
A ladle of water, a rope and a green apple make a TV wall, relatives and friends who praise when they see it.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green pineapple can climb the wall, and many flower friends buy it for this. As a result, they can't "climb" no matter how they go home. Today Huahua will show you how the green radish wall of the ordinary flower friend's house is raised! Flower friend @ Please call me the brave family.

Green pineapple can climb the wall, and many flower friends buy it for this. As a result, they can't "climb" no matter how they go home. Today Huahua will show you how the green radish wall of the ordinary flower friend's house is raised!

Flower friend @ Please call me Luo of Mugong's family. Recently, it is a little "crazy". As soon as the weather is cold, it will be swishing long. No, the TV wall has climbed all around, and there will be no place to "put" it soon!

It is not uncommon for green pineapple to climb into the TV wall. Many flower friends have the same experience. Take a look at the following @ two green pineapple trees that I give to my heart, get up and wrap them together and become the bangs of TV.

Green pineapple not only likes to climb on the TV wall, but also grows into a green pineapple "curtain" on the stairs.

The green apple hangs on the small windowsill and grows into a green apple "curtain" ~

Put it in the porch and you can see it when you enter the door, which is better than any decoration!

Green pineapple grows crazily all over the wall, 5 tricks are up to you

Do you feel itchy when you see these green apples crawling all over the house? Don't disrelish your green pineapple, as long as you master the method, your pot can also grow crazy!

1. When autumn is dry, bathe the leaves more often

Green pineapple likes the environment with high humidity. When the air becomes dry in autumn, it is easy to dry tip, yellow leaves and fall leaves if you don't "bathe" the green pineapple leaves. It's best to get some time sooner or later and spray the leaves with a small spray can.

Careful flower friends, you can also spray the water, add 5-10ml beer, or vitamin B powder, green apple leaves can absorb nutrients, grow bigger and greener.

2. Raise turtle water and fish water, hurry up in autumn

Green pineapple is raised with fish tank water, which ensures the nutrition of green pineapple, and the fish can also eat the dirty things in the water, saving the effort of changing water. It is really killing two birds with one stone. Flower friends who find it troublesome can also scoop up the fish tank water to water the green apple to ensure the growth and prosperity.

3. Soak some banana peel, and the green pineapple can climb after drinking.

We usually use Amoy rice water, soybean water is nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, green pineapple foliage plants also need to supplement potash fertilizer, banana peel is a good source of potash fertilizer. Cut up the banana peel and soak it in the old Gan Ma bottle, and you will be able to water the green apple in about 2-3 weeks.

4. Tea dregs are most suitable for green turnip when they are retted with water.

Soak the leftover tea residue with boiling water and pour it into a bottle for retting. The green apple can be watered in 2-3 days. The retted tea water is slightly acidic, which happens to be slightly acidic. Watering the tea water once a week can also add a lot of nutrition.

5. guide the growth ahead of time, and the green pineapple will climb faster and faster.

Some flower friends reported that the green pineapple was slow to climb the vine. We can plan the route for it in advance, as long as we see a longer branch, we will gently fasten it to the wall with tape and fire rope, and it will speed up the climbing of the vine.

Green pineapple all over the house, what problems should we pay attention to?

Green pineapple crawls all over the house, and many flower friends ask if it is damp and attract worms. In fact, how many flowers there will be such a problem. The most important thing is that we should do a good job in family hygiene. We should scrub the leaves more often, remove the dead leaves when we have time, and strengthen ventilation.

If there is inevitably Xiaohefei and so on, you can use 200ml lukewarm water to wash half a tablespoon of low-bubble washing powder, stir well and cool and spray on the leaves, which can kill small flying insects and kill bacteria properly.

Green pineapple nurtures TV wall

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