
Gold diamond farming methods Gold diamond farming precautions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gold diamond farming methods Gold diamond farming precautions

The golden diamond, also known as Chunyu, is an herbaceous plant of the genus Amorphophallus, which can grow to more than 1.5 meters and can absorb all kinds of harmful gases. It is a good indoor foliage plant for purifying the air and is more popular in recent years. At present, it can be seen in both home and public places. First of all, let's talk about the breeding method of golden diamond.

The first step: when selecting soil, golden diamond should choose slightly acidic soil with fertile, loose and good drainage. In family cultivation, we can choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil and so on to mix with a small amount of river sand.

The second step: Golden diamond likes temperature and shade, but to avoid the direct exposure of strong light, so when we breed golden diamond at home, we can put it in a shady and ventilated place. The cold resistance of golden diamond is also strong, and the lowest temperature can be 5 ℃. Generally, when you raise it in winter, you can put it indoors a little far away from the temperature source, and the time of ventilation for golden diamond in winter should not be too long.

Step 3: Golden diamond is native to tropical areas such as Brazil, so we like the humid environment. Usually we can water more water. During the growing period of golden diamond, we have to keep the soil moist. In summer, we can spray some water around the leaves or flowerpots every day to maintain a humid microclimate. In winter, because of the temperature, we gradually reduce the number of times we have to water.

Step 4: the golden diamond can apply more fertilizer appropriately during the growing period, and it will be fine if it is fertilized once every three days. it can be applied a little more at the beginning, and then gradually reduce a little later. When we choose fertilizer, we can choose nitrogen fertilizer, which can promote the golden diamond to grow faster. Golden diamond can basically not be fertilized in winter, if the temperature is higher in winter. While the golden diamond is still growing, we can apply fertilizer appropriately.

The above said the golden diamond culture method, the following editor to tell you some golden diamond culture points for attention.

When we breed the golden diamond, we should always see if the leaves of the golden diamond are yellowing. If the leaves show yellow flowers, we have to consider the reasons such as temperature, humidity, light, fertilization, diseases and insect pests and so on. We should pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the air in winter and summer, because the growth temperature of the golden diamond is about 20 ℃, and the humidity is between 50 and 70%. We should avoid air conditioning in summer and heating in winter.

Golden diamond in the occurrence of diseases, we can spray some chlorothalonil or carbendazim, when there are pests, we have to spray some special insecticides for control, generally more commonly used is triclofenac and so on.

Summary: the above editor summarized some of the golden diamond culture methods and matters needing attention. I hope the editor can summarize these can bring you some help. At the same time, other friends are also welcome to point out that the editor has not summarized the knowledge.

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Culture methods and matters needing attention of Golden Diamond Family Culture methods and matters needing attention of Golden Diamond

Culture method of golden diamond

Loose soil

Golden diamond culture is not strict on the soil, it is better to use sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, and potted plants are generally made of peat and perlite.

Timely watering

The golden diamond originates from the tropical rain forest, likes the humid environment, and the golden diamond has a wide leaf surface and a large demand for water, so it keeps the basin soil moist during the growing period, especially in the summer high temperature period. But do not water too much, water in the basin soil can easily lead to root rot and death of the golden diamond plant.

Proper shading

The golden diamond is shade-resistant and lax in light, but it grows in a shady environment for a long time, otherwise it will cause the golden diamond leaf to become lighter, the petiole longer, the leaf sagging, and the ornamental property reduced. Strong light should also be avoided in maintenance, otherwise the leaves are prone to withered tip, scorched edge, albino and loss of luster. Therefore, in order to ensure the robust growth of the drill, the pot should be placed in an environment with sufficient scattered light or semi-shade for maintenance.

Adequate fertilization

Golden diamond likes fertilizer, the period of vigorous growth needs to provide sufficient fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer is better, at the same time, pay attention to do not apply too much fertilizer, it is best to apply thin fertilizer frequently. Usually pay attention to the growth of gold diamond reasonable fertilization, if the leaves caused by lack of fertilizer yellowing, should timely supplement nitrogen fertilizer.

