
How to keep Jiuli incense and enjoy the bonsai of Jiuli incense

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to keep Jiuli incense and enjoy the bonsai of Jiuli incense

Jiuli incense trees are elegant in appearance, vigorous in branches, evergreen in four seasons, white and fragrant in blossom, and dazzling in Zhu Guo. They are excellent bonsai materials. It is suitable to watch all the year round, and the effect is the best when the new leaves are unfolded in early summer. Jiuli incense is beautiful, but what if it doesn't know how to breed? This has become a problem for many people.

The cultivation method of Jiuli incense should choose sandy soil which is rich in humus, loose and fertile. Jiuli incense, which has just been planted or turned over, is not strict with the soil. To water thoroughly, put it in a shaded place for about 10 days, and then plant it in a sunny and well-ventilated place. Put a few pieces of animal hoof horns at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. In addition to applying basic fertilizer when planting, it is appropriate to mix some bone powder or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer in the cultivated soil when planting or turning the basin to change soil. During the growing period, mature organic liquid fertilizer should be applied once a month. Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer alone, otherwise the branches and leaves will grow without pregnant buds. In order to promote flower bud differentiation from April to June, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed to the leaves once a month, and the leftover roots can be drenched. Jiuli incense is native to the south and likes slightly acidic soil. It is best to apply "alum fertilizer water" twice a year, but do not apply fertilizer during the winter dormant period. To cultivate young trees, the fertilizer and water can be appropriately larger to promote their growth and development, and to achieve the height and thickness needed for modeling as soon as possible. Jiuli incense is resistant to drought, so do not accumulate water in the basin. In case of continuous rain, put the basin down or put it in a place of shelter. If too much watering, often cause rotten roots, such as leaves curling, loss of luster, this is the signal of rotten roots, to attract attention, take remedial measures as soon as possible. First of all, watering should be controlled and its changes should be observed. for example, after 2-3 days, not only no improvement, but more serious, the plant should be deducted from the basin, rinse the root soil with water, dry it, and then soak it in 15000 potassium permanganate solution for disinfection. Then soak it in 12000 naphthalene acetic acid rooting solution for 8 hours before re-potting. Watering during the growth period should not be too much, as long as you can always keep the soil slightly moist. Watering in summer high temperature season should not be too much, but water can not be accumulated in the basin (bucket). At this time, it is often necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves, which can not only play the role of cooling and humidification, but also help to make the branches and leaves green. After entering the room in winter, you should water less, as long as you keep the basin soil moist. Pruning branches and leaves, for over-dense branches, steep long branches, spring should be combined with planting or turning pots. It should be cut short or thinly at any time. Large pruning should be carried out in late November or November. Don't cut it forcefully during the flowering period, so as not to affect the ornamental value. Jiuli incense has fewer insect pests and is vulnerable to red spiders and shell insects, so attention should be paid to prevention and control. Jiuli incense bonsai appreciates that each kind of bonsai has a different elegant demeanor, and each pot pours into the painstaking efforts and energy of the growers. Conclusion: the above is the breeding method of Jiuli incense, as well as the related bonsai appreciation. Friends who like to breed Jiuli incense can go home and try to plant Jiuli incense, which can not only decorate the house, but also purify the air. How to keep Jiuli incense and enjoy the bonsai of Jiuli incense

