
Important factors affecting the cuttage survival of succulent plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Text: Hello succulent people choose what kind of material cuttings have a higher survival rate? Why is it easier for succulent plants to take root when dried? Is it okay to receive light when cutting succulent plants? Why the succulent leaves on the slate can.


Picture and text: Hello succulent Star Man

What kind of material cutting has a higher survival rate? Why is it easier for succulent plants to take root when dried? Is it okay to receive light when cutting succulent plants? Why do succulent leaves on slates grow cub roots? Why the leaves on the wet soil surface, not only do not take root but rotten? What kind of temperature cuttage is good, is winter cuttage good? After reading this article by Fenghua, all the above problems are not a problem. Combined with the cutting methods of succulent plants in the previous article, succulent cutting is no longer difficult for you.

Material basis of material rooting, which is an important factor affecting the cuttage survival of succulent plants

1. A promoter for rooting.

The substance that plays an important role in rooting is "rooting element", which is what we usually call growth hormone. It can transform ordinary cells into root protocells, and can accelerate cell division, promote rooting and inhibit the growth of lateral buds. In cutting, auxin must be transferred to the base of the cutting, so that the base is called the most active part before rooting occurs.

Where's the auxin?

Auxin is mostly concentrated in the most vigorous parts of a plant, such as terminal bud, cambium, coleoptile, meristem of root tip, ovary after fertilization, young seeds and so on, while there are few senescent tissues and organs. This is why it is not suitable for cuttings to propagate with woody stems that have been planted for many years and whose structures are aging.


a. With the increase of age, the rooting ability of cuttings will decrease. Because it contains less and less rooting promoters, aging cells, functional decline of various organs, weakened metabolism, reduced tissue vitality and adaptability, and weak regeneration ability. Therefore, try to choose young plants that are one or two years old.

b. After cutting off the part that is ready for cutting, leave it for a long time as far as possible, one purpose is to allow the wound to heal, and another very important purpose is to make the plant collapse properly. After the plant shrinks, the water in the body will transpirate, but the concentration of auxin will increase. More conducive to reproduction and survival. The reason is very simple, if you mix 10g milk powder with 100ml water and 200ml water, which concentration is higher?

c. For those varieties with low auxin content, the rooting powder such as indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid, naphthalene acetamide and naphthylacetic acid can be supplemented artificially. ("rooting powder" on the market) can dissolve the rooting powder in water and soak the cuttings, so that the medicine can be absorbed by plants, which is more effective than directly applying rooting powder. But also should not blindly rely on use, because the concentration is too high will inhibit rooting.

two。 Nutrients needed for rooting

a. Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are essential nutrients for cutting and rooting. From cuttage to rooting, cuttings rely entirely on their own stored carbohydrates to maintain complex physiological changes and activities. Carbohydrate is an important energy source in the process of cutting rooting, so cutting plants are beneficial to rooting if they are in good nutritional status, healthy and complete, free from surface injury and disease and insect damage, so cutting should be carried out as far as possible when the plant growth is exuberant.

b. Nitrogen compound

Root protocells need nitrogen to synthesize nucleic acids and proteins during division. If the cuttings are extremely short of nitrogen during cutting, the rate of root formation will be weakened. At this time, a small amount of foliar nitrogen topdressing should be carried out, and low concentration liquid nitrogen fertilizer can be sprayed on the leaf surface, preferring less rather than more. This can help to take root. However, in general, the cuttings themselves contain enough nitrogen, so it is not suitable for leaf surface topdressing after cutting, so as not to cause cuttings to rot.

3. An obstacle to taking root.

Somatostatin and auxin are a pair of old enemies, and their struggle is everywhere in the process of plant growth, just like tug-of-war. If auxin tug-of-war wins, the plant will grow, such as budding and rooting. If the inhibitor tug-of-war wins, plants will become dormant, defoliated, capped and senescent. However, growth inhibitors are also essential in the growth cycle. It plays an important role in controlling growth and ensuring continued survival in an unfavorable environment. They are basically colleagues, but it depends on who can suppress the other. They are all substances on which plants depend for survival!

How are growth inhibitors produced?

The production and operation of plant growth inhibitors are related to the intensity of sunlight and photoperiod. The changes between day and night make the growth of plants change periodically. Plants produce growth inhibitors in the sun, so they grow slowly during the day. In addition, because the products of photosynthesis are accumulating during the day, the distribution of photosynthesis products is not carried out until evening, so plants usually grow much faster at night than during the day.

Although all things grow by the sun, they actually store the sun's energy to grow at night. Therefore, the sound of jointing can often be heard in the rural fields at night, and sometimes when you get up in the morning, you will find that bamboo and weeds have soared a lot higher. This is one of the reasons why you will find that the new shoots of branches grow very fast in cloudy and rainy weather, and that is one of the reasons why plants grow tall and grow in dim light.

The excessive growth of new shoots is also due to the lack of growth inhibitors caused by low light exposure (artificial growth inhibitors such as "dwarf"), which is why in the production and application of crops, it is easier for branches treated with yellowing to take root, because shading makes the plant produce only a few growth inhibitors.

On the other hand, the base of the cutting branch, buried in the substrate in the dark environment, will also make the growth inhibitor disappear gradually, so the rooting position of the cuttings is conducive to rooting in the dark environment.

