
Do you make the secret of desert roses blooming?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Other people's desert roses have bloomed twice. Why don't your own flowers blossom? How to solve it? Desert roses are actually easy to raise. It is also more suitable for lazy people. Please enter a picture to describe that desert roses must have enough light to blossom.

Other people's desert roses have bloomed twice. Why don't your own flowers blossom? How to solve it? Desert roses are actually easy to raise. It is also more suitable for lazy people.

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Desert rose must have enough light to grow and bloom, which is necessary for it to blossom. All the year round, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, just put it in the place where the light is most abundant. This is one of the main reasons why it does not bloom, and it is also a prerequisite for it to blossom.

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Generally speaking, the desert rose we raise will begin to blossom in the spring. At this time, we will fertilize her and choose a multi-element mixed fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium as much as possible, such as Huanduo No.2. Give him fertilizer two or three times a month. Don't choose the wrong fertilizer, if you use too much nitrogen fertilizer, it will cause him to grow only branches and leaves without blooming.

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There are only two reasons why desert roses do not blossom. Because it takes less than a year for desert roses to blossom even after they are sown with seeds. There are only two reasons why it does not bloom. It is more suitable for lazy breeding, as long as the soil dredge ventilation, do not water too much. The pot soil is dry and can be watered directly. Put it in a place with plenty of light and replenish it with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer regularly so that it can blossom all the time.

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Of course, if your desert rose is not long, either he has been short of water, you have not watered it, or she has rotten roots if there are rotten roots. The rotten roots will be dealt with in time, otherwise the whole desert rose will begin to rot completely from the roots.

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