
Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in navel orange

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in navel orange

Navel orange is a familiar fruit, which has good taste, rich nutrition and high dietotherapy value. Navel orange cultivation is also common and has good planting efficiency. However, the harm of diseases and insect pests in planting often affects its yield and quality, so what are the common diseases and insect pests of navel orange? Let's take a look at its pest control methods.

1. Huanglong disease

Huanglong disease is a serious disease in the production process of citrus fruits, which hinders the development of navel orange aquaculture. At the initial stage of the disease, the crown has one or more shoot leaves yellowing, and its symptoms have three different manifestations. After infected with the disease, the tree is weak, the yield is reduced, and the fruit quality is poor until the plant dies. The disease is mainly transmitted by diseased seedlings, scions and insects.

Prevention and cure methods: to clean up the weeds and diseased branches in the garden, burn them centrally or bury them deeply, choose the seedlings without disease, remove and burn the diseased plants in time, and disinfect the diseased points, or inject tetracycline hydrochloride or penicillin into the diseased plants, which has a certain therapeutic effect.

2. Ulcer disease

Canker is a common disease in the production of navel orange, which mainly harms the leaves and fruits of navel orange. it often causes the phenomenon of falling leaves and fruits after the disease, resulting in a sharp decrease in yield. After infected with the disease, the appearance of the fruit is very rough, the sale is very poor, and some of it can not even be sold, which can easily lead to decay during fruit storage, affect the economic income of fruit growers, and infect the leaves at the seedling stage, resulting in serious fallen leaves and withered shoots, resulting in tree weakness and, in serious cases, plant death.

Control methods: strengthen inter-garden management, reduce pathogenic bacteria, increase organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during planting, improve plant disease resistance, cut off diseased branches and leaves in time after harvest, and then burn the fallen leaves and diseased fruits on the ground together. For the old branch with disease spot, the disease spot can be scraped off, in the smear stone sulfur mixture, the trunk in spraying stone sulfur mixture dissolved oxygen, the treatment effect is better.

3. Anthrax

Anthracnose is an infectious disease with a long incubation period, harming branches, leaves, fruits, and sometimes branches and flowers, leading to withered leaves and shoots, bark cracking, fruit decay and no harvest. When the disease occurs, there are irregular gray-white disease spots, which is best to cause the leaves to wither and fall off; while when the fruit occurs, there are yellow-brown disease spots on the surface, the disease spots gradually expand, and finally rot at the lesion.

Prevention and control methods: clear the garden in winter, collect and bury all the fallen leaves, branches and fruits on the ground, reduce pathogens, and spray disinfectants and sterilizers in winter and early spring. Strengthen the fertilizer and water management of the orchard, enhance the tree potential, improve disease resistance, fertilization should be mainly organic fertilizer, no or less application of chemical fertilizer, do not apply nitrogen fertilizer, reasonable pruning, increase plant permeability and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

4. Insect pests

The main pests of navel orange are red spiders, scale insects and nocturnal moths, which all cause damage to the leaves, flowers and fruits of navel oranges and like to absorb juices from young parts of plants, resulting in damage to the growth nodes and slow or stagnant growth of navel oranges. in serious cases, it may lead to leaf and fruit drop, and may also lead to plant death and great harm.

Prevention and control methods: pest control methods should be the combination of agricultural and chemical control, to do a good job in orchard cleaning, reduce insect sources, timely spraying chemicals.

The above are the prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests of navel orange. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about navel orange planting, please follow us.