
How to raise hyacinth? Technical articles on culture methods and matters needing attention of hyacinth in soil culture

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, Hyacinth is a herbaceous bulbous plant for many years, which belongs to flowering plants. Hyacinth plants are low and neat, with dignified inflorescences, rich colors and beautiful flower postures. It is one of the famous bulbous flowers blooming in early spring, and it is also an important species of potted flowers. Suitable for.

Hyacinth is a herbaceous bulbous plant for many years, which belongs to flowering plants. Hyacinth plants are low and neat, with dignified inflorescences, rich colors and beautiful flower postures. It is one of the famous bulbous flowers blooming in early spring, and it is also an important species of potted flowers. It is suitable for arranging flower beds, flower borders and flower beds, and can also be used for cut flowers, potted plants or water culture. It has the effect of filtering dust, and the fragrance of flowers can stabilize mood and eliminate fatigue. In addition to ornamental flowers, aromatic oils can also be extracted. Today, the editor of Flower and Fruit House will learn the breeding methods of hyacinth with you, as well as the matters needing attention.

Growth habit of hyacinth

In order to maintain the hyacinth, the first thing you need to know is the growth habit of the hyacinth. If you do not understand the growth habit of the hyacinth, it is very difficult to raise the hyacinth! Hyacinth growth habits: hyacinth habits like the sun, cold resistance, like warm and humid winter, summer cool slightly dry, sunny or semi-overcast environment. Suitable for growing in a cool and humid environment and loose, fertile sandy soil, avoid stagnant water. Hyacinths like fertilizer, suitable for fertile, well-drained sandy loam. Hyacinth can be planted in pots, planted in the ground or raised in water.

Flowering period of hyacinth: March-April.

Hyacinth flower words: burn the fire of life and enjoy a rich life.

Culture method of hyacinth

Method 1. Soil

Hyacinth like fertilizer, suitable for fertile, well-drained sandy soil, select fertile, loose, well-drained sandy soil to cultivate hyacinth. Hyacinth nutrient soil formula: rotten leaf soil 4 + garden soil 3 + river sand 2 + plant ash 1 preparation, with earthworm fertilizer or other poultry manure mixed into the effect is better. Hyacinths can also be cultured in water, and now many people who raise hyacinths like to cultivate in water.

Method 2. Watering

The water requirement of hyacinth varies with its growth stage. It is better to moist slightly during the rooting period of the bulb. Sufficient water is needed during leaf growth and budding and flowering stage. The amount of water should be reduced in the full flowering period, and the bulb should stop watering in the dormant period to keep it dry. Hyacinths are usually thoroughly watered at 7.8 o'clock in the morning or after sunset in the afternoon, once every 3-4 days in winter and once every day in summer. When the soil is dry and white, it is almost ready to water.

Method 3. Fertilization

The nutrients needed for hyacinth flowering are mainly supplied by the nutrients stored in the bulbs and leaves and the base fertilizer. During the autumn and winter growth period, topdressing mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium was applied twice. In order to apply fertilizer to hyacinth, attention should be paid to the fact that if the fertilizer is not applied properly, the bulb is easy to rot. Hyacinth is an imported bulbous plant.

Method 4. Temperature

Keep hyacinth at room temperature 5 ℃ 10 min. If the water temperature rises to about 20 ℃, the hyacinth should be changed every 3-4 days until the flowers fade. (hydroponics)

Method 5. Reproduction

Hyacinth reproduction is commonly used to divide balls and sow two kinds. Among them, the breeding method was mostly used when cultivating new varieties, sowed into the culture soil in the cold bed in autumn, covered with soil of 1 cm, and germinated at the end of January and the beginning of February the following year. Bulbs cultured from seedlings blossom after 4-5 years. Under general conditions, the germination ability of seeds can be maintained for 3 years.

Method 6. Hydroponics

Hyacinth aquaculture requires that the water level should have a space of 1-2cm from the chassis of the bulb, so that the root system can breathe, and it is strictly forbidden to fill the water over the bottom of the bulb. In December, you can put the seed ball in a wide-mouthed glass bottle and add a little charcoal to help with antisepsis and disinfection. The seed ball is only dipped to the bottom of the ball, then it is placed in a dark place and the bottle is covered with black cloth, so that after germinating in an all-black environment for more than 20 days, it is put outdoors to be exposed to sunlight for 1-2 hours a day at first, and then gradually increased to 7-8 hours, most of which can blossom during the Spring Festival when the weather is good.

Matters needing attention in the cultivation of hyacinth

1. In the process of hyacinth planting, the soil must be dry before watering, so as to avoid excessive moisture corm rot.

2. Hyacinth basin soil moisture should not be too wet, still less can it produce stagnant water.

Conclusion: after reading the contents of "breeding methods and matters needing attention of hyacinth" above, I believe you should have a general understanding of the conservation of hyacinth, thank you for your support, and pay attention to us to get more maintenance methods and skills of hyacinth.