Therefore, plants can not be exposed to light 24 hours a day, which will produce a large number of growth inhibitors, leading to death. Some anxious flower friends want to give more light to the plants, so they also replenish the light at night, which is a mistake, or should follow the laws of nature!

The external environment affecting the cuttage survival of succulent plants

1. Good cutting substrate

The structure of cutting substrate must have good physical properties, not only good drainage and ventilation, but also the function of retaining a certain amount of water and air. For example: vermiculite, perlite, rice husk charcoal, peat soil, sawdust, ash and so on, can be used with each other. But all must be fully disinfected, and most of these substances have the characteristics of heat preservation, water conservation, fertilizer conservation and good ventilation, and can be used for cutting in winter and early spring when it is relatively cold. Because the plant needs to absorb nutrients and replenish the substances needed for growth in time after rooting, the plant material containing corrosive nutrients should be laid in the lower part of the substrate to facilitate the root system to absorb nutrients. The bottom needs to be laid with larger particles of plant material for drainage layer.

two。 Keep the air humid

Leaf transpiration will cause water loss of cuttings and lead to death. in order to maintain the vitality of cuttings, the air vapor around the leaves must be equal to the water vapor pressure between the cells in the leaves, so that the cell division and photosynthesis in the cuttings can be carried out normally. Must prevent the rapid decline of air humidity after cutting, to make the air relative humidity at least not less than 70%, in the special city before the cuttings take root, the air relative humidity had better be kept at 90%, which is only the first condition to ensure the success of cutting!

Misunderstanding: the relative humidity condition of 70% of cuttings is 90% relative humidity of air, not the relative humidity of cutting substrate and soil. The high relative humidity of the cutting substrate will only quickly lead to rot and cutting failure, because the high humidity of the substrate will lead to the reproduction of a large number of bacteria, adventitious roots have not yet been formed and do not need to absorb water, so the high humidity of the substrate has no practical significance for cuttings and may cause asphyxiation and rot.

In fact, as long as the air relative humidity is enough, cuttings can take root in the air even if there is no substrate. You may have the experience that the branches waiting for cuttings to be cut off in the greenhouse have already sprouted roots. It is very likely that the owner cut it off and left it in the corner and took root in the air after a week or two. Because the humidity in the greenhouse is absolutely high!

In addition to spraying water spray, the way to increase air humidity can also be carried out in a stuffy way, but it must be opened and breathed every day. Because plants need to breathe and exchange air, there are sets of seedling boxes sold on the market, which are divided into box covers, seedling plates and tray holders, which are more convenient to use at home!

3. Provide appropriate light

In fact, the illuminance of cutting should be maintained in a range of no more or less, which will inhibit the growth of adventitious roots and the supply of nutrients will be insufficient. Because light is the energy of plant photosynthesis, generally speaking, sufficient light, exuberant photosynthesis, the formation of more carbohydrates, the accumulation of nutrients in the cuttings, can provide adequate nutrition for rooting. Generally speaking, after cutting, it can be avoided in a cool position with scattered light, do not shine directly into the sun, and do not be completely dark. Direct sunlight will quickly increase the temperature of the leaves, leading to strong transpiration, and cuttings will be dehydrated or sunburned.

4. Suitable rooting temperature

Temperature affects cell division, photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and other physiological activities of cuttings, thus affecting the process of cuttings regeneration. Different varieties, the temperature requirements have their own suitable range, in the most suitable range, rooting quickly, and higher or lower than this range, not only can not take root, but also lead to death, therefore, before cutting, it is necessary to know the suitable range of temperature for this variety.

Cuttage rooting temperature ladder table:

In general, the cuttings of succulent plants:

A small amount of healing tissue was formed when the matrix temperature was in the range of 8-10 ℃.

When the substrate temperature was in the range of 10-15 ℃, the sound field of healing tissue accelerated and adventitious roots began to germinate.

When the substrate temperature is in the range of 15-25 ℃, the rooting rate increases rapidly with the increase of temperature.

The best temperature for cutting rooting is about 25 ℃, but it is easy to be affected by rotting bacteria.

The rooting rate decreased rapidly when the substrate temperature was higher than 28 ℃.

When the substrate temperature is higher than 35 ℃, it is difficult for cuttings to survive.

Therefore, the range of 20-35 ℃ is the most suitable temperature for cutting substrate and cutting bed, and can also reduce the harm of rotting bacteria. And the variable temperature condition of day and night is more favorable for rooting than the constant temperature condition. In other words, the existence of diurnal temperature difference is beneficial to the germination of adventitious roots.

Can I cut it in summer?

Why is it not suitable to carry out activities such as cutting, transplanting seedlings and turning pots of succulent plants in summer? Because the average temperature in summer is too high, most succulent plants go into dormancy, metabolism has almost stagnated, roots almost do not absorb nutrients, and most cells stop differentiation. Cuttings, transplanting seedlings, turning pots and other activities will cause physical damage to the plant, and at this time the healing tissue has been "on vacation", nutrients and auxin are "out of transport". Therefore, most of the cuttings can not recover, let alone grow new terminal buds. At this time, the wound surface is usually easily eroded by bacteria, causing ulceration. The wound could not heal, and it could not absorb nutrients, so he died!

However, the cuttage propagation of many non-succulent plants can be carried out in summer, which is the difference between varieties. I won't go into details here.

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