
How to raise carnations? Introduction to the method of how to cultivate carnations

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to raise carnations? Introduction to the method of how to cultivate carnations

Carnation as a common flower plant, high-quality ornamental value and its own efficacy, coupled with its short plants, convenient indoor potted plants, then how to raise carnations? Here are the steps shared by Xiaobian on how to raise carnations.

How to raise carnations? How to raise carnations:

1. Soil: Carnation planting requires soil drainage good, humus rich, good fertility and slightly alkaline clay soil.

2. Watering: Carnations grow strong and drought resistant. Rainy and wet areas, soil hardening, root system due to poor ventilation and development is not normal, so pay attention to loose soil drainage in rainy season. During the period of vigorous growth, water in time, water more, usually water to maintain soil moisture can be. Water should be sprayed before flowering.

3. Fertilization: Carnations like fertilizer, apply sufficient baking fertilizer and bone powder before planting, continuously apply liquid fertilizer during the growth period, generally apply decomposed thin fertilizer water every 10 days or so, and apply topdressing after picking flowers.

4. Other: carnations flowers are beautiful, but also the most valuable, how to let carnations blossom? This needs to be carried out from the seedling, mainly picking the core, that is, cutting off the branches. When the seedling grows 8 to 9 pairs of leaves, the first picking is carried out, and 4- 6 pairs of leaves are retained. When the lateral branches grow more than 4 pairs of leaves,

The second time, 3- 4 pairs of leaves are reserved for each lateral branch, and finally the whole plant has 12- 15 lateral branches. Pregnant bud when each lateral branch only leave a bud at the top, the top of the leaf axils below the germination of small buds and lateral branches should be removed in time. After the first flowering, the pedicels are cut off in time, leaving only two buds at the base of each branch. After this repeated topping, can make the plant shape beautiful, flowers colorful.

Carnations are important characteristics of strong light, but not the sun, whether indoor potted plants or greenhouse planting, all need a sufficient light, placed in the sunny position on the growth of carnations have great benefits.

How to raise carnations? How to Buy a Carnation

Carnation as a common flower plant, high-quality ornamental value and its own efficacy, coupled with its short plants, convenient indoor potted plants, then how to raise carnations? Here are the steps shared by Xiaobian on how to raise carnations.

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How to raise carnations? How to raise carnations:

1. Soil: Carnation planting requires soil drainage good, humus rich, good fertility and slightly alkaline clay soil.

2. Watering: Carnations grow strong and drought resistant. Rainy and wet areas, soil hardening, root system due to poor ventilation and development is not normal, so pay attention to loose soil drainage in rainy season. During the period of vigorous growth, water in time, water more, usually water to maintain soil moisture can be. Water should be sprayed before flowering.

3. Fertilization: Carnations like fertilizer, apply sufficient baking fertilizer and bone powder before planting, continuously apply liquid fertilizer during the growth period, generally apply decomposed thin fertilizer water every 10 days or so, and apply topdressing after picking flowers.

4. Other: carnations flowers are beautiful, but also the most valuable, how to make carnations bloom? This needs to be carried out from the seedling, mainly picking the core, that is, cutting off the branches. When the seedling grows 8 to 9 pairs of leaves, the first picking is carried out, and 4- 6 pairs of leaves are retained. When the lateral branches grow more than 4 pairs of leaves,

The second time, 3- 4 pairs of leaves are reserved for each lateral branch, and finally the whole plant has 12- 15 lateral branches. Pregnant bud when each lateral branch only leave a bud at the top, the top of the leaf axils below the germination of small buds and lateral branches should be removed in time. After the first flowering, the pedicels are cut off in time, leaving only two buds at the base of each branch. After such repeated topping, can make the plant shape beautiful, flowers colorful.

Carnations are important characteristics of strong light, but not the sun, whether indoor potted plants or greenhouse planting, all need a sufficient light, placed in the sunny position on the growth of carnations have great benefits.

How to raise carnations How to raise carnations? How to Buy a Carnation

Carnation as a common flower plant, high-quality ornamental value and its own efficacy, coupled with its short plants, convenient indoor potted plants, then how to raise carnations? Here are the steps shared by Xiaobian on how to raise carnations.