
Is it really okay to throw toilet paper down the toilet? People in the past said: if you want to get stuck, just throw it away.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When staying at home, in addition to the usual bedroom is the longest bathroom, even if the kitchen, in fact, will not go to many times, of course, except foodie! Often going to the bathroom is nothing more than going to the toilet, taking a bath, washing hands, washing hair and so on.

When staying at home, apart from the bedroom that he often stayed in, the bathroom was the longest. Even if it was the kitchen, he would not go there many times, except for foodies of course! Often go to the bathroom nothing more than toilet, bath, wash hands, shampoo and so on, so the bathroom can really be counted on the most often go to the place!

Similarly, the toilet is also a relatively easy place to go wrong, such as toilet clogging, floor drain clogging, these are very common things. When it comes to toilet clogging, many people reflect that it is because they throw used tissues directly into the toilet. In the long run, the toilet will become clogged. Is that really the case?

Huahua felt that this only accounted for half of the factors. If the toilet paper we usually use is water-insoluble, so directly thrown into the toilet, it will inevitably be blocked. But if you use toilet paper that dissolves in water at home, you can't blame toilet paper if the toilet is clogged. Unless he was careless or someone else accidentally dropped something into the toilet, the toilet would be clogged!

Therefore, when we usually use the flush toilet, it is best not to throw some solids into it, such as diapers used by babies, throw them into the toilet, and whose home is not blocked? Some friends will feel that if the toilet paper is thrown into the toilet, even if it is water-soluble, but the psychology is still too bad to think that those papers will block the toilet; some friends feel that if the toilet paper is put into the trash can, it is easy to breed bacteria, especially in the bathroom environment, bacteria will multiply faster, so this method is not feasible.

In fact, Huahua thinks, whether in the bathroom or in the kitchen or other places, bacteria will always be there, what we can do is try to avoid the breeding of bacteria, such as toilet garbage once a day, or once a day or two, if the time is longer, may really produce more bacteria oh.

Of course, if a friend is really used to throwing toilet paper into the toilet and flushing it away, of course it is OK, but he has to bear the risk of high toilet clogging probability ~ No matter which method, it may be troublesome, but if from the perspective of preventing toilet clogging, Huahua still recommends that everyone be diligent and clean up the garbage in the toilet every day ~

In addition to these two methods, the problem is solved from the toilet itself. When we choose, we can choose a straight-through toilet, which has a smaller probability of clogging. Moreover, we can also choose a toilet with a relatively large flushing force. This toilet has a relatively large flushing force, and there will be less cases of toilet blockage.

The above is Huahua to everyone put forward on the toilet blockage of a few small suggestions, in short, there are advantages and disadvantages, we can consider according to their own situation to adopt oh ~ there is also a situation is usually we in the mall or other public places will often go to the toilet, if it happens to be a toilet, or to wipe it with toilet paper, after all, hygiene is also very important!

The market has now begun to gradually introduce some toilet paper that can melt when it meets water. Friends who need it can pay attention to it in time. Maybe it is a gospel! Isn't that right?