
How to plant violets planting skills of violets

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to plant violets planting skills of violets

Many plants grow up naturally in the wild, and there will be a lot of problems when they are transplanted indoors, which is related to their adaptability. Plants growing in the wild are more resistant to wind and rain, and there are more nutrients in the field, making it easier to survive. Growing indoors is greatly affected by the environment, and the resistance is much lower. How can violets be planted to grow better and produce more beautiful flowers? Today we are going to learn.

1. Reproductive characteristics Violet also uses seeds as the way of reproduction, through sowing, and then will take root and sprout, blossom and bear fruit. Violet is cold-resistant and afraid of high temperature. it belongs to winter and spring plants and begins to sow after September every year. The seedlings can emerge after half a month, and blossom for 3 months.

2. The soil requires Violet to prefer neutral alkaline soil. If it is difficult to germinate in acidic soil, the seeds will go bad. In addition, sudden drainage is better, and too much water accumulates, which can cause seeds to rot, or germinated violets to rot.

3. Temperature requires that violets belong to cold-loving plants, which can grow well only in places with low temperature and good ventilation. If the temperature is relatively high or the air is relatively dry, it is easy to suffer from disease. Violet is cold-resistant and does not like shade, so you can plant it in a place with better light.

4. Cultivation requires that violets after planting need to be watered from time to time, and be careful that the amount of water is not too large; when violets take root and sprout, they need to add a little flower fertilizer after a period of time to supplement the nutrition in the soil, and be careful when loosening the soil. don't destroy the rhizome, because violets are taproot plants. When the plant grows up, we should pay attention to insect control. Violets have a lot of diseases and should be prevented in time. If you master the correct method of planting violets and know how to plant violets, you can grow beautiful violets. Put these plants on the bedroom windowsill, balcony, is also a beautiful scenery. Do some embellishment for our room. | | Family Garden | sunken Garden | balcony Garden | |

Violet planting skills how to Control Violet Diseases and insect pests

Violets grow up naturally in the wild, and there will be a lot of problems when they are transplanted indoors, which is related to their adaptability. Plants growing in the wild are more resistant to wind and rain, and there are more nutrients in the field, making it easier to survive. Growing indoors is greatly affected by the environment, and the resistance is much lower. How can violets be planted to grow better and produce more beautiful flowers? Come and study today.

Planting skills of Violet

1. Reproductive characteristics

Violets are also propagated by seeds, through sowing, and then take root and sprout, blossom and bear fruit. Violet is cold-resistant and afraid of high temperature. it belongs to winter and spring plants and begins to sow after September every year. The seedlings can emerge after half a month, and blossom for 3 months.

2. Soil requirements

Violet prefers neutral and alkaline soil, if in acidic soil, it is difficult to germinate and the seeds will go bad. In addition, sudden drainage is better, and too much water accumulates, which can cause seeds to rot, or germinated violets to rot.

3. Temperature requirement

Violet is a cold-loving plant. It can grow well only in places with low temperature and good ventilation. If the temperature is relatively high or the air is relatively dry, it is easy to get disease. Violet is cold-resistant and does not like shade, so you can plant it in a place with better light.

4. Training requirements

After planting, violets need to be watered from time to time, and be careful that the amount of water is not too large; when violets take root and sprout, they need to add a little flower fertilizer after a period of time to supplement the nutrition in the soil and be careful when loosening the soil. don't destroy the rhizome, because violets are taproot plants. When the plant grows up, we should pay attention to insect control. Violets have a lot of diseases and should be prevented in time.

If you master the correct method of planting violets and know how to plant violets, you can grow beautiful violets. Put these plants on the bedroom windowsill, balcony, is also a beautiful scenery. It plays a role in embellishing our room, but violets can also get sick, so how to control violet diseases and insect pests?

Control of Violet Diseases and insect pests

Common diseases and pests in violets include downy mildew, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, mosaic, leaf spot, and diseases caused by aphids. Do not see do not know, a look is really startled, a small plant, there will be so many diseases. So how to control Violet diseases and insect pests? What are the correct methods?

