
You've been raising meat for more than five years without a pot of practical information? Finally summed up the reason.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Preface follow Encyclopedia meet Beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Moon] for his original contribution, sharing and editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Ningxia Zhongwei published an article on succulent encyclopedia some time ago.


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Editor's note: Wikipedia

Coordinates: Ningxia Zhongwei

Some time ago, I published an article on the Meaty Encyclopedia (see "My Garden, My Meat: Experience of Meaty Summer in Northwest China" for details). A message got me thinking. A meat friend said,"I have been raising it for five years and there is no pot of dry goods." Yes, the meat was five years old, and he had crawled and rolled in the meat pit, stepping on the fleshy corpses all the way here. After sorting out for a long time, I finally summarized a few of the causes of death for meaty white people to refer to. I hope that meat friends will take fewer detours and hope that meat people can meet the right people!

The ones guarding the building are all my favorite concubines. They are all beautiful like flowers. If they are taken out, they can also kill a group of Whitey in seconds. This pansy stiffness summer, color faded a lot, the most beautiful appearance I did not give it a photo, because mobile phones how also can not shoot its flourishing beauty.

The red sun, also known as the California sunset, is what it looks like in late autumn.

Tia, fireworks. I didn't hesitate when I recovered. I remembered that I put a pot of Tiya in the house four years ago. It was green and overgrown. I hated it because it was swaying.

It's nice to have a yard! Meat people most yearning for the yard, I have last year, since then, my meat can enjoy the gentle rain, sunshine, dew. In terms of the environment for raising meat, the first important thing is to expose it as much as possible. When I first entered the pit, I was a balcony party. Although the flesh were placed on the windowsill, but also can not stop them from growing, spread pie, wear skirts, the last ugly self-destruction and death. Once in a friend's house even Yin Yin damp toilet found a pot of coral beads into bean sprouts, heart pity. Advise novice meat friends, if you can't provide a ventilated sunny environment for meat, or change to green radish.

If I may be so proud, this pot of Allen is definitely comparable to peach eggs.

Grandpa Xiong

Ji Longyue, whom I have always loved deeply, is definitely a fighter among many flesh. Drought and sun resistance, no scale insects, easy to get out of the state, leaf cutting survival rate of 100%.

A peach with five heads grows into a giant, and I love it more when it is a child. The above photos fully prove that I also have "dry goods"!

Snow blue Paris, has always been very regular, a year four seasons online, with me for four years. Therefore, it is very important to choose, some varieties are easy to rot, such as white peony; some varieties are easy to grow shell, such as the fleshy grass of the genus Longevity.

Millet star, explosive basin small expert. I can't be cocky anymore. Let's talk about the rules. Let's talk about some sad things. Tell me how I destroyed these lovely little lives.

The painting style changed a little quickly. Yes, this is probably the meat I planted when I first entered the pit. At that time, there was no friend around to raise more meat, so he caught it blindly, raised it as a green plant, put it on the bedroom windowsill, and watered it when he thought of it. Because the adult plant is too expensive, all online shopping boogers seedlings, squint small, without suffering, die faster than buy.

Tsk tsk, look at this hardened soil, and then look at these small stones on the pavement. Can meat be better? No ventilation ah, novice simply do not know with soil, but also do not distinguish the pavement stone, meat easily die to me to see, depressed ah! After many pots were raised and died, the experience was summed up. It is very important to mix soil. The garden soil is easy to harden and the permeability is poor. It must be mixed with appropriate granular soil according to the variety and pot. Paving is also a must, beautiful, prevent insects from laying eggs, but also breathable! Flower pots must have holes!

I don't know what this pot of stem branch is. I don't know what it experienced before it died. I kept this photo to remind myself that just like this, the first year of my ignorant meat cultivation career was almost completely wiped out.

Make up your mind to catch up with each other. When you have time, you will be stuck in the post bar. You will not be ashamed to ask questions everywhere. I bought several books and put them at the bedside every day before going to bed. And Taobao sellers over and over again to confirm the variety, do labels, progress in learning. Meat is too expensive, afraid of raising death heartache, buy leaves learn leaf insert. Granular soil is more expensive than rice, go to the Yellow River to pull sand, pick up honeycomb coal blocks on the snack stand, eliminate porcelain flower pots with trays and replace them with small meat pots perforated at the bottom, install steel frame flower troughs outside the balcony, all exposed, pull up sunshade nets in summer, hard work pays off, meat and meat are beautiful.

It was so beautiful that even bats were attracted to me. Other people planted flowers to attract bees and butterflies, but I planted meat to attract bats, and I did it more than once.

Finally ushered in the summer since the first heavy rain, I am delighted to put the flesh in the rain, I thought they would be as happy as I am, but I was wrong, I am not a flower, how to know the joy, it must go away, Xiangxiaoyu! From then on, he would no longer impose his preferences on others. This is what I posted in my circle of friends back then. I'm a Snow Lotus Killer. I've raised at least ten of them from 100 yuan a head to 5 yuan a head now. I don't have the face to raise them anymore

Because of the diversity of small environments, copying other people's experience simply does not work. All the meat died in one summer. Who said meat liked the sun? Meat likes warm sunlight, but it can't be exposed to the sun. It's better to cover up more than 30 degrees, otherwise it will become dried meat after waking up from a nap. Who said meat doesn't like water? Meat drought-resistant, but lack of water still dry into sticks.

