
Key points of elm bonsai maintenance, how to make and maintain elm bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of elm bonsai maintenance, how to make and maintain elm bonsai

❤ `.,.''recommend:

❤ transports bamboo

❤ Yuan Baoshu

❤ rockery bonsai

❤ Pine Bonsai

❤. Decorate your home and enjoy every minute of your life! This article comes from [Decoration Information]

The posture of the elm is chic and straight, the bark is rough and many longitudinal cracks are dark gray, but its twigs are soft and suitable for staggered climbing, and the ancient elm stump is even more elegant. Although it seems to have long been decayed by the years, the branches and leaves still grow normally, giving people the meaning of ancient trees in spring. The production of elm bonsai some are intertwined, and even turn decay into magic, do not have a charm.

The production of elm bonsai: 1. Prepare tile pots equipped with plain sand for planting newly dug old piles of elm trees, also known as "raising piles". Pile cultivation is generally carried out from late autumn to spring, and the survival rate is the highest about three months before elm sprouting. 2. the stump should be transplanted with guest soil, and it should be carried out before sprouting leaves in winter and spring. After planting, wrap the stem with rice straw mixed with yellow mud water, and often water it to ensure that the soil and straw are moist. 3. Before planting, the roots and branches should be trimmed, and there is often viscous sap flowing out of the cut, so it should be noted that the viscous tree liquid should not exudate too much, otherwise it will seriously affect the survival rate. To prevent this from happening, we can seal the cut with wax and sprinkle it with fine sand so that it can be effectively avoided.

4. Compacting the soil after planting, there is no need to water at this time, then spray clean water to the branches 1-2 times a day, and then water again 3-4 days later, and finally, as long as it is not dry, do not water, do not let the soil accumulate water. 5. According to the basic form of the old pile, the elm bonsai is modeled, and different forms of bonsai are made by banding, pruning and other forms. Modeling time does not pay special attention to the period, can be in the dormant period after falling leaves, can also be in the growing period, but must not be in the budding period to do modeling.

Conservation of elm bonsai:

1. Lighting: strengthen the illumination of elm bonsai. Elm bonsai like sunshine, shade tolerance is poor, the production of bonsai should be placed in a sunny place. Lack of sunlight, it will only grow branches and leaves very ugly, but also easy to cause insect pests. 2. Watering: although elm likes to grow in wet places, it is also afraid of water stains. Therefore, each watering should be thoroughly watered in the morning and evening at the height of summer, and the basin soil must be kept moist without stagnant water.

3. Fertilization: Elm bonsai need not be fertilized too much, as long as it is applied once each year in early spring and early autumn. 4. Pruning: because the growth of elm is very strong, we need to prune diligently to maintain the ornamental value of elm bonsai. Pruning and shaping can be carried out in autumn, cutting off useless branches and diseased branches, and then pruning. 5. Diseases and insect pests: the elm bonsai is often harmed by aphids and clams. We can spray it with omethoate diluted with 1000 times water.

Conclusion: the elm stump is not only used for bonsai viewing, but also can be used as a tree embellished in the courtyard. In the south of the Yangtze River, it has become "where there is a village, there must be elm". The above is the introduction of the editor. Will you make elm bonsai after reading it? How much do you know about its maintenance? Friends who like bonsai, plant one quickly!

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Elm bonsai picture elm bonsai conservation key points, how to make and maintain elm bonsai

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? Decorate your little home and enjoy every minute of your life! This article comes from [Decoration Information]

The posture of the elm is chic and straight, the bark is rough and many longitudinal cracks are dark gray, but its twigs are soft and suitable for staggered climbing, and the ancient elm stump is even more elegant. Although it seems to have long been decayed by the years, the branches and leaves still grow normally, giving people the meaning of ancient trees in spring. The production of elm bonsai some are intertwined, and even turn decay into magic, do not have a charm.

The production of elm bonsai: 1. Prepare tile pots equipped with plain sand for planting newly dug old piles of elm trees, also known as "raising piles". Pile cultivation is generally carried out from late autumn to spring, and the survival rate is the highest about three months before elm sprouting. 2. the stump should be transplanted with guest soil, and it should be carried out before sprouting leaves in winter and spring. After planting, wrap the stem with rice straw mixed with yellow mud water, and often water it to ensure that the soil and straw are moist. 3. Before planting, the roots and branches should be trimmed, and there is often viscous sap flowing out of the cut, so it should be noted that the viscous tree liquid should not exudate too much, otherwise it will seriously affect the survival rate. To prevent this from happening, we can seal the cut with wax and sprinkle it with fine sand so that it can be effectively avoided.

4. Compacting the soil after planting, there is no need to water at this time, then spray clean water to the branches 1-2 times a day, and then water again 3-4 days later, and finally, as long as it is not dry, do not water, do not let the soil accumulate water. 5. According to the basic form of the old pile, the elm bonsai is modeled, and different forms of bonsai are made by banding, pruning and other forms. Modeling time does not pay special attention to the period, can be in the dormant period after falling leaves, can also be in the growing period, but must not be in the budding period to do modeling.