1. Control of downy mildew.

The disease is mainly caused by germs in the soil that infect the roots, which can be caused by over-dense sowing or poor drainage. The disease is the appearance of light green spots on the leaves, yellowing in the later stage, and a white frost layer on the back. Prevention and control methods are: Violet sowing gap is slightly larger, to ensure good ventilation, pay attention to drainage, the water content in the soil is appropriate. For diseased plants, it is necessary to remove them in time and spray a little fungicide aqueous solution around them.

2. Control of Fusarium wilt.

Fusarium wilt is caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Its symptoms are as follows: the plant becomes shorter and shrinks, there are obvious veins on the leaves of the young plants, and the leaves of the larger plants are sagging. Control method: soak the seeds in warm water of 50-55 degrees for a few minutes to kill germs, while the soil can be disinfected with 1000 times potassium permanganate solution before planting. Plants that have been infected need to be removed in time.

3. Prevention and treatment of mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is caused by Daphne mosaic virus, which is transmitted by aphids and can also be transmitted by juices. Control method: the infected plants need to be isolated in time, and then sterilized with 1.2% nicotinine 2000-4000 times solution.

4. Pest control

Insect pests are mainly caused by aphids, which pierce into the plant tissue to absorb juice, making the damaged parts appear macula or black spots, while the damaged leaves will atrophy and fall off in the later stage, and the buds will also be deformed. Control method: remove weeds around the plant, spray 40% dimethoate or omethoate 1000-1500 times solution to kill insects.

The prevention and control of the above several kinds of violet diseases and pests are only common plant diseases, and there are other plant diseases that we need to understand and do a good job in prevention and control. Do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in time, let violets grow healthily and bloom beautiful flowers, while you harvest the beautiful scenery, you also get a small sense of achievement.

After reading the above introduction on violet planting techniques and pest control, do you know more about violet planting techniques? if you want to know more about violet planting techniques, please continue to pay attention.

How to grow African violets? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of African Violet

Planting methods and cultivation techniques of African Violet

Cultivation and management


The cultivation of African violets, watering is very important, low temperature in early spring, watering should not be too much, otherwise the stems and leaves are easy to rot, affecting flowering. Summer high temperature, dry, should be more watering, and spray water to increase air humidity, otherwise pedicel sagging, florescence shortened. However, when spraying water, the leaves spatter too much water, which will also cause the leaves to rot. In autumn and winter, when the temperature drops, watering should be reduced appropriately. African Violet is a semi-negative plant, which is most suitable for 8 hours of light every day. If there is not enough light in rainy and snowy days, artificial light should be added. Such as lack of light, elongation of petiole, delayed flowering and dim color. If the light is too strong in midsummer, it will burn or whiten the young leaves and need shade protection. It is required that the temperature at night is higher than that in the day, 24 ℃ at night and 16 ℃ in the day. The stems and leaves grow luxuriantly and the flowers are large and many. In the process of growth, the fertile and loose rotten leaf soil is the most ideal, fertilizing once every semimonthly, if the fertilizer is insufficient, the flowering decreases and the flowers become smaller. After blooming, the residual flowers should be picked at any time to prevent them from mildew and rot.

Fertilizer application

Generally speaking, in the case of sufficient light source, only a little fertilizer can be added to maintain the normal growth of plants, and too much fertilization will cause growth obstacles; but in an environment with insufficient light sources, even if sufficient fertilizer is provided, plants will grow poorly or even die. Therefore, the general application of fertilizer should be carried out when the light source is carefree in order to show its effectiveness. As long as the light source is abundant, the environment is appropriate and the management is correct, only the base fertilizer or the fertility stored in the medium is mixed in the medium, even if no additional fertilizer is added during the growing period, it is enough to make the plant grow and blossom normally. However, if the plant growth potential and the quality of flowers are required, suitable fertilizers must be used according to different growth periods.

For African violets, the fertilizers and essentials required for different growth periods are as follows:

1. Rooting stage-such as reproduction, transplantation, basin change. Due to rootlessness or root injury, the absorption function is poor and the discomfort should be applied immediately after treatment. Fertilizer should be applied 2-4 weeks later. It is suitable for fertilizers with high content of nitrogen and potassium, such as fertilizers with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 7-6-19, 14-12-14, etc.

