
Causes and preventive methods of celery hollowness

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and preventive methods of celery hollowness

Celery is a common vegetable, it tastes crisp and tender, high nutritional value, deeply loved by us, planting is more common, there is a hollow phenomenon in planting, affecting the income. In fact, celery hollow is a common symptom, is a phenomenon of celery tissue aging, hollow celery cellulose increase, poor taste, but also lead to a decline in production. So what is the reason why celery is hollow? How to prevent it? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Hollow cause

1. Temperature and light

Celery has certain requirements for temperature and light during its growth. if the temperature is too low or the light is insufficient, it will lead to freezing and weakening of photosynthesis of celery leaves, insufficient accumulation of nutrients, and reduction of root absorption, resulting in hollow.

2. High temperature and drought

Celery tastes crisp and tender, which means that it has more water content, so there are certain requirements for water when planting. If the soil is too dry, resulting in a lack of water, the lack of water will hinder its absorption and transport of nutrients. Achievement thought there would be hollow symptoms.

3. Insufficient fertilizer

The root system of celery is shallow and underdeveloped, so the ability to absorb fertility is weak, we should pay attention to the method of fertilization, and we need to apply phosphate fertilizer at the initial stage of growth. if the lack of phosphate fertilizer will lead to seedling growth thin, leaf differentiation and other symptoms, hollow phenomenon will appear in the late growth stage.

4. Soil

Celery can adapt to slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soil, many plants like loose and fertile sandy loam, while celery likes more fertile clay loam, planting on sandy loam will lead to hollow.

5. Harvest too late

Celery hollow and harvest time is too late, hollow is an aging phenomenon of celery, if the harvest is too late, its stem fiber tissue continues to increase, and the root absorption capacity decreases, so that the stem and leaf aging, the phenomenon of malnutrition, resulting in hollow.

II. Preventive methods

1. Select improved varieties

When buying seeds, you should buy them from trusted departments and choose varieties that are adaptable to the environment, resistant to adversity and stable in growth.

2. Control the temperature and light

Keep the temperature at 15-23 degrees when planting, and not less than 10 degrees at night, so that it can grow normally, strengthen light, increase its photosynthesis, accumulate more nutrients, but its strong irradiation.

3. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water

When fertilizing, we should pay attention to the time method, it is suggested to give priority to base fertilizer, topdressing as auxiliary, base fertilizer can choose mature organic fertilizer or farm manure, topdressing can use rarefied manure water, as little as possible chemical fertilizer, soil selection is not easy to choose sandy loam.

The above are the causes and preventive measures of celery hollowness. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about celery planting, please pay attention to us.