
Planting techniques of Pinellia ternata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Pinellia ternata

Pinellia ternata is a medicinal plant of Araceae, also known as Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata. Its medicinal part is tuber, which has wild distribution in all parts of our country. It has the effect of dryness, dampness and phlegm, reducing adverse and antiemetic effect, but the whole plant is poisonous and cannot be eaten raw. A small amount of food causes symptoms such as numbness, spasm and dyspnea. Eating too much can cause death. Let's take a look at its planting techniques.

1. Land selection and land preparation

Choose the land with sunny and flat taxi tickets, the best is the sandy loam with deep soil, loose and fertile soil and convenient drainage, and leguminous and gramineous crops have been planted in the previous crop. Select a good plot to start soil preparation, first turn the soil 20-30cm deep, rake fine and level it into a wide 120cm border, requiring the ditch to be 30 cm wide and 15-20 cm deep, and apply sufficient basic fertilizer, 2000 kg of completely mature farm manure or soil fertilizer per mu, and 25 kg of superphosphate.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

The sowing of Pinellia ternata can be sowed in spring or summer, the best sowing time is from February to March in spring, and from April to May in summer, sowing in the border and then sowing tubers in the ditch, generally using 50-60 kg per mu. Do not cover the soil after sowing, but cover the seeds with farm manure or soil manure, water the clear dung water again, and then cover the soil for leveling. Covering with straw or straw on the ground can not only play the role of heat preservation and moisturizing, speed up seed sprouting, but also prevent the growth of other weeds and seize seed nutrients. Observed in time after sowing, it can germinate after about 20 days, and the mulch can be removed when the germination rate reaches half.

3. Fertilizer and water management

In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing should be carried out during the growing period of Pinellia ternata. After Miaoqi, a thin manure is applied once, and in the middle of growth, the second fertilizer is applied in the period of bud formation. This time, clear fecal water can also be applied once, or 10 kg of ammonium sulfate per mu, and the third fertilizer can be applied to seedlings in August. This time, 20 kg of manure or cake fertilizer and 20 kg of superphosphate can be applied per mu, plus 10 kg of urea. Pinellia ternata is a plant that likes to be moist and afraid of drought, but it also avoids waterlogging, so it is necessary to water in time in the dry season to keep the soil moist, and drainage and waterlogging prevention measures should be taken in the overcast and rainy season to prevent the soil from accumulating water and rotting this time.

4. Field management

Field management mainly includes weeding, soil cultivation and pest control in mid-ploughing. Weeding in mid-ploughing generally depends on the situation in the sky, and field inspection is often carried out. When weeds are found, weeds should be pulled out in time, and drugs should be used as little as possible. Weeding and cocoa shallow ploughing 2-3cm should not be too deep, so as not to hurt the roots. The purpose of cultivating soil is to cover the bulblets, to make the bulbs take root and sprout as soon as possible in the wet soil, and to form new plants as soon as possible. The soil uses fine mud at the bottom of the plough, about 200kg per mu, which is evenly scattered on the border surface, 1-1.5cm thick, and the bulbs and seeds can be slightly suppressed. The main diseases of Pinellia ternata are leaf spot, tuber rot and virus, while the pest is red moth, which should be controlled in time.

The above is the planting technology of Pinellia ternata. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about the planting of medicinal materials, please follow us.