
Why is it that the woman who soaks her feet every night has such a good temperament?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, According to the statistics of the National Health Bureau, 92% of the people in China's first-tier cities often stay up late, drink, sit for too long and exercise less, turn on air conditioners and are under great stress. Lead to serious body dampness, fat belly, greasy face, cold hands and feet, all day.

According to the statistics of the National Health Bureau, 92% of the people in China's first-tier cities often

Stay up late, drink, sit too long and exercise less,

Turn on air conditioner and high pressure


It leads to severe dampness, fat belly, greasy face, cold hands and feet.

At the end of the day, I feel dry and bitter, the tongue is white and thick, and the breath is disgusting.

Moisture is the enemy of modern health, and many diseases are related to moisture, people with heavy moisture.

It is easy to get three high, fatty liver, asthma, gynecological diseases and even malignant tumors.

The so-called

"moisture doesn't get rid of all diseases.




Moisture is regardless of seasons, physique, and men and women

This is the reason for the so-called ten people and nine wet.

The symptoms are:

① 's face is yellow and greasy, with acne and itchy skin.

② has sticky stools, bloated stomach and puffy stomach.

③ hair is greasy and easy to lose hair.

④ often has unstable sleep, cold hands and feet, loss of appetite, nausea and heavy breath.

⑤ has poor qi and blood, aching joints of the extremities, and unfavorable flexion and extension of the joints.

(for women, cold and dampness can lead to irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and leucorrhea.)

If you want to remove dampness and cold, most people choose cupping, scraping and acupuncture.

Not only for a long time, but also to endure pain, the wrong methods will also cause great harm to the body.

As the saying goes:

"all diseases begin with cold, and cold grows from under feet."


The easiest way to remove dampness

Is to soak your feet.

The temperature of the autumn wind gradually turns cool, and from then on, we begin to soak our feet every day, not only in this summer.

Removal of damp and cold accumulation

Oh, it's okay.

Promote blood circulation, excrete toxins, and promote metabolism

It is of great benefit to the body.

Our grandma is

A person who has no solar terms all the year round

People who love to soak their feet and keep fit!

If you want to achieve a good health effect, soaking feet is indispensable.

While soaking feet in autumn and winter, the preferred auxiliary material is:

Moxa grass, ginger, Panax notoginseng, saffron

, four natural plants.

Today, the editor is going to share one with you.

Moxa grass, ginger, Panax notoginseng, saffron

Mainly matched with a variety of valuable medicinal materials.

Longyuan bubble foot pill


Take a dip every night to help you

Promoting blood circulation and dispelling dampness

Help men consolidate essence and tonify kidney, help women tonify blood and nourish qi

Oh, soak up a healthy body!


Moxa soaked feet


Longyuan bubble foot pill-moxa pill

Efficacy: dispelling dampness, warming the palace, relaxing the mind, expelling cold, good sleep, meditation

The leaves of Artemisia argyi are warm, bitter, non-toxic, pure yang, and pass through the twelve meridians.

Return to yang, regulate qi and blood, expel dampness and cold, and stop bleeding

Wait for the effect.

Match with

Radix Astragali, licorice, Sophora flavescens, solitary living

And other medicinal materials

Let the body get better recuperation.

Compared with the single-ingredient bubble foot bags and foot powder on the market

Longyuan moxa bubble foot pills are naturally rich in ingredients and have more efficacy.

The dampness-removing effect of barley flour and barley tea bag is better and more convenient!

According to the Compendium of Materia Medica

Ai Ye has

Warming meridians and dispelling cold, dispelling dampness and warming the palace

The efficacy of.

(heavy dampness, greasy face, causing acne, comparison before and after soaking feet)

(improper diet, heavy dampness, dampness and fatness lead to puffy belly distension, removing dampness can eliminate big belly)


Ginger soaked feet


Longyuan bubble foot pill-Lao Jiang pill.

Efficacy: dispel cold and dampness, facilitate blood circulation, regulate cold hands and feet, and joint discomfort

Old ginger is lukewarm, pungent and non-toxic.


Relieving the surface and dispelling cold, warming the lung to stop vomiting, warming the lungs to relieve cough, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.

Mixed with turmeric, old ginger, Pinellia ternata, licorice, Notopterygium and other ingredients.


Recuperate the cold condition of hands and feet.


Chills, joint pain, cold hands and feet at night

Men and women, old and young

One tablet per night for easy relief.


