
How to raise the flowering period of spring orchids

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to raise the flowering period of spring orchids

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Orchids have been loved and praised by people since ancient times. The ancients praised and said, "the incense of orchid covers a country", so it has a nickname of "national fragrance". With its unique leaves, flowers and fragrance, orchids give people a very noble, elegant and beautiful image. So what we are going to introduce today is the spring orchid, which is one of the best orchids. So how to raise spring orchids? And when is the flowering time of spring orchids? Let's go into the world of spring orchids with the editor.

Spring orchids are also known as grass orchids and mountain orchids. One or two branches, long and narrow leaves, dark green flowers, light fragrance. Mostly produced in temperate zones, mainly produced in China, in Zhejiang. Jiangsu and other places to spring orchid is expensive, has a long history of cultivation, more potted, as an indoor ornamental, flowering has a particularly elegant aroma. It is a good product for indoor layout, and its roots, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine.

How to raise spring orchids?

1. Spring orchid cultivation land must not use alkaline soil, spring orchid cultivation soil is best to use special orchid mud, or with rotten leaf soil and sandy loam mixed use.

two。 Spring orchids are suitable for growing in warm areas, and the suitable temperature is from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. Good shade and ventilation are required in spring and summer, and sufficient sunshine is needed in autumn and winter.

3. The key to raising a good spring orchid is watering, generally less watering times in winter, exuberant growth in summer, higher temperature can be watered more. Generally speaking, Rain Water and river water are better for orchids. Tap water must be reused after entering the pool.

4. Fertilization is necessary for Chunlan. Spring and summer are in the peak period of growth, so you can apply more fertilizer once a week. The growth rate is slow in autumn, so we should apply less fertilizer once every semimonthly. You don't need to apply fertilizer when you are dormant in winter.

The flowering period of spring orchids

The flowering period of spring orchids is from February to March. If the climate is abnormal, the florescence will be postponed or bloom ahead of time. Spring orchid is a flower of great ornamental value, with enlarged petals and delicate fragrance. It is not only a good product for office or home interior decoration, but also a good helper to purify indoor air. Its price is so high that it is called the gentleman in the flower. Warm reminder: after the spring orchid blossoms, cut the flowers together with the flowers when they are about to wither, do not wait until the flowers fall off naturally, so as to reduce nutrient consumption, which is beneficial to blossom in the coming year.

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Spring orchid how to raise spring orchid florescence

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When does the sweet-scented osmanthus bloom?

? Decorate your little home and enjoy every minute of your life! There is a nest of self-love in this article!

Orchids have been loved and praised by people since ancient times. The ancients praised and said, "the incense of orchid covers a country", so it has a nickname of "national fragrance". With its unique leaves, flowers and fragrance, orchids give people a very noble, elegant and beautiful image. So what we are going to introduce today is the spring orchid, which is one of the best orchids. So how to raise spring orchids? And when is the flowering time of spring orchids? Let's go into the world of spring orchids with the editor.

Spring orchids are also known as grass orchids and mountain orchids. One or two branches, long and narrow leaves, dark green flowers, light fragrance. Mostly produced in temperate zones, mainly produced in China, in Zhejiang. Jiangsu and other places to spring orchid is expensive, has a long history of cultivation, more potted, as an indoor ornamental, flowering has a particularly elegant aroma. It is a good product for indoor layout, and its roots, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine.

How to raise spring orchids?

1. Spring orchid cultivation land must not use alkaline soil, spring orchid cultivation soil is best to use special orchid mud, or with rotten leaf soil and sandy loam mixed use.

two。 Spring orchids are suitable for growing in warm areas, and the suitable temperature is from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. Good shade and ventilation are required in spring and summer, and sufficient sunshine is needed in autumn and winter.

3. The key to raising a good spring orchid is watering, generally less watering times in winter, exuberant growth in summer, higher temperature can be watered more. Generally speaking, Rain Water and river water are better for orchids. Tap water must be reused after entering the pool.

4. Fertilization is necessary for Chunlan. Spring and summer are in the peak period of growth, so you can apply more fertilizer once a week. The growth rate is slow in autumn, so we should apply less fertilizer once every semimonthly. You don't need to apply fertilizer when you are dormant in winter.

