
Five kinds of potted plants for lazy people look good. I can't raise a blossom thief.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What kind of potted plants can lazy people raise? In fact, there are a lot of plants are suitable for lazy people to raise, because they do not need too much water, and do not need too much time to take care of, can grow normally. Please enter a picture to describe the cactus.

What kind of potted plants can lazy people raise? In fact, there are a lot of plants are suitable for lazy people to raise, because they do not need too much water, and do not need too much time to take care of, can grow normally.

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Cactus is a good choice, it can also protect against radiation. Some people will say that the cactus has thorns, but now many varieties are thornless, and they can blossom, and they don't have to water them too frequently. Just water it when the basin soil is dry, or it can be left unwatered for a month or two, and it won't die. If he had the conditions to put the cactus in a place with plenty of light, he would naturally blossom.

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The hanging orchid is also a more suitable for lazy people to breed. Plant the hanging orchid in a large basin with loose and breathable soil. Show him some scattered light, just pour some water on it, and it can grow normally, even if it is very dry, occasionally pour a little on him, and he can recover. But be sure to maintain good ventilation and give him some scattered light so that he can grow normally.

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And then there is the duck palm wood that we often talk about. She is also very easy to breed, so she can be planted with ordinary potted soil. Remember to water some water, even if not watered, its leaves withered, give him a little will be able to recover. Give him a little fertilizer once in a while, and it can grow quickly.

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There is another kind of sunflower that is common in our family, which is the best to raise. Just give him enough light. Give him a little fertilizer once in a while, and it can keep growing and blooming.

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There are many flowers suitable for lazy people, such as green pineapple and orchid. Cactus, cactus, hanging bamboo plum. Tiger Pilan and many other varieties are very easy to raise. But no matter how easy to maintain the variety, we must pay attention to the maintenance. Give it some light and keep it well ventilated. Only in this way can we raise it well. if the ventilation is not good and there is no light, most of the plants will die.

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