Panax notoginseng

Soak your feet


Longyuan bubble foot pill-Sanqi pill

Efficacy: path activating collaterals, dispelling wind and dispelling cold, dispersing stasis and good sleep, relieving fatigue

Li Shizhen said, "

Ginseng is the first to replenish qi, and Panax notoginseng is the first to replenish blood.


Blend in

Panax notoginseng, Chuanwu, Nanxing, frankincense, myrrh, angelica, licorice

And other precious herbs.


Those with severe cold, obstruction of meridians, neck, waist, legs, etc.

Can be used as adjuvant conditioning.



Soak your feet


Longyuan bubble foot pill-saffron pill (specially designed for women)

Efficacy: recuperate qi and blood, irregular menstruation, activate blood circulation, warm uterus and warm menstruation.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, saffron can nourish blood, activate blood, is very good for women, and is a precious medicinal material.

Integrated with saffron, angelica, licorice, sapphire wood, motherwort

They are all very good herbs for replenishing qi and blood to women.

For women

Deficiency of qi and blood, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, small amount of menstruation, cold uterus

Wait for physical problems.

Soak your feet with saffron pills and insist on conditioning.

It will have a good effect.

Deficiency of qi and blood, poor kidney qi

It will also cause hair loss and other problems.

Persist in soaking the feet, protecting the kidney and replenishing qi, making the baldness thicker.



Ingenious craftsmanship


For foot powder and foot pills,

Can it be effectively dissolved in water?

It is directly related to the human body's absorption of Chinese herbal medicine.

The foot powder and bags on the market are all made by direct grinding and packaging.

In the water, the effect can not be released, naturally there is no effect.

Compared with similar products on the market, Longyuan bubble foot pills can be said to be


Melt in the presence of water. "

In the proper water temperature, soaking foot pills

Melt quickly, leaving no residue

Herbal ingredients are effectively released to make foot soaking water a real health water.

This is due to Longyuan's ingenious craftsmanship of only making bubble foot pills over the past 16 years.

Longyuan adheres to the traditional health therapy, selects a variety of precious medicinal materials, and only

Made by hand.


Pass through Chinese herbal medicine

4 hours of heat cooking

Slowly penetrate the efficacy and fully extract the plant essence.

Preparing pill paste is also a difficult problem, it is too thick and difficult to dissolve, and the drug is too weak, so it must have been in the industry for decades.

The old master personally grasped it.

No machine suppression

Use manual kneading

To better retain the efficacy.

Finally pass by.

Natural sun drying

Absorb the essence of nature to become a beautiful bubble foot pill!

Only in this way can the bubble foot pills be worthy of the people:

Soak your feet in hot water and eat ginseng.

Such a proverb.


Easy to use


Because the medicine is powerful, you only need to put it every time you soak your feet.

One Longyuan bubble foot pill can match about 8-10 jin.

The water.

Use is also very simple, peel off the pill into the water, you can enjoy foot bath.

Keep soaking your feet every day

Dispelling dampness and cold

The tongue coating is white and thick, and the acne is completely relieved.

Deficiency and fatness caused by dampness, big belly, in the process of removing dampness

Cooperate with slimming to shape the best figure.

Caused by deficiency of kidney qi

Kidney deficiency, hair loss, bad sex, sore waist

And other problems can also be adjusted and consolidated through scientific soaking.

Nine out of ten women are afraid of cold, and they are easy to suffer from cold and dampness, irregular menstruation, cold in the palace and so on.


Dispelling dampness and dispelling cold, warming uterus and regulating menstruation

Oh, insisting on soaking your feet!

Longyuan Paojiao pills are very strict in terms of quality and materials.

Through the quality inspection of the major authoritative organizations.

With stringent craftsmanship and good effectiveness, it is no wonder that over the past 16 years, Longyuan foot-bubble pills have accumulated a batch of fans, serving more than millions of men, women and children who pay attention to foot-soaking.

Help you

Remove dampness, body cold, warm the palace, regulate menstruation, tonify qi and blood, detoxify and nourish beauty, protect kidney, say goodbye to greasy face and foot odor

Have good health and good health


Care for yourself and your parents

Every soaking foot is the best recuperation for health.


Dispelling dampness and cold in autumn and winter and strengthening the body

Inherit hundreds of years of soaking feet in good health, starting from the persistence of every day!

It is a hot seller this week.

You can buy it by pressing the QR code.
