
Benefit | these five kinds of flowers are the most supportive, and the whole family, young and old, are healthy to plant one in the family.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many flower friends who like to grow jasmine gardenia. These flowers are fragrant and beautiful in appearance. But did you know that these flowers not only can be watched, but also have a lot of medicinal value, made into dishes to eat, good for your health! Jasmine flowers.

There are many flower friends who like to grow jasmine gardenia. These flowers are fragrant and beautiful in appearance. But did you know that these flowers not only can be watched, but also have a lot of medicinal value, made into dishes to eat, good for your health!

Jasmine flower

Medicinal value:

Jasmine can clear away heat and detoxification, calm the nerves and help sleep. Many friends like to drink jasmine tea. Today, Huahua introduces a famous Yunnan dish-scrambled eggs with jasmine.

Scrambled eggs with jasmine

1. After washing the fresh jasmine, soak it in salt water for a while, then blanch the water, which can remove the bitter taste of the jasmine.

2. Prepare 3-4 eggs and add a small amount of salt after breaking.

3. Pour a little cooking oil into the pan, heat the oil and heat the eggs, stir-fry.

4. after the eggs are slightly shaped, add jasmine and continue to stir-fry, about half a minute to 1 minute can be out of the pan.

(photo author: Youyou Chef)

5, a bowl of delicious jasmine scrambled eggs is finished, time is tight in the morning, you can simply make a jasmine scrambled eggs, delicious and time-saving!


Medicinal value:

Gardenia can clear the lungs and relieve cough, and has a good effect on the intestines. Friends who are often constipated can eat some properly, such as a simple gardenia omelet.

Gardenia omelette

1. Pick the fresh gardenia, remove the yellow core in the middle, and leave only the white petals.

2. Wash the gardenia, then blanch it with hot water and drain.

3. Pour the flour, cornmeal, gardenia and eggs into a large bowl, stir into a batter, and add a small amount of salt.

4. Put the oil in the pan, heat the batter, spread it into pancakes and fry until golden on both sides.

5, gardenia omelette production is not very simple, breakfast Youtiao eggs tired of eating, might as well try gardenia omelette!

(photo author: outing for dawn)


Medicinal value: many friends like to drink honeysuckle tea because it can dispel heat and detoxification, refreshing and refreshing. But in addition to making tea, honeysuckle can also be used to cook porridge.

Honeysuckle rice porridge:

1. Prepare 50 grams of rice, 20 grams of millet, 3 grams of dried honeysuckle, 600 ml of water.

2. Wash the rice and millet and put them into a cooking pot. Boil over high heat and simmer for another 20 minutes.

3. After the porridge is cooked for 20 minutes, add honeysuckle, stir well, and then be bored for another 5-10 minutes.

4. The sticky and fragrant honeysuckle rice porridge will be cooked.

(photo author: Xiangyan)


Medicinal value:

Peppermint taste cool, can go to the fire to dissipate heat, refreshing, throat inflammation to eat a little, can play a good role in relief. You might as well make yourself a bowl of mint tofu soup when you have a sore throat.

Peppermint tofu soup:

1. After the mint at home is pruned, pick the fresh leaves from the branches, remove the stems, wash and drain water and set aside.

2. Cut a small piece of tofu into small pieces and green onions into small pieces and set aside.

3. Pour oil in a hot pan, add ginger slices and saute fragrance, fry tofu slightly, then add proper amount of water to bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, add mint and salt, turn to high heat and cook for another 2 minutes.

5, peppermint tofu soup is fragrant and refreshing, friends with inflamed throat can make a pot by themselves!

(photo by: loveling)


Medicinal value:

Aloe is a necessary sacred product for women. It can reduce inflammation, sterilization, beauty and skin care. I believe many people must have used aloe gel. Aloe vera in addition to smearing, plus barley into juice is also very delicious!

Aloe and rice juice:

1. Prepare about 140 grams of barley rice. After washing, soak in clean water for 4 hours.

2. Take 25 grams of aloe, remove the outer green skin, and keep only the transparent pulp.

3. Pour the soaked barley and aloe into the wall breaker, add 1300 milliliters of water and beat it into juice.

4. Filter out the residue of the beaten juice, pour it into the pan and add rock sugar to cook for about 10 minutes.

5. Aloe rice juice has the effect of whitening and removing dampness, detoxification and beauty. Women who love beauty must drink more!

Is the value of these flowers not small?

If you are interested, you can make it yourself according to Huahua's recipe.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

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