
Reasons for low fruit setting rate of pomegranate and its solutions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Reasons for low fruit setting rate of pomegranate and its solutions

Pomegranate taste sweet and sour, delicious and juicy, coupled with high nutritional value, is one of our favorite fruits, its market demand is also extremely huge, the planting prospect is good. However, when planting, the pomegranate fruit setting rate is often low for some reasons, which seriously affects the yield and the economic income of fruit growers, so what is the reason for the pomegranate fruit setting rate, and what should be done? Let's take a look.

1. Insufficient watering and fertilization

Pomegranate needs a lot of nutrients and water in flowering and fruiting, and many fruit growers do not water and fertilize enough, resulting in insufficient tree nutrition, unable to support their growth needs, and finally lead to low fruit setting rate, and the fruit is too small, the taste is more sour.

Solving measures: pay attention to fertilizer and water management, according to the status of plant growth, reasonable watering and fertilization, maintain adequate nutrients, generally fertilize 2-3 times a year, in order to meet the needs of tree growth, fertilization is mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer. Apply sufficient base fertilizer in winter, topdressing in time after the beginning of spring, and once when it blossoms and bears fruit. The same is true of watering, watering 2-3 times a year. Pouring frozen water once before freezing for the first time can make the tree survive the winter safely, increase the fruit setting rate at the flower bud stage for the second time, and rapidly expand the young fruit and increase the yield after the third time after flower fade.

2. Improper shaping and pruning

Pomegranate likes to grow in an environment with plenty of light, in which it grows more healthily, blossoms and bears more fruit. Therefore, it is usually pruned to remove some residual branches, diseased branches and dense branches to increase the permeability between plants. However, too much pruning by some fruit farmers, or no pruning, leads to poor plant growth, poor permeability and low fruit setting rate.

Solution: reasonable and scientific shaping and pruning, pruning into different tree shapes according to planting density, which has three trunks happy shape, double trunk "V" shape and trunk sparse layer shape. The plants that grow laissez-faire should be pruned according to their growth conditions, and pruning should be carried out year by year, not all at once, so as not to damage the tree.

3. Disease and pest control is not timely.

Diseases and insect pests are the main factors affecting pomegranate production, which will not only lead to low fruit setting rate of pomegranate, but also lead to tree weakness, plant dwarfing and, in serious cases, plant death. The main diseases and insect pests that lead to low fruit setting rate are dry rot, peach borer, peach heart borer, aphids and so on. If these diseases and insect pests are not controlled in time, they will lead to restless fruit or insect eye fruit.

Measures to solve the problem: for all kinds of diseases, the dry rot can be controlled by spray with Bordeaux solution diluted 160times, peach borer can be sprayed with 1500 times of chlorpyrifos EC, peach heart borer can be sprayed with 3000 times of permethrin, and aphids can be sprayed with 3000 times of imidacloprid powder.

The above are the reasons and solutions for the low fruit setting rate of pomegranate. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about pomegranate planting, please pay attention to us.