
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Dragon Blood Tree?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Dragon Blood Tree?

❤ ❤ `. Green plants, this article comes from [decoration information]

The green leaves of the dragon blood tree can not only decorate the interior well, but also play an important role in air purification. The bright green plants make people feel happy to look at them. Therefore, the home is not without the decoration of green plants. Dragon blood tree is a common foliage plant with beautiful and regular plant shape and colorful leaves. It is an excellent foliage plant for modern indoor decoration. Let's follow the editor to learn more about the dragon blood tree.

[introduction of Dragon Blood Tree]

Dragon blood tree is also known as horse mule sugarcane tree. Mainly like to grow in the tropics. Mainly in Africa and southern Asia. The shape of the dragon blood tree is very strong, and the leaves are colorful and beautiful. The plant type is beautiful and regular, and the leaf shape is colorful. It is an excellent plant for decorating the room. Can also secrete a kind of light fragrance, people call it the dragon blood tree, the stem of the dragon blood tree, can secrete the bright red resin, for it "dragon blood", the dragon blood tree's good name gets from this. [the culture method of dragon blood tree] number one: soil. Dragon blood tree likes loose, fertile, highly permeable sandy soil. An appropriate amount of organic fertilizer and ferrous sulfate can be added to the nutritious soil. This is more conducive to his growth. It can also be cultivated with a mixture of rotten leaf soil and some sandy soil. Second: watering. The dragon blood tree grows in the tropics, so its drought resistance is very good. Watering is not suitable for too much. Too much may cause tree trunk rot and root rot. In order to maintain normal moisture, you can water it every 10 days or so. Third: light. The dragon blood tree is not afraid of the sun. But it is still necessary to avoid the exposure of the hot summer sun. Dragon blood trees like warm, moist and sunny environments. In the case of sufficient light, its color will be more gorgeous, and the color will be more changeable. Fourth: temperature. The dragon blood tree is not resistant to cold. Although the temperature of its growing environment is about 15 ℃ in winter, the lowest temperature is 5: 10 ℃. If the temperature is too low, because the root system does not absorb enough water, there will be yellowish-brown patches on the leaf tip and leaf edge. Fifth: fertilization. The dragon blood tree should apply thin fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but any plant can avoid applying too much nitrogen fertilizer, and the golden markings on the leaves of the dragon blood tree will not be obvious. it is a dormant period in winter to stop fertilization sixth: insect pests. The dragon blood tree has fewer diseases and insect pests. Being eroded by diseases and insect pests, insecticides can be sprayed on plant branches and then covered with plastic sheet to suffocate eggs or larvae. You can also peel off some of the bark, pick out pests, and then spray drugs to prevent spread.

[matters needing attention of the dragon blood tree] first: the dragon blood tree likes warmth, fears severe cold, likes light and fears scorching sun exposure, so it is most suitable to grow in a warm but not very hot environment. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn are the exuberant season for the growth of dragon blood trees. During this period, there must be sufficient sunshine and moisture. Second: winter dormancy period to rest fertilization, control watering, generally overwintering indoors, can be watered every ten days and a half month, such as no sunlight for a long time, can be used to turn on the lights at night, artificial lighting can be carried out to ensure the beauty of the leaves. Conclusion: it is an excellent foliage plant for modern interior decoration, which can decorate the study, living room and bedroom. A good pot of dragon blood tree has a good effect on the layout of the environment, but it also takes skill to maintain a good dragon blood tree. I hope the above content can help you all.

What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Dragon Blood Tree?

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The green leaves of the dragon blood tree can not only decorate the interior well, but also play an important role in air purification. The bright green plants make people feel happy to look at them. Therefore, the home is not without the decoration of green plants. Dragon blood tree is a common foliage plant with beautiful and regular plant shape and colorful leaves. It is an excellent foliage plant for modern indoor decoration. Let's follow the editor to learn more about the dragon blood tree.

[introduction to Dragon Blood Tree] Dragon Blood Tree is also called horse mule sugarcane tree. Mainly like to grow in the tropics. Mainly in Africa and southern Asia. The shape of the dragon blood tree is very strong, and the leaves are colorful and beautiful. The plant type is beautiful and regular, and the leaf shape is colorful. It is an excellent plant for decorating the room. Can also secrete a kind of light fragrance, people call it the dragon blood tree, the stem of the dragon blood tree, can secrete the bright red resin, for it "dragon blood", the dragon blood tree's good name gets from this. [the culture method of dragon blood tree] number one: soil. Dragon blood tree likes loose, fertile, highly permeable sandy soil. An appropriate amount of organic fertilizer and ferrous sulfate can be added to the nutritious soil. This is more conducive to his growth. It can also be cultivated with a mixture of rotten leaf soil and some sandy soil. Second: watering. The dragon blood tree grows in the tropics, so its drought resistance is very good. Watering is not suitable for too much. Too much may cause tree trunk rot and root rot. In order to maintain normal moisture, you can water it every 10 days or so. Third: light. The dragon blood tree is not afraid of the sun. But it is still necessary to avoid the exposure of the hot summer sun. Dragon blood trees like warm, moist and sunny environments. In the case of sufficient light, its color will be more gorgeous, and the color will be more changeable. Fourth: temperature. The dragon blood tree is not resistant to cold. Although the temperature of its growing environment is about 15 ℃ in winter, the lowest temperature is 5: 10 ℃. If the temperature is too low, because the root system does not absorb enough water, there will be yellowish-brown patches on the leaf tip and leaf edge. Fifth: fertilization. The dragon blood tree should apply thin fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but any plant can avoid applying too much nitrogen fertilizer, and the golden markings on the leaves of the dragon blood tree will not be obvious. it is a dormant period in winter to stop fertilization sixth: insect pests. The dragon blood tree has fewer diseases and insect pests. Being eroded by diseases and insect pests, insecticides can be sprayed on plant branches and then covered with plastic sheet to suffocate eggs or larvae. You can also peel off some of the bark, pick out pests, and then spray drugs to prevent spread.

