
Key points of management of autumn goats

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of management of autumn goats

The Mid-Autumn Festival is over, and the weather is getting colder and colder, so it is necessary for many farmers to prepare for autumn management. Goat breeding is one of the main breeding industries in China, and the price of goat meat is also very considerable, which has become a favorite meat food for many people. Autumn is the key season for goat breeding, so in order to improve the reproduction rate and fat weight of goats, the management in autumn is very important. The following editor brings the key points of the management of goat breeding in autumn, let's have a look!

1. Grazing

At the beginning of autumn, although the temperature decreases gradually, it is still muggy at noon, so when we graze, we should avoid the noon time, graze in the cooler time in the morning and evening, and increase the grazing time appropriately. When going out to graze, try to prevent goats from eating frosty grass according to whether there is frost or not. When we gradually enter the late autumn, we should pay attention to the changes in the weather and keep the sheep warm properly.

2. Replenishment

Breeding goats will adopt the stocking mode, in fact, it is also a better breeding model, because it can allow goats to find their own food and improve the meat quality of goats. However, it is necessary to replenish in time in the evening, and the replenishment at night is based on concentrate, which is rich in nutrition and more palatable. It is beneficial to the growth and fat gain of goats, and the feeding amount of concentrate is controlled according to the growth stage of goats. Breeding ewes should be strictly controlled during pregnancy. Lactation and other have different nutritional needs, can not feed deteriorated forage, to ensure that drinking water is adequate and clean, and appropriate salt.

3. Breeding

Autumn is the oestrus of ewes, and the fatness of ewes is also good, easy to conceive, which is beneficial to the development of fetal sheep. Controlling the mating of ewes can promote the conception and lambing of ewes. Usually ewes that grow to a year and a half can begin to breed. Ewes have a loss of appetite and different exchanges during estrus, and their genitals are red, swollen and secreted. The estrus lasts about two weeks and mating after about a day of estrus.

4. Protecting the fetus

Ewes should do a good job of protecting the fetus after successful conception, so as not to frighten the ewes and prevent them from running, jumping and other actions that are not conducive to conception. Pregnant sheep should be kept separately, and ewes should be careful not to be squeezed when they go in and out of the pen and eat. Feed should not use moldy and deteriorated forage, and should not be injected with any medicament during pregnancy, but in order to prevent congenital abortion, an appropriate amount of fetal protection needle should be injected.

5. Epidemic prevention

As mentioned earlier, drugs cannot be injected during pregnancy, so we should inject levamisole to deworming sheep before mating. Make a good vaccine to prevent and cure diseases, clean the sheep house regularly, remove the residual feed and feces in time, and keep the sheep house dry. Control the feeding of legume feed, prevent flatulence and poisoning, pay attention to warm measures and proper ventilation to create a good growth environment for sheep.

The above is a brief introduction to the main points of goat management in autumn, which directly affects the fat gain of goats and the number of lambs. Do a good job in autumn management to ensure the growth of sheep, we should pay attention to the management of ewes, most ewes will become pregnant in autumn, we need to take various measures. For ewes without mating, artificial mating should be done. Improve the birth rate of ewes in order to maximize their own economic benefits.