
The "loofah flesh" dug up can still grow flowers? After shredding, bury it in the soil to prevent the soil from becoming.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When I saw towel gourd when I was shopping in the vegetable market at the weekend, I suddenly wanted to eat towel gourd. I bought some to take home and fried it, as if I was in my grandmother's house when I was a child. When I was a child, my grandmother often took Huahua to pick melons in the fields where she planted vegetables. She was impressed.

There are eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers and towel gourd planted at home. I don't know if you know, in fact, towel gourd can not only be used to eat, there are other wonderful points! Towel gourd can also be used to grow flowers! Everyone doesn't know, let Hua Hua tell you about it!

Not exactly towel gourd, but towel gourd pulp. We dig out the loofah soil and dry it. Finally, we pull down the seeds and cut the dried loofah into small pieces to raise flowers. What is the function of towel gourd pulp?

In fact, the role of loofah pulp is very simple, it can not like those organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers, can provide nutrients to plants, nor can it promote the growth of plants and flowers. What it can do is actually very simple, is to help improve the air permeability and looseness of the soil. Friends who have raised a lot of flowers or spent a long time probably know that if we do not change pots for a long time, the most direct cause is soil consolidation.

Once the soil is hardened, it will affect the absorption of water and nutrients by plants, which will gradually make plants fragile and malnourished, and over time will probably die.

In order to prevent the soil from hardening, the loofah pulp played a role at this time. We put the sun-dried loofah pulp under the flowerpot to make the soil loose and breathable. Loofah flesh played a role at this time! In addition, towel gourd can also be wrapped in the outside of the flowerpot, but also has the effect of heat preservation, we can have a try in winter.

Towel gourd can also be cut up and buried in the soil, which is also very good to increase the looseness of the soil.

Towel gourd pulp can not only prevent the soil from becoming hardened, but also can be used to wash dishes, but this is the practice of Grandma's generation. In fact, the practice is very simple, that is, the sun-dried towel gourd flesh will be cut small and then used to wash dishes, that is, the role of washing dishes sponge.

If you are interested, you can try towel gourd pulp to wash dishes, but do not force it if you are not interested. However, Huahua still has to say that it is really good to use towel gourd pulp to grow flowers.

You see, some of the memories and details of our childhood can still be recalled, this feeling is so good! I hope this little trick with loofah pulp that Huahua tells you today can help you! Let your own flower-growing soil bid farewell to the problem of consolidation!