
Six kinds of immortal flowers you can live without watering for a month is suitable for lazy people.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, We all know that growing flowers is a technical task, and it is very difficult to raise some flowers. We not only need to understand the habits of flowers, but also need to understand the use of various fertilizers. Through various experiments, we can raise a pot of flowers.

We all know that growing flowers is a technical task, and it is very difficult to raise some flowers. We not only need to understand the habits of flowers, but also need to understand the use of various fertilizers. Through various experiments, we can raise a pot of flowers well. But some flowers are so easy to raise that they don't even need to be managed by you. They can grow well by themselves.

Today, I would like to introduce to you six kinds of immortal flowers. These six kinds of flowers can be raised by you, even if they are not watered for a month. This is very suitable for lazy people to raise. Let's take a look at these six kinds of flowers. Which six kinds of flowers are they?

Adenium obesum

Desert rose is a very interesting potted variety, it can be made into bonsai, the flowers are very bright, the plants are simple and chic, if properly pruned, just by the plant type, it has a very strong ornamental power. It has a very strong drought tolerance, even if it is ignored for a month or two, it does not matter at all. It likes the sun, sufficient environment, the more light, the more bright flowers, in summer is a prosperous period of growth, if you are lazy to grow flowers, you must consider this kind of potted plants.

Tongqian grass

There is no need for me to say that everyone knows the extent of the grass. We usually cultivate it by hydroponics, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. The more flower growers ignore its growth, the more presumptuous it will be. If you are not careful, it will burst!


Yushu is a kind of potted plant that can be quickly Lignified, its leaves are round and thick, and can store a lot of water, so it is also very drought-resistant. Especially Yushu after Lignification, whether it is disease resistance or growth ability is very strong, thick bark can provide strong protection, and strong nutrition transport capacity, as long as Yushu is well raised in the early stage, basically do not have to worry about it in the later stage.

Hanging orchid

When it comes to easy maintenance, this kind of plant has to mention that the vitality of the orchid itself is very strong and propagates very fast. as long as we keep it indoors and keep it hydrated, we can't die as long as we keep it indoors. The hanging orchid likes the semi-overcast environment, the better the scattered light, the faster it grows, and the watering follows the dry and wet. If there is a dry tip and yellow leaves, you only need to increase the humidity of the air, even if you are lazy, you can raise the orchid well.


Sunflower is a potted plant of creeping grass, with strong vitality, strong reproductive ability, barren tolerance, insect pest resistance, and very low requirements for fertilizer. it is a typical plant that can shine with a little sunshine, and it can grow savagely in the soil, which is very reassuring.

Longevity flower

Longevity flower is a kind of very high-quality potted plant, whether it is easy to raise or beautiful degree is very good. The leaves of longevity flowers are thick and full of water, so they can have a long period of drought, and plants with such leaves are not afraid of sunlight. Longevity flowers do not need to be watered too much, maintain, air circulation, more sun will be able to grow very well, but more watering is not good for its growth, so it is very suitable for lazy people to raise flowers.

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