
One of the most common plants in the wild is a buster of inflammation that can be eaten as a tea or as a vegetable.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Today, I would like to recommend a special plant, it is very common, but it has a special effect, this is our common plantain on the roadside, yes, this is plantain, about plantain, there is also a beauty.

Today, I would like to recommend a special plant, it is very common, but it has a special effect. This is the plantain we see on the roadside. Yes, this is it.


There is also a beautiful legend about plantain:

▲ plantain

A blade of grass saved a whole army

It is said that during the warring States period, when Ma Wu, a famous general of the Eastern Han Dynasty, led the army to attack the Xiongnu, the horses were suffering from 'hematuria' and were in danger, but several war horses were cured by eating the nameless grass in the ruts on the road. Ma Wu ordered the whole army to take this grass, and a few days later the men recovered and got out of the siege.

Ma Wu said with emotion: "

The whole army came back from the dead, relying entirely on the immortal grass in front of the roadside car!

"since then, this weed has been called plantain. It is a pity that the official doctors see that they are often mixed in cow and horse dung, and they dislike it.

According to our modern medicine, this is urinary tract infection, which is caused by excessive heat and lack of access to water for a long time.

From the middle of this story, it reveals that plantain has a very good effect on urinary tract infections, including blood and pain in urine, and problems in the way down the road.

The diagnosis and treatment of the imperial doctor was ineffective, and the politicians of the Northern Song Dynasty were cured by cheap herbs.

It is said that Ouyangxiu, a statesman of the Northern Song Dynasty, suffered from "sudden diarrhea" and was ineffective in medical treatment. Ouyang Xiu's wife heard that there is a small drugstore that specializes in antidiarrheal herbs for a few yuan, which is very effective, but Ouyang Xiu disagrees: "

Our viscera is very different from the city people, how can we take this cheap herbal medicine!

"(meaning: the intestines and stomach of a high-ranking official like me are different from those of Xiaomin, so how can I take cheap herbs? )

The lady had to buy medicine secretly and cajole her husband into taking it.

If you take only one dose, your illness will be much better.

The drug seller told Ouyang Xiu, who learned the truth, "the only medicine used is plantain, which is blindly studied and washed with rice soup. Plantain can pass urine, benefit waterways, clear and turbid points, and clear and turbid points will stop." Ouyang Xiu nodded frequently and never dared to boast of being noble again.

Plantain is such a "cheap" but effective herb. We still use plantain in large quantities to treat urinary tract infections, and we have found that

Plantain can not only treat urinary tract infection, but also has a very good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory function.

It also has a good effect on intestinal infections, such as enteritis and dysentery.

At the same time, too much leucorrhea for female compatriots, of course, is gynecological inflammation, but also has a very good effect.

Well, this plantain, in our clinical and daily life, can be used for our lower infection: it can be an infection of the large intestine, small intestine, bladder, or gynaecology. It can be treated with plantain.

If we choose fresh plantain for treatment, generally we say that the drug dose should be a little larger, we go to the field to dig, such plantain, 200 ~ 300 grams, after washing, and then directly boiled water to drink it, it can also be picked and washed clean, made into cold dishes to eat, for mild inflammation, it has the role of prevention and treatment.

▲ plantain can be eaten by boiling water directly.

The prescription and function of plantain

You can just boil and drink water when you eat at home. There are also some prescriptions for you to learn and communicate. Please follow the doctor's advice before using it.

1. Diuresis and elimination of edema

Take the right amount of fresh plantain leaf bud and a little honey. Wash plantain, drench water, mash juice about 100ml, mix in honey, drink twice a day. It can reduce swelling, relieve cough and remove phlegm.

▲ plantain can be eaten directly in boiled water, and can be eaten in summer as a diuretic.

2. Clear the liver and clear the eyes

Take 250 grams of fresh plantain leaf buds and 150 grams of dried tofu. Wash plantain, blanch in boiling water, bleach bitterness in cold water, drain, marinate with salt for 10 minutes, squeeze water and cut fine, add sesame oil and mix well. Shred dried bean curd, blanch it in boiling water, drain, put into plantain plate, add sugar, soy sauce and monosodium glutamate, mix well and eat. Can clear the liver and clear the eyes.

3. It tastes good and can be eaten every day

Take 50 grams of plantain leaf bud, 100 grams of rice and 2000 grams of watermelon pulp. Wash the plantain and cut it up. The watermelon is seeded. Wash the rice, add the right amount of water, boil in high heat and simmer until the rice is done, add plantain and refined salt, cook for another 10 minutes, mix in the watermelon pulp and eat, it has the effect of clearing heat, eyesight, expectorant and diuresis.

4. Mosquitoes bite and wipe.

When bitten by mosquitoes in the wild, plantain is often treated with plantain leaves mashed with stones and applied to the bite, which can quickly relieve itching, redness and swelling of the skin, and everyone can do the same at home.

According to pharmacological analysis, plantain has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and is often used in the treatment of anti-skin irritation, such as ivy toxicity and mosquito bites. Therefore, there is indeed a scientific basis for using plantain to eliminate itching, swelling and other discomfort caused by mosquito bites.

5. Pediatric bedwetting

Plantain, angelica 60 grams each, ephedra 10 grams. Deep-fried to 200 milliliters. Take 100ml under 14 years old and 200ml over 15 years old. Take it 1 hour before going to bed every night, 7 days as a course of treatment.

Also need to remind you that plantain is cold in nature, so cold spleen and stomach, easy diarrhea, cold hands and feet of friends, then do not eat.

All right, after introducing the diuretic plantain to you, cheap herbs to solve the big problem, don't forget to send it to your friends, it is the greatest support for us!

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