
Feeding and management of Basha fish

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Feeding and management of Basha fish

Basha fish is a kind of fish that has become hot in recent years, and its artificial culture is not very popular, because it is an exotic species in our country. The breeding technology of artificial breeding is not very perfect, but the market of Basha fish is gradually growing. Many friends see this kind of aquaculture project with a small breeding area but a market, but they don't know how to manage it after breeding. So today, the editor has brought the method of feeding and management of Basha fish. Let's take a look at it.

1. Feed feeding

Basha fish is mainly based on meat feed during the cultivation of juvenile fish, and the feed is changed to pellet feed in the middle and later stages of growth. The growth of Basha fish has higher requirements for protein, so the feed we feed should contain higher protein, but also ensure the balance of the rest of the nutrients. Start feeding one day after release, at least twice a day, depending on the total weight of the fish, usually about 1 inch of the fish weight. When the Basha fish grows to the later stage, it is necessary to increase the feeding once a day, and in the process of feeding, the feed composition and time method should be adjusted appropriately according to the growth and intake of the fish.

2. Observation by pond patrol.

Patrol the pond at least once a day, observe the environment around the pond and the growth of fish, find all kinds of abnormal conditions in time and take corresponding measures at any time. For example, if it is found that there are signs of disease, the suspected sick fish should be fished out immediately and the fish ponds should be disinfected. Check the specific diseases of the diseased fish, raise them in isolation, and put them into the original pond when the growth is restored. Change the water at the right time and then determine the amount of water according to various factors such as water quality and transparency. The specific water quality management and disease prevention are explained separately below.

3. Water quality management

With the growth of Basha fish, its food intake will gradually increase, which also brings some problems. When the food intake increases, the excreta and residual feed of Basha fish will affect the water quality and lead to the deterioration of water quality. Therefore, we should adjust the water quality in time according to the specific conditions of the water quality. Basha fish generally live in small undulating waters and like to swim up and down. Therefore, we should deepen the water in the pond as far as possible, pay attention to the water temperature when changing water, do not change too much water, resulting in a drop in water temperature affecting the growth of Basha fish. Control the PH value in the water, excessive acid will aggravate the occurrence of the disease, control the PH value in the partial alkali, properly adjust the acidity and basicity, and create a good growth environment.

4. Disease prevention and treatment

There are many common diseases of Basha fish, so it is necessary to do a good job in disease prevention and treatment. Because the pool is deep, we can not find it in time, and it is difficult to control it. Control the water temperature to ensure that the water temperature is in the range where the fish is suitable for growth. Then regularly use raw lime powder to sprinkle the pond for comprehensive disinfection, and timely catch the leftover bait, properly add preventive drugs to the bait, and do a good job in dealing with various adverse weather measures to prevent mechanical damage to the fish.

The above is a brief introduction to the methods of feeding and management of Basha fish, the most important thing is disease prevention and treatment, and the biggest headache in aquaculture is disease. As mentioned earlier, we can not detect the disease of Basha fish in time, and we may not find it until the later stage of the disease or even when it is dead and floating on the water. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in all kinds of prevention work to minimize the incidence of various diseases and maximize their own economic benefits.