
Create cultural brands and make more masterpieces.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Morning & nbsp; Prince of Piano 3 Richard Clayderman .

Early morning

Richard Piano Prince 3

Richard Clayderman


Create cultural brands and make more masterpieces.

On the morning of September 25, 2018, Zheng Xiaoxing, chairman of Sichuan Federation of Arts and Art, and Yang Nan, director of Chenghua District Culture Bureau of Chengdu City, visited Sichuan Jiuzhai painting Academy and Sichuan Tianjiao Giant Panda painting Academy. Mr. Tong Changxin, vice presidents Xiang Yunhua and Liao Guoshan participated in the reception. Chairman Xiaoxing and Director Yang Nan listened carefully to the work report of Dean Changxin, and fully affirmed the current calligraphy and painting exhibition "one Mountain and one River" when visiting some of the works of the painting Academy. He also highly praised the 40-meter ink scroll "Fushun Tuojiang" drawn by Mr. Tong Changxin for his hometown Fushun, and instructed the painting academy to actively cooperate with the local authorities to develop a good brand of giant panda culture. Chenghua District Culture Bureau should also work with the painting Academy to shape local cultural brands and vigorously promote the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries in our province. The presidents of the two academies felt cordial and responded positively, expressing the positive style of all colleagues in the painting academy and the creative attitude of making more masterpieces.

Sichuan Jiuzhai painting Academy

Sichuan Tianjiao Giant Panda painting Academy

Editor of the beautiful article: the Foreign publicity Office of the two Academies

Edit time: September 25, 2018


Part of the Picture of the Fushun Tuojiang River

Preface to the Picture of Fushun Tuojiang River

Wen Zuoping / Nie Zuoping

Nie Zuoping: painter Tong Changxin, Yu Xiangdang. It recently killed 48 meters long roll "Fushun Tuojiang Xingtu", from the entry of Lion Beach, to the exit of the long Beach Dam, 200 miles of Tuojiang River, suddenly on paper. Fushun side wants to print ceremoniously, charge Yu as the preface, get this small article, with Ji tail. ]

Yu Wen Zhuangzi said: the hills and mountains are humble and high, and the rivers are big when the rivers meet. The west of Sichuan province is despicable, the peaks stand high and ten thousand trickles into water. At the southern foot of Jiuding, the Tuojiang River begins. Tuojiang River, in ancient times, is known as Wushui River and Hanjiang River. The record of "Yugong" says: Minshan guides the river, and the east is tuo. It stretches for 1500 miles and ends on the Yangtze River. Its domain also, the soil is fertile, the population is wide, the famous city Xingluo, the important town chess cloth, for a long time for the Sichuan province plaster.

I Fushun, both the source of well salt, compound known as the hometown of gifted scholars, it depends on the vertical passage of the Tuojiang River, moisturizing ten thousand hectares. The Kaotuo River enters from the northwest of the county, Xiashi City, across the East Lake, around Fushi, connecting Deng Guan, Hui'an Creek, around Zhaohua, and then to long Beach, winding to two hundred miles, according to the total flow of 1/8.

Guanfu Fushun, Qingjiang River around Guo, clear water reflecting the sky. If you support the Tuojiang River, you will enjoy the smoothness of boats, the convenience of irrigation and the benefits of fishing. Tens of thousands of food and clothing, living in a thousand families, is for my mother river. To the scale of cities and towns along the way, such as spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum, each is good at the prosperity of the moment.

Lion City, also known as Lion Beach. The tile house is undulating and the wooden pavilion faces the water. Dawn to the bluestone streets, wine curtains attract the wind; after night, at the corner of the Green River, fishing boats listen to the rain. The ancient style of the water and land wharf is still vaguely alive.

The rich are also known as Bujiang. The flow of the Gaijiang River is tortuous, from north to east, changing from east to west, and its trace is like a giant cauldron, which is the name. The thousand-year-old county and county governance are located in this country. Into the city, Huqiu stacked green, the West Lake Duixiu, is actually the legacy of ancient Weir plug. There is the sweet taste of bean blossoms and the respect of Confucius Temple in Wen. The old streets and new towns are full of buildings. This is where the essence of my city lies.

Deng Guan, Puxi joins the Tuojiang River. In the past, the salt ship of the self-flowing well, along the Pu River into the Tuojiang River, the Shuntuo River into the Yangtze River, twice Sichuan salt to help Chu, non-Tuojiang River could not be done. Deng Guan strangled the two water at the turn of the river, and the industry and mines gathered here.

Anxi is where Qingshan Gorge is located. The Kaotuo River is divided into three gorges from north to south. Qingshan Gorge lives downstream, two miles long. The banks are high and the mountains are high, and the cold trees depend on them. Morning clouds smoke at night, Feiquan birds. Recall that when I was young, in the spring and autumn of every year, I would go back to the current and enjoy the smoke scenery. Where the scars pass, the vegetation is still green.

Zhao Huazhi, Liu Guangdi Sangzi. Just go north, buy the Zhoutuo River and go down to Jiang Yang first. Before leaving generously to write a song, the song said: can not hold the east of the river, bronze lute iron plate what a hero. A hundred years to return, the light of the tower is still alive, the soul of the gentleman returned.


Tong Gongchang believes, and the people of the city. Master calligraphy and painting, like singing. The government moved to Chengdu in the fifth century, but the native land is very affectionate, and Nianzi is here. The land of parents, every dream. At the age of Ding you, the public boat sailed the Tuojiang River, and the old traces were carried out again. After that, he sat behind closed doors, imitated mountains and waters, and changed his manuscripts three times. After finishing his work in October, he became a 48-meter-long scroll, which is called "Fushun Tuojiang Xing Yin Tu".

Yu Guan is a picture, or mountains or water, or bamboo or trees, or smoke or clouds, or boats or cities. Qifeng Qingliu, open eyes, sincerely know that those who do not have hills and gullies can not do it. According to the picture, feel the height of heaven and earth, know the detour of the river, sigh the beauty of the scenery and taste the magnificence of the hometown.

Praise said: the vast river, Yingying rural feelings. The river is not yet young, and the feelings of the countryside are endless.

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