
How to rest cucumber seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to rest cucumber seedlings?

Cucumber seedling resting is a very common thing, many growers friends in order to increase the yield of cucumber, do not control the amount of melon left on the plant. As a result, the nutrition of the plant can not be supplied evenly, the growth of cucumber is blocked, the growth is weakened, yellow leaves, deformed melons and other problems affect the yield and quality. If there is no timely management, there will even be the phenomenon of extinction. So what should we do if there is a phenomenon of cucumber seedlings resting? Let's take a look at it.

1. Lighting management

Light is important for the growth of cucumber. Sufficient light can enhance the photosynthesis of cucumber and increase the nutrient accumulation of the plant. Even if you encounter continuous rainy weather, you have to open the mulch for a period of time. Many friends feel that it is useless without the sun to open and will lower the temperature, causing cucumber growth discomfort. But it is wrong that cucumbers can still carry out photosynthesis if the mulch is pulled away in rainy weather, because there is scattered light in the sky. And it can also increase the temperature of the plant appropriately.

2. Plant adjustment

Cucumber vine fall should be familiar to everyone. When we give cucumber vine fall, we should be careful not to drop it too low, which affects nutrition absorption and is not conducive to plant growth. After successfully falling the vine, the plant should be controlled at about 1.4-1.6 meters, and the leaves on the plant should not be less than 15, so as to enhance photosynthesis and promote plant growth. Timely thinning of melons is the key, and many seedlings are suspended because the number of melons has exceeded the load of plants. The melons on the plant should be controlled within the bearing range of the plant, and should be harvested in time to provide sufficient nutrition and growth space for new melons. The leaves of the aged yellow leaves on the plant should also be removed in time to reduce unnecessary nutrition supply.

3. Fertilizer and water management

When encountered with low temperature and low light, the frequency of watering should be reduced, especially in winter, the frequency of watering should be controlled at about once every 3 weeks, and small water should be irrigated to prevent cucumber from freezing injury. It should not be ventilated immediately after watering. It should be ventilated when the greenhouse temperature rises to about 28-32 degrees. Pay attention to the ventilation vents, can not all open the vents at once, should be slowly opened, so that cucumbers adapt. When applying fertilizer, it is mainly mixed with water, and attention should be paid not to overapply it when applying fertilizer.

4. Disease control

Disease is also one of the main causes of cucumber seedling suspension, such as brown spot, downy mildew and so on. We should follow the principle of giving priority to prevention and supplemented by prevention and control, regularly inspect the melon shed, observe the plant situation, ensure that there are no diseased plants in the greenhouse, and there are no signs of disease, and pull out the diseased plants out of the shed in time after discovery. Spray chemicals in the greenhouse for prevention and control, and timely ventilation after spraying, otherwise there will be drug damage, when using medicine to control the concentration of chemicals, too high will have a certain inhibitory effect on cucumbers.

The above is the solution to cucumber seedling resting, in fact, we also need to do a good job of prevention in our daily work. Cucumber seedlings can not be treated after resting, only diseased plants can be pulled out. So we need to do all this prevention work, disease prevention and control work should also pay attention to, because if not properly managed, there will be not only diseases leading to seedling suspension, but also drug damage and other more harmful to plant growth. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.