After entering the autumn, we should pay attention to control the amount of fertilizer to facilitate the winter. When the temperature is below 20 ℃, we should stop applying fertilizer.

Properly pruned

The golden diamond cultured for a period of time will have withered and yellow leaves and zoom. If factors such as improper maintenance or diseases and insect pests are excluded, it can be determined as the normal metabolism of the golden diamond and the old leaves need to be trimmed in time. When pruning, the branches with yellowed leaves, too dense and lean flesh are cut off to reduce the loss of plant nutrients. When pruning, pay attention to the selection of sharp instruments to reduce plant wounds.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Golden Diamond

Temperature and humidity should be suitable.

Golden Diamond likes a warm climate. The temperature of breeding should be kept at about 20 ℃, not less than 10 ℃, and to avoid heating, air conditioning and cold wind.

The golden diamond is produced in the tropical rain forest and has a great demand for water. generally, the air humidity is required to be kept between 50% and 75%, which is lower than 50% of the dry edge of yellow leaves. You can increase the air humidity by spraying and spraying water.

Golden diamond watering is best carried out when the surface of basin soil is dry, and can be kept moist in high temperature in summer. If the ambient temperature is lower than 15 ℃ in winter, dry and wet alternating watering is needed.

Xiguang is afraid of strong light.

Golden Diamond likes light, but avoids strong direct light. It is best to maintain the environment in a semi-shaded or well-scattered place, not in a shady environment for a long time, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow and the light is not too strong, so that the leaves will not be albino and have no luster.

The culture method and matters needing attention of golden diamond, the culture method of red gold diamond, the culture of golden diamond flower and picture appreciation

The golden diamond flower likes to grow in a warm and humid environment. Its leaves are broad and it is a good ornamental plant. With the development of pot technology, the golden diamond flower has gradually integrated into our family. It is green all the year round and does not lose its leaves. Now people who like potted plants like it. So let's take a look at how the golden diamond flower should be cultivated and its picture appreciation.

Golden diamond flower is also known as golden diamond vine green velvet, it belongs to a shade plant, its vitality is very strong. It also has the role of purifying air, it is more suitable for home, office buildings, guesthouses, hotels and other places. Arranged in the room, it can make the whole room generous and elegant, rich in tropical rainforest atmosphere. Its leaves are wide, palm-shaped, glossy petiole, and long and stout, and its leaves are thick and green, so it is a good ornamental plant.

The red golden diamond is a kind of indoor potted foliage plant, its plant shape is very beautiful, the leaf is broad and thick, it appears simple and dignified, the momentum is not vulgar, he is very popular. It grows in a warm and humid environment and likes bright scattered light. It is suitable for 20 ℃ 30 ℃ and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. When planting potted plants, peat soil, rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand can be used as substrate, farm manure as fertilizer, and the sun should not be directed in summer.

When the golden diamond flower is cultivated, it should be put in a warm and humid environment. The basin soil should not be too wet when watering. It should be watered every two weeks in winter and every day in summer. Do not let the sun expose it in summer, otherwise the leaves are prone to scorch spots, watering in winter too frequently, easy to fall leaves, easy to rot.

The breeding technique of golden diamond flower is to keep the temperature at about 20 ℃, not less than 10 ℃, to avoid heating, air conditioning and cold wind. In addition, the air humidity is required to be kept between 50-75%, the sun can not be direct, fertilization should be based on the principle of thin fertilizer and diligent application, do not water too often, dry to about 70% and then water, it is best to see a strong verbal light. More information: | touch incense | marigold planting | Happiness tree conservation method | Flower picture and name | the function of green radish | how to raise gardenia | | Culture method of cactus | potted flower picture | Jiuli fragrant bonsai | crab claw orchid culture method | June snow bonsai | bowl lotus | | Golden tree picture | poem of plum blossom | potted fruit tree | how to raise carnations | potted fruit tree | plain sailing | pitcher plant | Dendrobium candidum cultivation |