
Let me remind you that starting next year, if there are no three certificates, the peasants will suffer heavy losses. If there are no certificates, we should do it as soon as possible.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As we all know, this year is the last year of rural land certification, that is to say, all rural land certification must be completed by the end of this year. The rural land ownership work began in 2011 and was completed in 7 years.

As we all know, this year is the last year for the certification of rural land rights, that is to say, the confirmation of all rural land rights must be completed by the end of this year. The work of confirming the rights of rural land began to be piloted in 2011, and we will strive to complete the confirmation of rights nationwide in seven years. Now we have come to the end of the work of confirming the rights of land, and from next year, farmers will really begin to live in "vouchers". Without the following three certificates, farmers will often suffer heavy losses, and those without them will lose no time in dealing with them. (subscription: San talks about agriculture, rural areas and farmers and understands the three agricultural affairs in the world.)

I. Certificate of contracted Management right of Land

This part is mainly aimed at our responsible land, although it is said that farming does not make money now, and many rural friends go out to work, they seem to think that the land is no longer of much value, so they often take it lightly and do not pay much attention to the determination of the right of the responsible land. You know, today, large-scale infrastructure continues to be built, such as some highway construction, if the construction has to pass through your responsibility, then heavy compensation will be a lot of cost. In order to get compensation for land expropriation, the only valid certificate is the certificate of land contractual management right, which cannot be obtained without this certificate. At the same time, this certificate is also a certificate to obtain agricultural subsidies, land mortgage loans and other related matters. So! If not, hurry up and take care of it.

II. Homestead Certificate

As we all know, the construction of houses in rural areas must be carried out on homestead and must not be allowed on basic farmland. If houses are built on basic farmland, they often face the risk of being demolished and rectified. In rural areas, the distribution of homestead implements the principle of "one household, one house", that is to say, there is only one homestead certificate. The homestead certificate is a valid certificate to prove that this land is occupied by housing construction and is legally obtained. Of course, it is also a valid voucher for land expropriation and demolition compensation, mortgage loans and so on.

III. Immovable property right certificate

I believe that many rural friends often hear friends and relatives in the city say "real estate certificate". Yes, this fixed property certificate is the "real estate certificate" of our peasant friends. Only with this document can you prove the legal identity of this house in the countryside and prove that it is your legal ownership. With the continuous expansion of the urban area, this involves land expropriation and demolition, and some rural houses in the suburbs are becoming more and more valuable, often demolishing the rich. If you do not have this certificate, you will not be able to get compensation for demolition, so if not, step up to deal with it.

The above certificates will become more and more important from next year. Because the land is the lifeblood of our farmers, the above three certificates are closely related to the land and are all the property of our farmers. with the effective proof of these property, we can often get a lot of property income. If you do not have these certificates, if you encounter land expropriation, agricultural subsidies, or apply for loans to engage in agricultural production, then you will be in trouble and you will not get the rights you deserve. So, don't take it lightly!

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