
She built the rented house into a big garden, and no matter how tired she was, she had to please herself.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Every time they see other people's gardens, people express their envy and envy, but when it comes to building their own gardens, many people freak out. How can I build a garden if I don't even have a house? Today, Huahua is here to introduce a flower friend, Xiamen. Her house is rented, but her gardening life is her own.

Xia Xia is a post-85 designer living in Hangzhou.

Growing flowers is her hobby, which has been going on for five or six years.

The increase in enthusiasm for gardening comes from renting a small roof terrace.

It took Xiamen a year to turn the small bare terrace

Built into a small garden full of flowers.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. Just a year later, it turned out that the landlord was going to sell the house in default.

At this time, the small garden has just begun.

Xiaxia negotiated with the new landlord for a long time and found that the renewal of the lease was fruitless and had no choice but to move out.

Xiaxia's dream of renting a house on the terrace was temporarily shattered.

After some twists and turns, Xiaxia finally found a small yard of the right size.

The sunny little yard looks very warm.

After negotiation with the landlord, the contract to negotiate the price to move is very smooth.

Xia Xia got her wish and moved into a new home!

Because it's a rented house, for this little garden,

Xiaxia's idea is to allow it to accommodate previous plants and some gardening groceries.

Make rational use of the existing goods, make the best use of them, and match them with each other, so Xiaxia made a little plan.

At the beginning of the transformation of the garden, the happiest thing in Xiamen was to have a roommate Hezi, who likes gardens and plants.

So that two people can build a garden together!

The first step is to build a simple gallery frame.

Because the double arches existed on the previous terrace.

The style is relatively large, and it is not suitable to put it somewhere else, so I made an Arbor with bamboo.

Then an iron mesh is added to make it easier for plants to climb.

By the second year, the rose had already climbed half of the flower rack!

Under the west wall, a row of hydrangeas and clematis were planted at intervals.

Xia Xia and Hezi dug holes without black and white, and finally planted them all!

Of course their hard work has not been in vain.

When clematis and hydrangea blossomed, it was a pleasant surprise!

For the variety of hydrangea, Xia Xia chose Bella Anna.

The hydrangea planted on the ground is really growing vigorously, and it looks like a big ball when it blossoms.

In order to make use of the space as much as possible, Xiamen is entering the garden.

Another wooden arch was built to divide the two areas.

A yellow Thomas rose was planted next to the arch, and it didn't take long to climb the arch!

By the time it blossoms, the rose has crawled all over the rattan frame.

The yellow color makes people happy!

On the left side of the arch, Xiaxia picked up old chairs, wine boxes and semicircle vines.

The combination is matched with a small flowerpot with full marks of practical ability!

Xiaxia likes European-style wooden square pagodas very much, but because they really don't sell them.

So she went to the timber market with Hezi.

I bought some anticorrosive wood myself, and I'm going to make one.

Easier said than done, it took two people several days to build it.

Finally, put on another layer of paint, and it's done!

Putting the square tower in the garden will not only make the rose climb up the square tower.

Put a small object on the square tower and immediately raise the garden to more than one style!

The most annoying thing about a garden is, of course, weeds.

If you want to solve this problem completely, it is best to transform the whole soil surface.

Unfortunately, for the rented house, the cost is too high.

So Xiamen chose to lay a layer of straw-proof cloth.

On the straw cloth, he also paved small stones and red bricks, which turned into a path with natural appearance.

Under the rattan frame, Xiaxia wants a romantic floor tile shop.

After consulting various materials, Xiaxia selected a circle.

It took 2-3 hours to succeed!

Put two light green chairs on the floor tile and a small wooden table

This is the place where Xiaxia and Hezi are most willing to stay in their spare time.

The most indispensable thing for a small garden is water, isn't it?

Xia Xia originally wanted to buy a small water hydrant in Japanese style.

Later, egged on by a friend, he bought materials in a hardware store to make one.

In addition to all kinds of ground plants, don't let go of the small Mesa, and the shade-tolerant little green plants will be planted!

After half a year's experience of gardening, Hezi could not help feeling

The gardener's life is completely different from what he imagined.

Behind the seemingly beautiful photos, there is hard work that can not be seen everywhere.

After a year of construction, the small garden began to take shape.

Xiaxia also began to invite friends to be guests at home.

See them take pictures in the garden and share the fun that the garden brings.

Xia Xia also showed an old mother's smile on her face.

As a strong girl who can dig holes, build walls and decorate lights to connect water pipes.

Someone asked Xiaxia, isn't it a loss to rent a house to play gardening?

After all, I can't take these things with me when I leave.

Xiaxia's answer is no.

Xiaxia said that within the scope of ability to improve their living environment and create a comfortable atmosphere.

With so many flowers and belongings, it is of course troublesome to move.

But if you figure out how much you pay for the things you like,

It seems that we can face it calmly, after all, only when we like it will we invest in it.

Life is actually very stressful and hard, but gardening can be a supplement to energy.

Because living with plants is a special cure.

Buying a house and having a home of your own may be a choice.

But the state that Xia Xia wants more is that where she is, she is home.

Occasionally, Xia Xia will worry about the future after the lease of the small courtyard.

But vaguely expect that there are some different possibilities.

Isn't that what life is like?

While preparing for trouble, you might as well have an expectant heart.