
What if the cucumber only blossoms but doesn't bear fruit?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What if the cucumber only blossoms but doesn't bear fruit?

Cucumber is a common vegetable, which is planted all over our country, but it often blossoms but does not bear fruit when planting cucumber. It is mainly due to our poor management, such as leaving too many melons and failing to control the use of fertilizer and water. The abuse of pesticides or late harvest will lead to the phenomenon of flowering and non-fruiting, seriously affecting the yield. So what should we do if cucumbers only blossom but don't bear fruit? Let's take a look at it.

1. Thinning flowers and fruits

In order to increase the yield of cucumber, many farmers will allow the flowers and fruits on the plant to grow, thinking that the more the better. In fact, the number of flowers and fruits exceeding the load range of the plant can not only increase the yield, but also increase the incidence of diseases and insect pests. As a result, the yield does not increase but decreases, so it is necessary to sparse melons in time and control the number of melons on the plant at a reasonable level. It is also necessary to remove the old leaves and yellow leaves in time, because these leaves are not only unable to bear melons but also consume nutrients.

2. Rational fertilization

We all know that nitrogen fertilizer can promote plant growth and accelerate plant growth, so many farmers only pay attention to the advantages of nitrogen fertilizer when applying fertilizer. The application of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer leads to the overnutrition of the plant, the phenomenon of overgrowth, and then the phenomenon of only flowering and no fruit. Therefore, we must control the balance of fertilizer nutrition when applying fertilizer, and we must not overapply a single fertilizer.

3. Timely watering

Most farmers are blindly watering, according to their own mood and intuition, resulting in abnormal plant growth. Watering should be determined according to the weather, growth process and other factors, should not be watered in low temperature and cloudy days, if the soil temperature is less than 10 degrees, the water content exceeds 85%. It not only makes the root unable to breathe, but also retts the root, which hinders the growth of the root. When we water, we should decide according to the water content of the soil, and then try to water it on a sunny day, so as to ensure the growth of the plant.

4. Strengthen the permeability

The light and ventilation of melon garden is very important, timely ventilation can enhance plant respiration, light transmission can enhance plant photosynthesis. Improve the nutrient accumulation and melon setting rate of the plant, prune the plant properly, and cut off the overgrown branches, weak branchlets and overdense branches. It can not only effectively improve the permeability of melon garden, but also reduce some unnecessary nutrition consumption and increase melon setting rate.

5. Timely harvest

Cucumber is an annual crop, but many times farmers because of unstable prices, low market demand, in order to wait for the price to rise. Some mature cucumbers are not harvested in time, resulting in the lack of growth space and location of new melons, resulting in the phenomenon of only blooming but not bearing fruit. Therefore, we have to pick cucumbers in time after ripening, so that the second batch of new melons can have a better growth environment and increase yield.

The above is the solution that cucumbers only blossom but not bear fruit. As mentioned earlier, this phenomenon is caused by our poor management. Strengthen the management of melon garden, control the application of water and fertilizer, and do a good job of shaping and pruning in time to ensure the growth of plants. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, for more information, please continue to follow us.