
Cattle people have cow methods. I didn't expect durian to grow home methods. It's so simple.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to durian, many friends must like it and hate it. But where there is demand, there is supply. it is precisely because some people like to eat durian that some people grow durian, so can we grow durian in potted plants? ...

When it comes to durian, many friends must like it and hate it. But where there is demand, there is supply. it is precisely because some people like to eat durian that some people grow durian, so can we grow durian in potted plants? I believe that whether they are friends who like to eat durian or those who do not like durian, they should all have a try. After all, if the planting of durian is successful, it will have a great sense of achievement. In fact, durian grows very tall in nature, sometimes reaching a height of 25 meters, but that doesn't mean we can't plant durian in pots.

The specific steps are as follows:

1. Our first step is to select the durian core, which is not required. As long as it is the durian core, we need to clean it after selecting the pomegranate core, because the durian core we selected may also contain some pulp or other substances, so we need to clean it up. After cleaning it, we will let it dry and dry it. You don't need to be exposed to the sun, you just need to dry naturally in a windy environment. After we find the durian and dry, we have to put it in a container and soak it in clear water for 24 hours.

2. We need to prepare the soil, and after 24 hours of soaking, we need to put the durian core in the soil, because this is only the initial planting stage, and the nutrient content of the soil we choose does not need to be too high. But the soil permeability must be good. We did this step only to nurture the seedlings of durian. If we don't know whether our soil is permeable or not, we can add some large sand grains to the selected soil to satisfy the soil permeability.

3, next we will formally plant durian kernel, first we need to put the soaked durian core on the soil surface, then spread a layer of soil on it, cover the durian core, and then gently press the soil to make the soil thicker, then we need to pour some water on the pot plant, put it in a ventilated place, and quietly wait for it to sprout. It will sprout in about a month.

4. When we see durian sprouting, don't rush to move it to another flowerpot, because durian is still very fragile at this time, and we will hurt its root system if we are not careful, so we need to wait for it to grow stronger and then transplant it into other flowerpots. We must be careful when transplanting, his root system is too fragile, we need good protection, the best way is to transplant together with the soil.

After finishing the above steps, in fact, we have already finished the steps of planting durian, and then there is the problem of later maintenance. Because durian belongs to tropical plants, so he is not afraid of high temperature at all, we must give it enough light, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to grow. When he grows stronger, we need to give him some organic fertilizer to lay the foundation for his health. Basically, after that, durian will grow healthily.