
A gorgeous plant with flowers that look like a lady's purse and want to raise a few pots when they see it.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Some plants grow very strange or very gorgeous, so they become very popular potted ornamental plants, such as the common balsam flower, also known as lotus flower, it is a very small herb, its flower stem is relatively.

Some plants grow very strange, or grow very gorgeous, so they become very popular potted ornamental plants, such as the common Prunus bungeanum, also known as lotus, it is a very small herbaceous plant, its flower stem is relatively high, it is best to grow to more than 20 centimeters, the ornamental is very good.

Breadbasket flowers are generally planted as perennials in flowerpots or in the courtyard. Their flowers look very much like ladies' wallets and slippers. They are very easy to grow, and their leaves look like ordinary weeds. But the flowers are very gorgeous and delicate.

1. Daily maintenance

Baobao flowers can be planted indoors or outdoors, and they are most popular as potted plants. if you want to raise them well, you must first understand its growth environment. It was originally a plant growing in Central and South America. It likes a cool environment and needs regular watering for pot conservation.

two。 Position of placement

It is enough to have proper scattered light in the maintenance position, and there is no need for excessive exposure.

Pot plants can be placed directly on a brightly lit windowsill, to avoid direct sunlight, it is suitable to be placed on the south or east windowsill, giving about 4 to 8 hours of scattered light every day, when the sun is strong in summer, you can pull up the sunshade net, because the light is too strong and easy to burn leaves and flowers.

3. Regular watering

Pubao flower does not need frequent watering, overwatering or stagnant water in the soil, its roots are easy to rot, but each watering should be completely thoroughly, not just a little water at a time.

You can wait until the soil 3cm to 5cm below the soil surface is completely dry and then irrigated until water drips out of the bottom drainage hole.

4. Promote secondary flowering

The balsam flower can grow for many years in a warm environment all the year round, and can be raised all the time. once the flower has withered, it will be more difficult to reopen a new flower and need to be properly maintained before it can blossom.

If you want to promote the flowers to bloom again, it is necessary to cut off the residual flowers in time after the flowers have withered, or to add some rotten organic liquid fertilizer properly to avoid excessive barren soil.

5. Outdoor maintenance

Pu Baobao flower is generally used as indoor potted plant conservation, but it can also be cultivated outdoors, its plant is relatively small, generally only about 25 centimeters, you can plant it on the edge of the flower bed, but it needs a lot of compost to grow well. Loose and drained soil should be given during the growing period.

6. Curing temperature

The best temperature for conservation is between 18 and 25 degrees, the lowest temperature is above 7 degrees, and the best temperature at night is between 13 and 18 degrees. Move it to a semi-overcast environment when the temperature is too high in summer to avoid excessive exposure.

7. The method of reproduction

If you want to cultivate new bushy flowers, you can try sowing and reproducing, as long as you prepare the seeds, the soil can choose loose and drained peat soil with perlite, mixed at 3:2.

Baobao flowers can be cultivated after warm spring or autumn. The seeds are sown on the soil surface about 1cm or 2cm to keep the soil moist. The temperature is about 18 degrees, and it will soon take root and sprout.

Prunus bungeanum can also be propagated by stem cutting, that is, cutting a relatively strong stem and removing the bottom leaves. If you want to increase the success rate of cutting, you can dip a little rooting powder at the bottom of the cut and keep the soil moist in the soil. The time of cultivation and reproduction is usually at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.