
The moral of bergamot

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The bergamot symbolizes the blessed hand, which can get what people have in their hearts but do not have on their hands. Bergamot also symbolizes wisdom and strength, which is a common auspicious pattern. Bergamot symbolizes courage, it is like the hand of Buddha, it can block all disasters for you, can calm your restless mind, and encourage you to overcome difficulties bravely.

First, what is it?

Bergamot is actually a small tree, because its fruit is bright yellow, is a very strange shape of citrus fruit, the fruit has cracks like fist or open like fingers, it is called bergamot, that is, the hand of Buddha.

Second, the moral

1. Blessed hand

The bergamot symbolizes the blessed hand, which can get what people have in their hearts but do not have on their hands. At the same time, bergamot also implies wisdom and strength, which is a common auspicious pattern.

2. Courage

Bergamot symbolizes courage, it is like the hand of Buddha, can block all disasters for you, can calm your restless mind. When you encounter difficulties, you can give people positive psychological cues and encourage you to overcome difficulties bravely, because if you have a bergamot to help you, they will give people unlimited courage.