2. Vegetative growth period-such as from seedling growth to pre-flowering and after flowering. It is suitable for fertilizers with high nitrogen content, such as fertilizers with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 30-10-10, 25-5-20, 5-1-1, etc.

3. Flowering period-the application begins about 2 months before the expected flowering. It is suitable for fertilizers with high phosphorus content, such as fertilizers with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 10-30-20, 15-30-15, 12-36-14, 0-10, etc.

Change the basin

Aged plants, new pots for seedlings, plants with diseased roots, salts deposited on the edge and outer wall of the basin, out of shape, unattractive plants, etc., should be changed in real time. Plants under different conditions have their own suitable ways and essentials to change pots. Take healthy plants (small and medium seedlings) from small pots to larger pots and aging plants as an example, the order and essentials are as follows:

1. The arrangement of the plant and the inspection of the healthy state of the root-first, the smaller or poorly growing leaves at the bottom can be removed, and the root can be examined: if it is white, it is healthy; if it is brown or dark brown, it is unhealthy or even rotten. Unhealthy root tissue must use blades or scissors to remove about 1 beat 3 times 1 blade 2 medium. Generally, the more serious the browning degree, the more the proportion of media removal. On the other hand, healthy plants do not need to do any treatment on the roots, and try their best to avoid injuring the root tissue.

2. Put in a new basin-when the plant is changed from a small basin to a large basin, first put a little new medium into the bottom of the large basin, put the plant with medium into the large basin, and fill the gap with new medium.

3. The treatment after changing the basin-fully watered and then cultivated in a place with suitable environment. After changing pots, the plants are usually weak or the roots are injured, and the root absorptive capacity is reduced. Fertilization should be avoided within 2 weeks after changing pots.

The best way to change the basin is to choose the season with a suitable environment and climate, so that the plant can recover smoothly. Generally, when changing the basin, the temperature should be kept between 18 and 26 ℃. In Taiwan, spring and autumn are more suitable, but if they are planted in an air-conditioned environment where the temperature can be maintained at about 25 ℃, pots can be changed in all seasons.

Cultivation techniques

Cultivation medium

The ideal cultivation medium must be good ventilation, water and fertilizer conservation, pH value suitable for plant growth and good cation exchange capacity. There are three commonly used cultivation media: peat moss (peatmoss)-brown sediment of decaying plants in swamp areas, good water retention and fertility retention; white particles formed by high temperature treatment of perlite (perlite)-limestone, which do not absorb water and maintain poor fertility, but excellent ventilation; vermiculite (vermiculite)-mica expanded into fragments with good ventilation, good ventilation and poor fertility. African violets have different requirements for the physical and chemical properties of the medium in different growth periods, such as: vegetative growth period-moisturizing medium (peat moss) can be between 50% and 60%; cutting propagation period-this period has no root tissue and can not absorb water, and the medium should not contain too much water, so it is mainly the medium with good ventilation, and perlite and vermiculite can be between 60% and 80%.

Water management

Generally, the watering temperature is as close as possible to the plant, and try to avoid watering at noon in summer (more than 35 ℃) or in the evening in winter (less than 15 ℃). The timing and quantity of water supply are mainly determined by the water content of the medium, and there are several methods to test the water content of the medium:

1. Finger touch medium-when the topsoil is dry, it should be watered.

2. Weighing-the higher the water content in the medium, the heavier the plant, on the contrary, the lighter the plant. In general, when the weight of the plant is about the highest amount of water, it needs to be watered.

3. Leaf appearance-African violets have a higher tolerance to water deficiency than many indoor plants, so when the leaves are slightly withered, it means that the plant is short of water and should replenish water in time.

4. Visual observation of the surface of the medium-when the topsoil is dry, the color is white when it is moist, which can be used to judge the watering time.

Each watering is based on the principle that the medium can be fully wet and excess water flows out from the bottom of the basin. As far as the general indoor environment is concerned, the watering cycle of African violets is about 3 to 7 days, but it varies according to the current environment.

5. Spray method-use a spray can to feed water, which can wash plant dust and salts deposited in Egypt by the way, but water injury caused by overheated water should be avoided.