[matters needing attention of the dragon blood tree] first: the dragon blood tree likes warmth, fears severe cold, likes light and fears scorching sun exposure, so it is most suitable to grow in a warm but not very hot environment. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn are the exuberant season for the growth of dragon blood trees. During this period, there must be sufficient sunshine and moisture. Second: winter dormancy period to rest fertilization, control watering, generally overwintering indoors, can be watered every ten days and a half month, such as no sunlight for a long time, can be used to turn on the lights at night, artificial lighting can be carried out to ensure the beauty of the leaves. Conclusion: it is an excellent foliage plant for modern interior decoration, which can decorate the study, living room and bedroom. A good pot of dragon blood tree has a good effect on the layout of the environment, but it also takes skill to maintain a good dragon blood tree. I hope the above content can help you all.

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Is the dragon blood tree easy to raise? the culture methods and matters needing attention of the dragon blood tree

The dragon blood tree has a straight and straight stem and a neat plant type. it is an excellent foliage plant for modern indoor decoration, which can not only be used to watch, but also improve the indoor air environment. In addition, the dragon blood tree also has anti-bacterial and other medical functions, and has a wide range of uses. Loved by people. Next, the editor will introduce you about the dragon blood tree is easy to raise, as well as the dragon blood tree breeding methods and matters needing attention and other aspects.

Is the dragon blood tree easy to raise

The propagation method of dragon blood tree is relatively simple, mainly for strip propagation, cutting propagation and tissue culture. New roots can sprout 30 to 40 days after strip propagation, while 35 to 40 days after cutting propagation. Dragon blood tree likes high temperature and humidity, likes light, and has high requirements for light and temperature. as long as there is enough light and water, it can survive and can be in a state of growth all the year round. However, the dragon blood tree is not cold-resistant, and the winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise chloasma will appear on the leaf tip and leaf edge, so it is still necessary to pay some attention to take care of the dragon blood tree in winter.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Dragon Blood Tree

1. Temperature

Dragon blood tree is fond of high temperature, and the most suitable temperature is 22 ~ 28 ℃, so it will grow well in summer. On the other hand, the dragon blood tree is not cold-resistant, its dormancy temperature is 13 ℃, when overwintering, the temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, if the temperature is too low, the leaf tip of the dragon blood tree will brown, or even the whole tree will wither. Therefore, we should do a good job of keeping warm in winter.

2. Lighting

Dragon blood trees are more adaptable to light, especially like sufficient scattered light and avoid the direct exposure of strong sunlight. Therefore, in the summer, we need to pay attention not to let the dragon blood tree be exposed to the sun, but to move it to a place where the sun is scattered.

3. Watering

The dragon blood tree likes to be wet, is afraid of waterlogging, and has a certain ability to resist drought, but it will grow better in a moist soil environment, so during the vigorous growth period, it is necessary to pay attention to the number and amount of watering, adhere to the principle of "no dry, no watering", and keep the basin soil moist when watering, and avoid being too dry or too wet. In winter, in order to improve the cold resistance of dragon blood tree, the dry state of basin soil should be kept when watering.

4. Soil

The dragon blood tree likes the substrate with loose, fertile and good permeability, so the sandy loam with fertile, loose and good drainage should be selected when cultivating the dragon blood tree, and the mixture of rotten leaf soil, culture soil and coarse sand should be selected for pot culture, so that the dragon blood tree will grow best.

5. Fertilization

The growth of dragon blood tree is very slow, so it does not need too much fertilizer. During the growing period, it only needs to apply dilute liquid fertilizer 1-2 times a month, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer in autumn, topdressing phosphate fertilizer 1-2 times instead, and stop fertilizing in winter.

6. Pest control

Dragon blood trees will suffer from diseases and insect pests such as leaf spot, stem rot and red spiders, so it is necessary to do a good job in pest control and timely spraying pesticides to ensure the healthy growth of dragon blood trees.

Dragon blood tree is quite easy to raise, the above is about the dragon blood tree breeding methods and matters needing attention, I hope to be helpful to everyone.