kitchen ingredients for novice rookies to practice for novice friends.


Peanuts should be the seeds of the most common plants, if there are any peanuts at home, note that they are raw. If you are ripe, you can't sprout! Usually, as long as you eat a few fewer peanuts, you can get a small potted plant. How convenient it is!

We soak the leftover peanut kernels in water, and after we find that the peanuts have sprouted, we can pick them up, bury them in the soil, and wait for them to become potted plants. It should be noted that the peanut kernels are not buried too deep, and the soil covered by the peanut kernels is not too thick, so that the peanut seedlings can easily break the soil. After transplanting from the water to the soil, the potted plant should be watered once to ensure the moisture of the plant growth.

In this way, slowly care, less than a month can grow into a small potted plant, placed on the desk or desk is a very good choice!

Sweet potato

When I was eating sweet potatoes yesterday, I found that sweet potatoes sprouted! Huahua looks like a lot of fun, so I made a small potted sweet potato directly, and it's interesting to make a potted plant with sweet potato. And very simple, it is possible to use water and soil. Just put the budding end of the sweet potato up and put it in a container filled with soil or water. It won't take long, the sweet potato will grow fresh leaves, and then you will be beautiful!


In fact, we do not know that corn can also be turned into a potted plant. Have you only heard of sweet potatoes and potted potatoes? Today, Huahua tells you that corn can also be potted! The method is as simple as the above two!

Just peel off the corn and put it in a container with water. It's super simple, and the corn sprouts in a few days! The only thing to pay attention to is to try to choose some older corn, because the tender corn is not easy to germinate, we still have to eat it!


In fact, taro can also be grown into potted plants! Moreover, the potted plants planted with taro are quite different from the above ones. The potted plants planted with taro take longer and grow bigger. The leaves of taro look a bit like Dishui Guanyin.

The growth of taro is quite exuberant. It can grow from a small taro to a tall potted plant in almost three months. Give it a try.