6. Irrigation-irrigated with a long-spout pot to avoid water contact with plants or flowers, so it does not cause water damage markings, and is also suitable for flowering.

7. The bottom basin absorbs water. Pour the water into the bottom basin and let the medium absorb the water into the medium using the capillary phenomenon. After a few minutes of water absorption and saturation, pour out the remaining water.

Key points of cultivation

Transplant 6cm pot when seedlings have 3-4 leaves, wait for 7-8 leaves to be planted in] 10cm basin: low temperature in early spring, less watering, high temperature drying in summer, more watering, and spraying water to increase air humidity. In autumn and winter, the temperature gradually drops and watering decreases appropriately: African violets are semi-negative plants, 8 hours of light is appropriate every day, and artificial light should be added if there is not enough rain and snow. The light is too strong in midsummer and shading protection is needed: fertilization is applied once a month in the growing period, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied twice in the flowering period, and artificial pollination is needed to keep the planting plants. The seed setting rate is high and the seeds are full.

African Violet prefers semi-overcast, warm and humid environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-22 ℃, and the suitable light intensity is between 10000~12000lx. Avoid strong light and high temperature in summer, spray shading agent or use shading net on cultivation facilities, cover strong light, and spray water to cool and humidify, but pay attention to good ventilation. In the process of cultivation, high air humidity should be maintained and properly watered so as not to get too wet so as to avoid stem and leaf rot. The difference between water temperature and air temperature should be less than 5 ℃, otherwise, a large number of yellow spots will be produced on the leaf surface. If the light is insufficient, the flowers will be few and the color will be light, even only the long leaves will not blossom; if the light is too strong, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow and scorch, which can be maintained in a place with bright light and no direct sunlight. The suitable temperature for growth is 16 ℃ to 24 ℃, and not less than 10 ℃ in winter. It is necessary to avoid sudden rise and fall of temperature in cultivation, otherwise the plant is easy to die. Keep it in a cool and ventilated place in summer to avoid hot and humid environment and hot sun exposure. Usually watering should not be too much, to wait until the basin soil is slightly dry before watering, basin soil stagnant water is often the main cause of plant decay. During the growing period, the mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound chemical fertilizer is applied every 7 to 10 days, the content of nitrogen fertilizer in the fertilizer should not be too much, otherwise the leaves will grow luxuriantly and bloom very little.

Key points of maintenance

Location: don't put it where the sun tends. African violets can grow as long as there is scattered light indoors. African violets are shade-tolerant indoor plants, but not suitable for outdoor planting. The best position is by the windowsill.

Soil: the soil with good drainage of vegetable pine is the best, and peat soil mixed with vermiculite and perlite can be used as the medium.

Moisture: pay attention to the fluffy leaves of pansy, and the flowers are small, so when watering, it is best not to accumulate water on the bud or leaves, you can use a sharp-nosed pot to carefully add water. A water plate can be added under the potted flowers on the table to prevent water from leaking, or water can be added directly from the chassis to allow the root system to absorb water, especially in the flowering period, leaves and flowers occupy the size of the refurbished pots, and the bottom method can be used to avoid damage to the leaves.

Sunshine: the bright part of the room can grow, and the sunshine of the windowsill is just right; if you put it in front of the desk, you can add plant lights to supplement the light, which can prolong the flowering period and bloom continuously.

Temperature: growth temperature 15-25 degrees, summer should pay attention to ventilation; if placed in the office, because of air-conditioning equipment, the temperature will not be too high or too low, should be able to grow well, but pay attention to the replenishment of water.

Fertilizer: more fertilizer, it is best to supplement liquid fertilizer once in about 10-20 days, a small amount of multiple fertilization; into the flowering stage should be supplemented with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, if too much nitrogen fertilizer, the opposite makes the leaves luxuriant and do not bloom.

Care: most of the African violets bought from the flower market are 3-4 inches of potted flowers, which have blossomed or have buds, and can be placed in a window or in a place with scattered light after taking them home. Watering depends on the degree of soil dryness, if there is a water plate, then wait for the water to dry and then replenish the water, care is not difficult.