
How to raise calla lilies the editor recommends the culture methods and techniques of calla lilies

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise calla lilies the editor recommends the culture methods and techniques of calla lilies

The name calla lily is believed to be familiar to everyone. Its white flowers and green round leaves are believed to be the reasons why many people like it, so how to raise calla lilies? What are the ways to raise calla lilies? The editor will tell you.

Culture methods and techniques of calla lilies 1:

Calla lotus likes warm climate, is not cold-resistant, and the suitable temperature for growth is about 20 ℃. Like humid environment, not resistant to drought. You need plenty of light in winter. If you don't have enough light, you will spend less and bear the shade a little. Like loose, fertile, humus-rich sandy soil. The dormancy period varies from region to region. Cultivated in the Yangtze River valley and the north of China, it is appropriate to move into the greenhouse in winter, blossom in spring and dormancy in summer due to high temperature and drought, while in the subtropical areas to the south of the Yangtze River, it is not dormant all year round because of the mild and humid climate.

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Culture methods and techniques of calla lilies II:

During the growth period, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist, usually sprinkling water to the leaf surface and the ground to increase air humidity. Apply liquid fertilizer once a month, do not make fertilizer and water flow into the petiole, so as not to cause rot. If there are too many leaves during the growth period, a small number of external old leaves can be removed to facilitate the extraction of pedicels.

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Culture methods and techniques of calla lilies 3:

Phosphate fertilizer should be applied before flowering to control stem and leaf growth, promote flower bud differentiation and ensure flower quality. The period from February to May is the period of flowering and flourishing. After the hot day in late May, the plants began to wither and yellow, so they should be gradually stopped watering to moderate shade to prevent stagnant water. Potted plants should be moved to ventilated, semi-shaded places, so that the pot side, do not accumulate Rain Water, in order to keep dry, promote its dormancy.

How to raise calla lilies the editor recommends the culture methods and techniques of calla lilies

The name calla lily is believed to be familiar to everyone. Its white flowers and green round leaves are believed to be the reasons why many people like it, so how to raise calla lilies? What are the ways to raise calla lilies? The editor will tell you.

Culture methods and techniques of calla lilies 1:

Calla lotus likes warm climate, is not cold-resistant, and the suitable temperature for growth is about 20 ℃. Like humid environment, not resistant to drought. You need plenty of light in winter. If you don't have enough light, you will spend less and bear the shade a little. Like loose, fertile, humus-rich sandy soil. The dormancy period varies from region to region. Cultivated in the Yangtze River valley and the north of China, it is appropriate to move into the greenhouse in winter, blossom in spring and dormancy in summer due to high temperature and drought, while in the subtropical areas to the south of the Yangtze River, it is not dormant all year round because of the mild and humid climate.

Culture methods and techniques of calla lilies II:

During the growth period, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist, usually sprinkling water to the leaf surface and the ground to increase air humidity. Apply liquid fertilizer once a month, do not make fertilizer and water flow into the petiole, so as not to cause rot. If there are too many leaves during the growth period, a small number of external old leaves can be removed to facilitate the extraction of pedicels.

Culture methods and techniques of calla lilies 3:

Phosphate fertilizer should be applied before flowering to control stem and leaf growth, promote flower bud differentiation and ensure flower quality. The period from February to May is the period of flowering and flourishing. After the hot day in late May, the plants began to wither and yellow, so they should be gradually stopped watering to moderate shade to prevent stagnant water. Potted plants should be moved to ventilated, semi-shaded places, so that the pot side, do not accumulate Rain Water, in order to keep dry, promote its dormancy.