This pot of autumn is my treasure in those years. I gave it the best position. In summer, I put it on the windowsill in the shade. It is ventilated there. The noon sun just blocks it. I love it so much. It still goes away. After a night of heavy rain, it falls from the sixth floor and breaks into pieces, leaving me standing downstairs beating my chest and stamping my feet.

Along with it fell, probably because the basin was too high, top-heavy, and the windowsill was too narrow, and it was blown down by the wind. Fortunately, downstairs is a green belt, fortunately it is late at night, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable

The summer passed, but he didn't live to see the next year. It was so beautiful, but it was rotten. Autumn tiger is also very scary, take it easy

In those days, I would not deal with emergencies at all. I would let sick meat die. Even if the flesh is attacked by scale insects, they don't know how to use the flower god to destroy it. It's too Buddha nature.

Fortunately, the meat is strong, the skin is solid, and with me, this unreliable meat raiser is still blooming in its extreme state.

Daji Xingmei is a beautiful person, and there are many descendants of it in many pots now.

The ebony mixture that had returned to its original state should have melted into water. After the rain at noon, the sun came out again. Death must be so beautiful!

At first, I liked the single-headed ones. The smaller ones were more fleshy, so there were several pots that hadn't been changed for three years in a row. They grew a lot and their faces had experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

You have to accept their ugliness in order to see their beauty in full dress. Think back to when I was a little white, there were a lot of meat after I raised it, threw it into the corner, regardless of letting them die ugly. Now that I think about it, I will scold myself for being ignorant.

I bought it for 300 dollars back then, but I still took it after three minutes of heartache. In recent years to buy clothes to save all the money to buy meat, anyway, since falling into the meat pit in addition to work is to see more meat, there is little time to go shopping.

I didn't dare to change the basin all the time. I was mainly afraid that I would die. As a result, I hit it obliquely and raised it into a good state.

It is because the flesh is changeable all year round, it is because I do not know what kind of immortal appearance it will become in autumn, so I am trapped in it and cannot free myself! Dead buy, buy dead, in the cycle of buying less meat, buying less meat, buying less soil, it took nearly three years to stabilize.

Although they had a courtyard, Guo Dong was still a headache. Ningxia winter minus ten degrees, meat is absolutely unable to stay outdoors, property and not allowed to build a sun room in the yard, can only move meat into the house. I occupied all the windowsills in the house. There were two five-story flower racks in the living room. There were a bunch of mages underground. There was still no place to put them. I realized that I had raised too many, but I couldn't bear to give any of them away.

This pot is an elder, and I once thought it ugly. I threw it outside and let it weather and sun. It depends entirely on heaven. Not only did it not die, but it surprised me

Yes, it also has the temperament of a lady! Therefore, do not despise every pot of meat in your home, even if you bring it home, cherish this wonderful fate, carefully maintain it, allow it to be nurtured by heaven, most of them will die, really!

I have planted meat in this stake several times, and every time I imagine the beauty of the dead tree after spring, but the fact is: at night, the wild cats in the community team to toss it, during the day, the magpies also come to pick them up, I was defeated. It's all my fault. In winter, I'm afraid the wild cats will starve to death. I always put leftovers in the yard to feed them. They get used to it and eat the meat in this wooden stake.

This is also a posthumous photo, I gave it in late spring and early summer for the basin, not completely take basin out of the sun, rain, rot! I warn you, change pots as much as possible in autumn, be safe

Ji Qiuli is the only one I have grown up. In those years, the stingy leaves were reluctant to give friends, and they were reluctant to break the leaves. First, the meat they bought was already small, and a few leaves were like arms and legs of meat. Second, if they broke those leaves, they would become bald. Now it's good, just break it, grow so big, there are leaves.

The feeling of raising meat is that a door has been opened, and there are gains after hard work, disappointments without gains, and surprises without intention, just like all doors in life...

Winter beauty also has spring

Tang Yin is very angry

Bai Jilian who exploded six heads

Ever since I paid attention to the Encyclopedia of Succulent Plants and was pulled into the author group by Encyclopedia Lord, I have opened my eyes and gained insight. There are really many gods! He was poisoned every day, especially when he was able to raise his flesh to its peak on the balcony. I admired him even more.

Raising more meat, really can not be lazy, must live and beautiful life is different, each meat is unique, just like their unique owner, careful maintenance, meat will also give you surprise, moved and satisfied!

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This article is exclusively authorized by the author Weixin Official Accounts: Succulent Plant Encyclopedia (ID:duoroubaike). The content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the public account! Encyclopedia has signed a contract with a third-party Internet copyright protection company to open the whole network rights protection. It is strictly prohibited to reprint on other platforms without authorization! If theft is found, infringement will be pursued! Welcome netizens to report!


Thank you for reading and waiting every night! Meaty culture needs you and me to promote! Good article remember to share more oh, let more people fall in love with meat! Use the power of plants to influence and heal the people around us, than the heart!!!

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