Conservation of elm bonsai:

1. Lighting: strengthen the illumination of elm bonsai. Elm bonsai like sunshine, shade tolerance is poor, the production of bonsai should be placed in a sunny place. Lack of sunlight, it will only grow branches and leaves very ugly, but also easy to cause insect pests. 2. Watering: although elm likes to grow in wet places, it is also afraid of water stains. Therefore, each watering should be thoroughly watered in the morning and evening at the height of summer, and the basin soil must be kept moist without stagnant water.

3. Fertilization: Elm bonsai need not be fertilized too much, as long as it is applied once each year in early spring and early autumn. 4. Pruning: because the growth of elm is very strong, we need to prune diligently to maintain the ornamental value of elm bonsai. Pruning and shaping can be carried out in autumn, cutting off useless branches and diseased branches, and then pruning. 5. Diseases and insect pests: the elm bonsai is often harmed by aphids and clams. We can spray it with omethoate diluted with 1000 times water.

Conclusion: the elm stump is not only used for bonsai viewing, but also can be used as a tree embellished in the courtyard. In the south of the Yangtze River, it has become "where there is a village, there must be elm". The above is the introduction of the editor. Will you make elm bonsai after reading it? How much do you know about its maintenance? Friends who like bonsai, plant one quickly!

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[Elm bonsai] Elm bonsai conservation picture Elm bonsai production method

Yushu City is a kind of light-loving, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, water-intolerant. Can adapt to dry and cool climate, like fertile, moist and well-drained soil, can also grow in dry, barren and light saline-alkali soil, and grow faster. In particular, it is very good to use elm trees growing in the wild to make bonsai, because the old piles of elm trees growing in the wild have gradually formed different shapes after years of wind and rain or animal gnawing. The bonsai produced is also very unique. that. What is the method of making elm bonsai? Today, let's take a look at the production method and picture appreciation of elm bonsai with Xiaobian. The method of making elm bonsai introduces that the newly excavated old piles of elms should be planted in plain sand or planted in tile pots for a period of time. Maintenance is generally carried out from late autumn to spring (with the highest survival rate in two or three months before sprouting). First of all, the roots and branches should be pruned before planting. During pruning, viscous sap often flows out of the cut. If the sticky tree exudates too much liquid, it will seriously affect the survival rate of elm. At this time, we can use paint and wax to seal the cut, or we can apply a layer of erythromycin ointment or sulfonamide ointment, and then sprinkle with fine sand to prevent excessive flow of sticky sap. When the old pile of elm is planted in the basin, the soil should be compacted as far as possible, without watering, just spray clean water on the branches 1-2 times a day, and water again 3-4 days later. In the future, you can choose not to do it or water it, but the elm bonsai strictly forbids the accumulation of water in the soil, because it is easy to cause the roots to rot. When making elm bonsai modeling, bonsai should be made according to the basic form of old piles of elm trees, such as straight dry type, curved dry type, oblique dry type, water-facing type, cliff type, wind type, jungle type, stone-attached type and so on. During the production period, it should be made in the dormant period after the fallen leaves of elm trees, or in the growing period, not in the budding period. When the elm bonsai is formed, it can be planted in a small basin such as purple sand basin before germination in spring, and planted with sandy soil with loose air permeability, good drainage and rich humus. At ordinary times, it should be maintained in a place with good ventilation and sufficient light to keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water. In summer, the temperature high cut air is relatively dry, can sprinkle water to the ground around the plant, but should not spray water directly to the leaf surface, lest the leaf become bigger and lose the sense of beauty. Generally speaking, a mature thin liquid fertilizer can be applied to the elm bonsai for about 20 days. The germination of elm is very strong and the growth rate is fast. In the growing season, elm should be often pruned to cut off too long and disorderly branches in order to maintain the beautiful shape of potted plants. The best viewing period for elm bonsai is when the new leaves are just coming out, usually all the leaves will be removed in the first and middle of August, and then the management of water and fertilizer will be strengthened, and new leaves will grow again in late September to improve the ornamental value. Elm potted in winter, to move to the bright light of the cold room, can also be buried in the outdoor leeward soil, reduce watering, so that elm plants fully dormant. The pot of elm is turned every 2-3 years to make the bonsai grow exuberantly and full of vitality. Summary: the above timely introduction of the relevant information to you, after reading the introduction of the editor, I believe you also have a certain understanding of the production methods of elm potted plants. In fact, elm can also grow in arid, barren and light saline-alkali soil, its life span can reach hundreds of years, and elm has strong resistance to toxic gases such as smoke and hydrogen fluoride. [related recommendations] ☑ impatiens ☑ African chrysanthemum ☑ flower arrangement skills ☑ shell wind chimes ☑ remember grass ☑ cherry trees ☑ creative space ☑ wallpaper