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Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted calla lilies

Decorating the house with plants has become a popular fashion at home. Green plants not only bring life to home life, but also effectively reduce environmental pollution. Potted calla lily is one of the home green plants chosen by many people. Let's take a look at how to raise potted calla lilies together with the editor, and what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

Introduction of calla lilies

1. It belongs to the bulbous flower of Araceae. Calla lily is one of the new flowers this year. It is a perennial herb with fleshy tubers. Leaves basal, long-stalked, petioles generally twice as long as leaves. Apex acute, base truncated, entire, bright green, Buddha flame bracts white, shaped large, like horseshoe-shaped, hence the name calla lily. The fleshy inflorescence is bright yellow, standing upright in the center of the bud, with male flowers in the upper part and female flowers in the lower part. The natural flowering period is from November to June of the following year, the whole flowering period reaches 6-7 months, and it is in the peak flowering season.

2. It has three main cultivated varieties. First, the white stem calla: the tuber is smaller and grows slowly. But early flowering, many flowers, white pedicels, large and round pedicel; second, red calla: pedicel slightly reddish at the base, flowering slightly later than white calla, calla more round; third, green calla: tuber thick, exuberant growth, late flowering. Pedicel stout, slightly triangular. The end of the flame bract is pointed and rolled backward, yellow and white, and the volume is smaller than the above two kinds. There are eternal, holy, pious, pure love and other flower words, so that it appears particularly noble.

3. Its living environment. Calla lotus likes warm climate, is not cold-resistant, and the suitable temperature for growth is about 20 ℃. Like humid environment, not resistant to drought. Winter needs sufficient light, lack of light, less flowers, slightly resistant to shade. Like loose, fertile, humus-rich sandy loam. The dormancy period varies from region to region. When cultivated in the Yangtze River valley and the north of China, it is appropriate to move into the greenhouse in winter, blossom in winter and spring, rest and dormancy in summer because of high temperature and drought, but not dormancy all year round in the subtropics where the winter is not cold and the summer is not dry and hot. They are very easy to raise plants and flowers.

How to raise potted calla lilies

First, understand the growth habits of calla lilies.

Sex likes warm climate, not cold-resistant, not resistant to high temperature, the suitable temperature for growth is about 20 ℃, and the rhizome will be frozen to death at 0 ℃. Winter needs plenty of sunshine, lack of light, less flowers, slightly resistant to shade. Give proper shade when the sun is too hot in summer. Like dampness, a little stagnant water does not affect growth, but not resistant to drought. Like loose, fertile, humus-rich clay loam.

2. Propagation methods of calla lilies

The bulb propagation of calla lily is mainly divided into bulbs. After the plant enters the dormant period, peel off the small balls around the tuber and plant it separately. It can also be sown and propagated, and the seeds can be sown in pots as soon as the seeds are ripe. The suitable temperature for germination is about 20 ℃.

3. How to cultivate calla lilies

1. Selection of flowerpots and soil

Flowerpots should be shallow pots instead of bobbin pots. The flower-growing soil was mainly composed of sandy loam soil, garden soil and rotten leaves, and then mixed with 1cm 5 organic fertilizer. Because the root system grows in the upper part of the sphere, the bottom of the basin soil should be covered with water-permeable slag or coarse-grained sand.

2. Upper basin

When the tuber germinates new leaves, the hypertrophic and robust tubers are selected and placed in the greenhouse for maintenance after October, which can bloom before and after the Spring Festival. However, it is necessary to prevent poor ventilation and high room temperature.

3. Fertilization skills of calla lilies

Lack of fertilizer or excessive fertilization during growth will cause yellow leaves, so pay attention to the application of base fertilizer (horseshoe slices are the best). Potted plant nutrients are limited, so it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently and constantly supplement potted soil nutrients.

4. Water demand of calla lilies

Calla lilies are said to be "immortal calla lilies". Because they like a warm and humid environment and are not resistant to drought, the potted soil should be kept moist and should not be short of water. If the environment is dry, spray water to the ground and keep a small moist environment. It should be fully watered during the growth and flowering period. Keep the basin soil moist, but reduce the amount of water after flowering to facilitate dormancy.