The flowering period of spring orchids

The flowering period of spring orchids is from February to March. If the climate is abnormal, the florescence will be postponed or bloom ahead of time. Spring orchid is a flower of great ornamental value, with enlarged petals and delicate fragrance. It is not only a good product for office or home interior decoration, but also a good helper to purify indoor air. Its price is so high that it is called the gentleman in the flower. Warm reminder: after the spring orchid blossoms, cut the flowers together with the flowers when they are about to wither, do not wait until the flowers fall off naturally, so as to reduce nutrient consumption, which is beneficial to blossom in the coming year.

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Spring orchid-how to raise spring orchid | Spring orchid flower language | Spring orchid picture Chunlan is a common original species of terrestrial orchids, mostly in temperate zones, mainly distributed in China, is a Chinese specialty. Spring orchids produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the most expensive, as well as Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Gansu, Taiwan and other places. Orchid is one of the famous flowers in China, which has a long history of cultivation. Potted plants are often used as indoor ornamental plants. When they bloom, they have a particularly elegant aroma. The flowering period is from February to April. They are good products for indoor layout, and their roots, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine. Culture methods of spring orchids

1. Soil: alkaline soil should not be used in spring orchid culture, and orchid mud is the most ideal culture soil, or half-mixed with humus soil and sandy loam soil.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, 18 ℃ to 25 ℃ from March to October and 10 ℃ to 18 ℃ from October to March of the following year. Even a short time of 0 ℃ in winter can bloom normally and can withstand a low temperature of-5 ℃ to-8 ℃, but it is best to keep the room temperature at 3 ℃ to 8 ℃, or keep the basin soil free of ice and leave it in a sunny place near the south window.

The function of Spring Orchid

The function of spring orchid: 1, ornamental. Spring orchid is one of the famous flowers in China, there are many varieties, beautiful leaves, flowering has a particularly elegant aroma, flowering period is also long, potted flowers can be decorated at home, with high ornamental value.

The function of spring orchid: 2, medicinal. The ornamental value of the spring orchid is high, and the medicinal value is not low. The roots, leaves and flowers of the spring orchid can be used as medicine. It has the effects of clearing the lungs and eliminating fever, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, cooling blood and hemostasis, and can be used to treat many diseases such as clearing the lungs and eliminating fever.

How to reproduce spring orchids

1. Sowing and breeding of spring orchids

Spring orchids can be propagated by sowing method. The seeds of spring orchids are very fine and should be sowed immediately after seed collection. The method is that the seeds must be sown on a pre-configured special medium for orchids under aseptic conditions. Soak the seeds in hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes for 20 minutes before sowing. Then the culture flask containing the culture medium was placed in an incubator with 20: 25 ℃ and 60% humidity. 3 months later, the seeds germinated one after another. When the seedlings had 2-3 leaflets in the culture flask, they were transplanted into sterilized peat moss from the flask, and then transplanted into a small basin after the orchid seedlings grew strong.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in spring orchids

1. Soft rot of spring orchid

Because of high temperature and humidity and poor ventilation in spring and summer, soft rot is easy to occur when excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. At the initial stage of the disease, waterlogged disease spots were produced by bacteria invading the leaves or heart leaves, which expanded rapidly and contained more water. In the later stage, the diseased leaves became yellow and fell off, and the whole plant died of soft rot.

Solution: improve growth conditions, increase ventilation, reduce temperature and humidity, use streptomycin 1000 times water solution, stone sulfur mixture or Bordeaux solution, spray once a week.

The difference between Spring Orchid and Jian Lan

1. The luster of the film is different. In the wild, the glossiness of the leaves of Jian Lan and Chunlan is different, the gloss of the leaves of Jian Lan is better, and the root is slightly smaller than that of Chunlan.

2. The surface pattern is different. The leaf lines of Jian orchid and spring orchid are also very different. The circumference diameter of the leaf nail of Jian orchid is larger than that of the group and is accompanied by red silk, while the spring orchid is relatively round and rarely has red silk.

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