Jiuli incense trees are elegant in appearance, vigorous in branches, evergreen in four seasons, white and fragrant in blossom, and dazzling in Zhu Guo. They are excellent bonsai materials. It is suitable to watch all the year round, and the effect is the best when the new leaves are unfolded in early summer. Jiuli incense is beautiful, but what if it doesn't know how to breed? This has become a problem for many people. The cultivation method of Jiuli incense should choose sandy soil which is rich in humus, loose and fertile. Jiuli incense, which has just been planted or turned over, is not strict with the soil. To water thoroughly, put it in a shaded place for about 10 days, and then plant it in a sunny and well-ventilated place. Put a few pieces of animal hoof horns at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. In addition to applying basic fertilizer when planting, it is appropriate to mix some bone powder or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer in the cultivated soil when planting or turning the basin to change soil. During the growing period, mature organic liquid fertilizer should be applied once a month. Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer alone, otherwise the branches and leaves will grow without pregnant buds. In order to promote flower bud differentiation from April to June, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed to the leaves once a month, and the leftover roots can be drenched. Jiuli incense is native to the south and likes slightly acidic soil. It is best to apply "alum fertilizer water" twice a year, but do not apply fertilizer during the winter dormant period. To cultivate young trees, the fertilizer and water can be appropriately larger to promote their growth and development, and to achieve the height and thickness needed for modeling as soon as possible. Jiuli incense is resistant to drought, so do not accumulate water in the basin. In case of continuous rain, put the basin down or put it in a place of shelter. If too much watering, often cause rotten roots, such as leaves curling, loss of luster, this is the signal of rotten roots, to attract attention, take remedial measures as soon as possible. First of all, watering should be controlled and its changes should be observed. for example, after 2-3 days, not only no improvement, but more serious, the plant should be deducted from the basin, rinse the root soil with water, dry it, and then soak it in 15000 potassium permanganate solution for disinfection. Then soak it in 12000 naphthalene acetic acid rooting solution for 8 hours before re-potting. Watering during the growth period should not be too much, as long as you can always keep the soil slightly moist. Watering in summer high temperature season should not be too much, but water can not be accumulated in the basin (bucket). At this time, it is often necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves, which can not only play the role of cooling and humidification, but also help to make the branches and leaves green. After entering the room in winter, you should water less, as long as you keep the basin soil moist. Pruning branches and leaves, for over-dense branches, steep long branches, spring should be combined with planting or turning pots. It should be cut short or thinly at any time. Large pruning should be carried out in late November or November. Don't cut it forcefully during the flowering period, so as not to affect the ornamental value. Jiuli incense has fewer insect pests and is vulnerable to red spiders and shell insects, so attention should be paid to prevention and control. Jiuli incense bonsai appreciates that each kind of bonsai has a different elegant demeanor, and each pot pours into the painstaking efforts and energy of the growers. Conclusion: the above is the breeding method of Jiuli incense, as well as the related bonsai appreciation. Friends who like to breed Jiuli incense can go home and try to plant Jiuli incense, which can not only decorate the house, but also purify the air. More information | touch incense | marigold planting | Happiness tree conservation method | Flower picture and name | the function of green roses | how to raise gardenia | | Culture method of cactus | potted flower picture | Jiuli fragrance bonsai | crab claw orchid culture method | June snow bonsai | bowl lotus | office fengshui plant | Dishui Guanyin culture method | Camellia culture method | hyacinth flower language | rose picture |

How to raise Jiuli incense, the price of Jiuli incense, the picture of Jiuli incense bonsai

Have you heard of Jiulixiang bonsai? It not only has beautiful plant appearance, beautiful branches and leaves, rich flower fragrance, but also has high medicinal value. How do you keep the incense? The following editor will introduce the relevant information of Jiulixiang and share the picture appreciation.

How to keep Jiuli incense? Jiulixiang likes to be warm, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 20: 32 ℃, and it is not cold-resistant. In winter, when the lowest temperature drops to about 5 ℃, it moves into the room with low temperature (5-10 ℃) to survive the winter, and prematurely is not conducive to exercise its cold tolerance. If the room temperature is too low, it is easy to lose leaves, which will affect the growth in the coming year, and if the temperature is less than 0 ℃, the plant may freeze to death. However, if the room temperature is too high, the plant can not dormant well, or even sprout indoors. When it comes out of the room, the cold wind blows, the bud retracts, and the new bud emerges again, which affects the growth of the same year.

We know that most of the flowers and trees with strong scent are themselves receiving sufficient light and strong photosynthesis. Jiuli incense is no exception. It is a positive tree species and should be placed in a place with plenty of sunshine and good ventilation (direct light can be seen for at least five or six hours a day) in order to grow leaves and flowers. Flowering can be moved to the windowsill, full of fragrance, flowers still need to be placed in sufficient sunshine, growing in the semi-shade is not as strong as the sunny place, the fragrance of the flowers is also weak, too shady, the branches are soft, the leaves are light, the flowers are few or no flowers. Winter entry should also be kept in a sunny place.

[Jiuli incense bonsai] Jiuli incense does not have high requirements for soil, so choose sandy soil that is rich in humus, loose and fertile. Watering should be dry and wet, and water should not be accumulated in the basin so as not to damage the roots. Jiuli Xiang likes slightly acidic soil, so it is best to apply alum fertilizer and water twice a year. It is also necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as powdery mildew, rust, red spiders and shell insects in time to ensure the healthy growth of plants. The price of Jiuli incense depends on the type of tree, including crown width, rice diameter, height, and ground diameter. It is understood that the price of Jiuli incense bonsai fluctuates greatly, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan, while a bag of Jiuli incense seeds costs only a few yuan. The price of mature Jiuli incense is indeed a bit scary, but it is mostly the result of hype. The above is the relevant details of Jiuli incense introduced by the editor. I believe you have a better understanding of Jiuli incense and know how to raise it. We must compare the price of Jiuli incense to avoid losing money.