5. the demand for light of calla lilies

Attention should be paid to light during flowering. Calla lilies "prefer long light to strong light", especially in summer. So to put it in a place with plenty of light, you can move to a distance from the window in summer. If the horseshoe lotus is not bright enough during the flowering period, it will only bud but not blossom, and even the bud will gradually turn green and shriveled. There is no need to shade the sun in spring and autumn.

Points for attention in culturing calla lilies

1. Pruning: calla is a perennial herb, which can blossom many times in a year. Cutting off the old leaves frequently can make them blossom many times.

2. Calla lily's aversion to "smoke": calla lily is more sensitive to "smoke". Stove smoke, smoking will make calla lilies yellow leaves, falling flowers, poor growth.

3. Watering: provide enough water (do not plant too shallow; water again when the soil dries)

4. Drainage: the drainage performance of the soil should be good to prevent the occurrence of over-wetness.

5. Temperature: avoid excessive temperature in the greenhouse, especially when the relative humidity is high

6. prevent damage to plants and tubers: prevent wind damage to plants, be careful not to let herbicides affect plant growth, and be careful in harvesting and handling

7. Prevention of fungal diseases and pests: for example, damage caused by Pythium or Rhizoctonia may provide a port for the invasion of Erwinia.

How to raise calla lilies planted in the ground

When planting calla lilies on the ground, we should choose fertile and humid soil, apply enough basic fertilizer and make a border 1 meter wide. The disease-free tubers should be planted according to the row spacing of 50 cm and the plant spacing of 30 cm ~ 40 cm. The planting time should be determined according to the requirements of fresh flowers on the market, which is generally better between April and June. In order to have a good fertility after planting, shading net should be used to shade 50% to 60% from late June to late August, and should be fully irrigated when the ground temperature is too high in summer. as the water quality and irrigation quantity have a great influence on the fertility after planting, special attention should be paid to low EC value and PH6 ·5 ~ PH7.0. Topdressing is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, usually applying liquid fertilizer every 15 days or so, and stopping fertilization at flowering stage. Although the length of sunshine has no effect on flower bud differentiation and development, its vegetative growth and reproductive growth will lose balance under sunshade conditions for a long time, so the sunshade net should be removed in early September at the latest, and the greenhouse will be covered with film in October. The winter temperature is kept above 15C and sufficient light is given to make it blossom in winter.

The function of potted calla lily

Elegant and noble appearance, is the characteristics of calla lilies, but do not think that it just has a beautiful flower, it also has many uses.

1. Because of its long flowering period, calla lilies have become a good potted plant for decorating living rooms and studies. they are also ideal materials for cut flowers, bouquets and baskets. they are often used as cut flowers and gift flowers for relatives and friends. Especially in the tropics and subtropics, it is a good material for constructing flower beds. At present, calla lilies have gained a foothold as one of the important cut flower varieties in the international flower market.

2. Many people know that the flowers of calla lilies are poisonous and contain a lot of herbal calcium crystals and alkaloids, which can cause toxic symptoms such as drowsiness if eaten by mistake. Not only flowers, it can be said that the whole body is poisonous, can be watched but can not eat, otherwise it will cause vomiting and other conditions. But although it is poisonous, it does not mean that it has no medicinal effect. Calla lilies can be boiled and fed to wild boars. Boiled leaves can treat mild headaches, but must be used under the guidance of a doctor. In addition, calla lilies also have the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, and external application of fresh calla lotus tubers can also treat scald. External application with horseshoe lotus tubers can also prevent tetanus, but do not take it internally. At present, 12 kinds of essential trace elements in calla were determined by scientific emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry, among which 7 elements such as Fe, I, Mn, Zn, Si, Li and Ca were higher. Therefore, calla lily is rich in essential trace elements for human body, which shows that it has high medicinal value. However, how to apply it to real life needs further research.

If we give full play to the power of science and technology, we can discover more of the medicinal value of calla lilies. Facts have proved that every kind of plant has its function, and in some cases, calla lilies can also use their disadvantages to bring benefits to people's lives.